How to register for Jama Network?
To get started, click "Sign In" in the top right corner of any page on jamanetwork.com, then choose to "Sign in" to your existing account or "Create an Account" to register as a JAMA Network user. Contact us at support@jamanetwork.com with any questions.
What is a JAMA network?
JAMA Network Remote Access allows you to sign in and link your individual login to your institution's subscription so that you can access the same original research, opinion, and educational content you'd have on campus from anywhere you happen to be – on any mobile, tablet, or desktop device .
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is part of the LabraNet study network and is run locally in a private cloud infrastructure. VLE provides infrastructure for realistic IT laboratory conditions for advanced studies courses and environments can be deployed quickly using a one-click portal.
Password Resets
If you have forgotten your LabraNet password or otherwise want to change it remotely, you can use the LabraNet Self-service portal when the following applies:
LabraNet GitLab
GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager with additional features, such as wiki, issue-tracking and CI/CD pipelines. LabraNet Gitlab can be used by students to host their study related software development projects.
VPN to LabraNet
You can access your home folder and other resources from your home network with VPN. Instructions for connecting to the LabraNet VPN and mounting your home folder can be found in the LabraNet Remote Access Guide
LabraNet VPN Auto Triggering
Windows 10 adds the possibility to auto trigger VPN connections. This following guide shows how you can add applications that automatically trigger a VPN connection when launched. The example shows a custom application but you can use whatever application suits you best, for example MySQL Workbench.
SSH to Student Server
For connecting to Student server you can use what ever SSH client, for example PuTTY.
Requesting Virtual Machines
LabraNet provides virtual machine hosting, such as development or production servers for different projects. Project servers can be used internally as a project environment, software development, etc. and can be used from local workstations or through LabraNet VPN.