Remote-access Guide

kernal remote access

by Halle Larkin Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Kernel mode Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is an accelerated input-output (I/O) delivery model that allows application software to bypass most software layers to communicate directly with the computer hardware, which improves application performance and reduces delay. For more information, see the Windows Dev Center topic kRDMA Reference.

Select the Remote Kernels tab. Click the Enable Remote Kernels button. Click “Add Host” to add a new remote connection.
  • Check the “Use custom launch command” box.
  • Replace the “-l `3` `1`” with username@hostname, where username is the user's login on the host machine.
  • Press Enter to confirm the change.

Full Answer

What is remote_ikernel?

remote_ikernel opens multiple connections across several machines to tunnel communication ports. If you have concerns about security or excessive use of resources, please consult your systems administrator before using this software.

When does remote process show up?

Remote process is polled for output which will show up when --verbose if used as a kernel option.

How does Jupyter kernel work?

Jupyter compatible Kernels start through interactive jobs in batch queue systems (SGE, SLURM, PBS…) or through SSH connections. Once the kernel is started, SSH tunnels are created for the communication ports are so the notebook can talk to the kernel as if it was local.

How many ssh connections does each kernel create?

When working with remote machines, each kernel creates two ssh connections. If you would like to reduce that, you can set up automatic multiplexing of connections. For each machine, add a configuration to your ~/.ssh/config:

Can a kernel be run on a remote machine?

When running kernels on remote machines, the notebooks themselves will be saved onto the local filesystem, but the kernel will only have access to filesystem of the remote machine running the kernel. If you need shared directories, set up sshfs between your machines.

Connection multiplexing

When working with remote machines, each kernel creates two ssh connections. If you would like to reduce that, you can set up automatic multiplexing of connections. For each machine, add a configuration to your ~/.ssh/config:

Changes for v0.4

Option --tunnel-hosts. When given, the software will try to create an ssh tunnel through all the hosts before starting the final connection. Allows using batch queues on remote systems.

Changes for v0.3

Updated pip requirements to pull in the notebook package. Use an earlier version if you need to use IPython 3.

Changes for v0.2

Version 0.2.11 is the last version to support IPython notebook version 3. pip requirements enforce versions less than 4. Use a more recent version to ensure compatibility with the Jupyter split.

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