Does Ithaca College use Taskstream?
At Ithaca College, all students will be able to use Taskstream for personal student produced presentation folios. The Integrative Core Curriculum (ICC), Honors Program and the Teacher Education program began using Tasktream in Fall 2013.
What is remote access to Windows lab computers on campus?
Ithaca College is providing remote access privileges to Windows lab computers on campus. This will allow you, from your personal Windows or Mac computer, to access specialized lab software that you can not install on your personal computer or that is licensed to only run on college-owned computers.
What are the best resources for Ithaca College students?
Academic Catalog - Ithaca College Course Catalog Activity Insight (DigitalMeasures) – Faculty annual reporting Admission and Recruitment CRM (Slate) Admission Report and Data Request(requires Global Protect VPN connection) Adobe Creative Cloud - application suite for creatives Akademos - textbooks and course materials
What's new at Ithaca College for 2021?
New to Ithaca College for 2021, Canvas LMS will bring modern tools and technologies for course work, materials, testing, and collaboration to our students and our faculty, on desktop and on mobile devices. Finance and HR Cloud (Oracle Cloud), is an integrated set of business applications used for Human Resources and Financial Services.
Cloud-Based Services
Ithaca College has made a concerted effort over the past few years to move college services to the cloud, and as a result, many services you need to do your job are available from anywhere.
Office 365 Training Resources
Please visit office.com/support for a variety of help and training resources on Office products. The Office Training Center has specific training videos, quick start guides, learning templates and more.
Services Requiring VPN
Systems and services that still reside on the college network require that you establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection to the college network in order to access them. If you need VPN access, set up your VPN connection >
Information from Human Resources
See the COVID-19 Employee Resources site from Human Resources for Remote Work Guidelines and more. Additional relevant Ithaca College policies include:
To connect to lab computers, you will need to have the GlobalProtect VPN installed and remote desktop software.
Connection Instructions
When the file is downloaded and opened, the Remote Desktop Connection application will open. When prompted, click Connect.
Accessing your files while on the remote desktop
We recommend storing your files in Microsoft OneDrive. OneDrive is part of Microsoft Office 365 and you receive 1 TB of storage in OneDrive for free. The following knowledge base articles will help you with OneDrive:
What is HomerConnect?
HomerConnect (Banner) enables faculty to advise students during registration, view class lists and class schedules and submit mid-term and final grades. Students use HomerConnect to view class schedules and the course catalog, register for classes, view financial aid and bursar information and see demographic information.
What is the reporting center?
The Reporting Center is a centralized website for campus administrative offices to provide access to reports related to student and administrative data. This includes data from Parnassus, Homer and Advance as well as other systems used in managing the College.
This article is intended for: faculty, staff, students, and college affiliates.
Install GlobalProtect VPN
Connect to https://vpn.ithaca.edu on the computer you would like to install the VPN application.
Configure GlobalProtect
Open the GlobalProtect client from the notification area. (It is a small white globe when not connected)
Alternative: Configuring the Split-Tunnel VPN
While the regular VPN tunnel should meet most needs, there may be times where you would prefer that non-IC related network traffic not be routed through the IC network.
Duo Setup
Duo is a Two Factor Authentication Service which we use to provide additional security to some applications (such as the VPN). Additional information about Duo is available at www.ithaca.edu/duo.
Uninstall GlobalProtect VPN
Connect to https://vpn.ithaca.edu on the computer you would like to install the VPN application.