- Turn on the following settings in Kodi to enable using a smartphone or tablet remote: Settings → Services → Remote control → Allow programs on other systems to control ...
- Many smartphone remotes also display additional library data, such as images and summaries. This setting allows that extra data to be transmitted to your remote app. ...
- Optional. This should be enabled by default already. Zeroconf makes it easier to find your Kodi install on your local network without having to know the exact IP address.
- Settings → Services → Control → Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi → ON.
- Settings/Services/Control → Allow control of Kodi via HTTP → ON.
- Settings/Services/General → Announce these services to other systems → ON.
How to use a smartphone or Tablet Remote to control Kodi?
1. Turn on the following settings in Kodi to enable using a smartphone or tablet remote: Settings → Services → Remote control → Allow programs on other systems to control Kodi → ON. 2.Many smartphone remotes also display additional library data, such as images and summaries.
How do I allow remote access to a web server?
This can be done in Settings → Services → Control → Allow remote control via HTTP. The settings allow to specify a custom port number and an optional username and password for HTTP's Basic Access Authentication. Furthermore a Web interface can be chosen which will be used when accessing the webserver without any specific path.
Can I use a mouse to control Kodi?
Using a Mouse to control Kodi is not recommended and many skins do not support mouse functions. These pages are only needed for those that have built their own HTPC and need to configure a remote control, or who need to replace a lost/broken remote control or change button actions.
What is web interface in Kodi?
Web interface. Web interfaces allow users to control and interact with their Kodi installation through a web browser. This can be used for a remote control, library management, visual feedback, and many other things. 1 Turning on the web interface. 2 Using the web interface 2.1 Default web interface.

What is Kodi Remote?
The Official Kodi Remote for iOS is a full-featured, open source remote control for Kodi Media Center. It features library browsing, now playing informations and a direct remote control. It's freely available on AppStore
How to add a host to Kodi on iPad?
Open the Official Kodi Remote on your iPhone / iPad which you downloaded and click on Add Host.
What is zeroconf in Kodi?
This should be enabled by default already. Zeroconf makes it easier to find your Kodi install on your local network without having to know the exact IP address.
When did Kodi launch the Kore app?
Kodi launched their official remote control app, Kore, at the end of May 2015.
Can I connect my phone to my Kodi?
Make sure your phone and your Kodi device are on the same network. If you don’t connect your phone to your home wireless network, you’ll need to do so before you setup Kore.
Can you control Kodi with a tablet?
Kodi can be controlled in several different ways, including both a physical remote control as well as using your smartphone or tablet. This page will link to both the official Team Kodi remote control apps and additional remote apps made by the community, as well as tell you how to enable smartphone/tablet app control in Kodi.
How to enable webserver?
The webserver is disabled by default and has to be manually enabled by the user. This can be done in Settings → Services → Control → Allow remote control via HTTP. The settings allow to specify a custom port number and an optional username and password for HTTP's Basic Access Authentication. Furthermore a Web interface can be chosen which will be used when accessing the webserver without any specific path.
How to set web interface as default?
To set a web interface add-on as the default web UI, go to System -> Services -> Control and select that add-on for the Default value. Then go to the hostname (or IP address) of that HTPC+Port number.
What is a web interface?
Web interfaces allow users to control and interact with their Kodi installation through a web browser. This can be used for a remote control, library management, visual feedback, and many other things.
Can you hide advanced settings in Kodi?
While using an advancedsettings.xml file might be easier to enable these services, doing so will hide them from the normal Kodi GUI. You will have to remove or edit the advancedsettings.xml file to turn these settings back off, which can be confusing later on if you forgot you have an advancedsettings.xml file.
Can you use remote control on Kodi?
If you have installed Kodi on a device and it has started up in Kodi, and you either have SSH access or other access to the Kodi userdata folder, you can manually enable remote control. This is helpful in a few situations, for example: If you have a networked device but no physical remote control (left it at home, can't find the dang remote, etc), you can still use the web interface or a smartphone/tablet app to control Kodi.
Can you use Kodi without a password?
Do not use the Kodi web server without setting a reasonably-secure password.
Can you use a remote control on Kodi?
It's possible to use the remote control functionality to execute arbitrary code on the box that Kodi runs on, just like you could do this using a traditional IR remote when sitting in front of the TV. In effect, this means that a machine can be completely taken over by an attacker that has access to the web or JSON-RPC interface.
Does Kodi have a web interface?
Kodi includes a powerful web interface that can be used with any browser, but also sits behind the remote control application you use on your phone, or the web front end on your tablet - if you're using Kore, or Chorus, or one of the numerous alternatives, then you're using this interface. However, it has recently been brought to our attention that not all users follow security best practices when enabling this functionality, and are thus exposing themselves to danger. This is partially our fault, since we have not been completely clear about the implications of enabling external interfaces in Kodi. The next Kodi release, 19.x "Matrix", will provide more context when interfaces are enabled, and require a password for the web interface by default. This blog post will detail how you could be affected by an exposed interface at the moment, however, and what to do about it.
Can you run Kodi without authentication?
This is why you should never run the web server without authentication. It allows anyone with access to the server port to completely control your box. Even if you do not expose the web server to the Internet, other machines including your PC or laptop can do this. This is possible from a standard web browser (via JavaScript), so you might visit a malicious web page that does this in the background and not even realise that it's happening. While the next Kodi version will still allow you to disable the web server password, we strongly recommend to set one. If you already use the web server and do not have a password set, you can do so using the Kodi settings, after which you will also have to configure your remote control application to authenticate using that password.
What is Kodi used for?
Kodi is primarily designed for the home theatre using the 10-foot user interface principles controlled with a remote control. Alternatively a (wireless) keyboard can be used.
What is MCE remote?
MCE Remotes - Infrared remote controls made for computers that follow the MCE standard. These remotes should work with Kodi out-of-the-box on Windows and Linux.
What is a web interface?
Web interfaces - Web interfaces allow users to control and interact with their Kodi installation through a web browser. This can be used for a remote control, library management, visual feedback, and many other things.
Does Kodi work with remote control?
Note: If your remote control does not work with your hardware, it will not work with Kodi. Follow the manufacturers instructions to set up your remote control with your hardware first. The following pages contain general information and may not help you outside of Kodi.