Remote court proceedings allow parties in a court case to use technology to participate remotely. The Kentucky Court of Justice began conducting proceedings remotely in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person events. This has ensured that the work of the courts can safely continue during the pandemic.
Full Answer
What are remote court proceedings?
Remote court proceedings allow parties in a court case to use technology to participate remotely. The Kentucky Court of Justice began conducting proceedings remotely in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person events.
How do I request login information for a remote court event?
Note: To request specific login information for your court event, contact the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county in which you are scheduled to appear. Some counties also post login information on their county page. Remote court proceedings allow parties in a court case to use technology to participate remotely.
Which devices are compatible with remote remote access?
Remote access for your computer is compatible with Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32- and 64-bit) or MAC OSX Maverick (10.9) and Yosemite (10.10) On a mobile phone: Install the Duo Mobile application from your app store. On a tablet: Install the Citrix Receiver application from your app store.

What is remote court?
Remote court proceedings allow parties in a court case to use technology to participate remotely. The Kentucky Court of Justice began conducting proceedings remotely in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person events.
What do you need to take part in a remote court case?
Parties involved in a case, including judges, attorneys, prosecutors, defendants and witnesses, require the following to take part in a remote court proceeding: A laptop or desktop computer, a tablet or smartphone (iOS or Android) Secure and dependable internet service.
How to request login information for court?
Note: To request specific login information for your court event, contact the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county in which you are scheduled to appear. Some counties also post login information on their county page.
What version of Windows is Remote Access compatible with?
Remote access for your computer is compatible with Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32- and 64-bit) or MAC OSX Maverick (10.9) and Yosemite (10.10)
Where to download Citrix Receiver?
On a computer: Download the Citrix Receiver for your device operating system from
The Loop
Find the resources on this page and more in The Loop , for desktop or mobile device ( Android or iPhone ).
Email Senior Leadership
To improve communications among all levels of the organization, email addresses have been set up for employees to submit issues, concerns or ask questions of senior leadership. While not anonymous, these submissions will be treated confidentially.
What is EpicCare link communication preference?
The communication preference for all EpicCare Link providers is set to In Basket notifications. This means staff and providers will be notified via EpicCare Link for admissions, discharges, results, consultation notes and more! Users will have the latest information about their patient's treatment with no more missed faxes! If a provider prefers to change their default communication preference to fax, please contact your Physician Liaison or call 859-323-0736.
What is EpicCare link?
UK HealthCare EpicCare Link is a secure web portal that connects you to information stored in UK HealthCare’s EHR for your referred and admitted patients. Requesting access is easy, and there’s no software or hardware to maintain. As an EpicCare Link user, you receive free, view-only access to important information about your patient’s care at UK HealthCare, including: discharge summaries, consult and operative reports, imaging, lab results, immunizations, medications and much more. You can also use EpicCare Link to quickly refer patients to our organization, view upcoming appointments and referral status and communicate with UK HealthCare to help provide quality patient care.
Can you access EpicCare link if you skip two factor authentication?
Skipping the setup of two-factor authentication will result in being unable to access EpicCare Link.