How do I contact the JMU library?
Contact Us: Ask The Library (540) 568-6150 MSC 1704 880 Madison Dr, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 GIVE TO JMU LIBRARIES © 2022 JMU Libraries | Electronic Resources Terms & Conditions| JMU Privacy Statement| Admin Login| JMU Homepage
What can I do with SSL VPN at JMU?
Also, individuals who need access to network file storage, private server or services typically restricted to JMU on-campus access can use SSL VPN for access. Some services will not be available from off-campus, even with the SSL VPN.
How do I sign up for a JMU Carrier-Library account?
Comprehensive and impartial coverage of tax news, with commentary for understanding of tax policy. Note: First time users will need to use Pulse Secure VPN to sign in and register a new JMU user account using the following steps: 1) click Sign-in 2) enter JMU email address 3) click "New James Madison University Carrier-Library User?
What is JMU video library?
A collection of videos licensed by JMU Libraries. Full-length, high quality contemporary performance films from top caliber artists, shot with multiple high-definition cameras, and collaboratively edited to delivering these works to audiences around the globe.

What is SSHFS in JMUCS?
SSHFS allows you to mount your JMUCS home directory locally on your computer. This is nice because it lets local tools like Eclipse or Visual Studio Code work with your files directly. See the Mounting a Remote Filesystem Locally article for more information.
Does JMU have a VPN?
JMU IT maintains a VPN (virtual private network) that is available to everyone with an eID. This is one of the best options for accessing resources from off-campus, particularly web based resources like library journals and Autolab. Documentation on the Pulse Secure client for Windows and MacOS is available from JMU IT. Instructions for Linux users are available on the CS Wiki .
Does JMUCS have SSH?
All JMUCS students have SSH access to our student server, stu.cs.jmu.edu. This is useful when you need access to a Linux environment but note that it is entirely command-line based. You can also jump through stu to reach internal Linux hosts like lab machines or the HPC cluster. See the article on stu for more information.
What is digital media repository?
Digital media repository service for streaming and preservation of academic and research media for higher education.
What are the topics of librarianship?
Index and abstracts for topics in librarianship, including classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
Where is the remote access tab in a library?
You can click on the "Remote Access" tab next to individual e-resources on the digital resources page of library webpage to directly browse related resource through remote access tool Remotelog.
What is access to library electronic resources?
Access to library electronic resources are governed by the license agreement that Global Library enters into with the respective publishers/producer of the resource.
What is remotelog?
Remotelog is a third party operated middleware tool that helps provide users with remote web based access to licensed resources. Please take the following steps to use Remotelog. Click here to visit Remotelog login page OR enter the following address in your web browser.