Remote-access Guide

ku remote access maple

by Ernestine Russel II Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago


Virtual Desktop is a technology service that allows students to remotely access and use software from their computer or smart device. Faculty are able to access Virtual Desktop for instructional purposes. Those using the service must save any work to OneDrive as no files are saved within Virtual Desktop.

Save to OneDrive

Virtual Desktop through Microsoft does not support saving files directly to your machine. To access files created on the virtual desktop from other devices, they will need to be saved to OneDrive. Your KU OneDrive account is automatically configured on the remote desktop and can be found in the file explorer.

What is the complaint process for KU?

If a student is not satisfied with any decision by the university involving academic adjustments or effective communication, or otherwise believes she or he has been discriminated against on the basis of disability, the student may contact the designated coordinator and/or file a complaint of discrimination in accordance with the university’s anti-discrimination grievance procedure entitled KU Discrimination Complaint Resolution Process.

What is the Student Access Center?

The Student Access Center assists students with disabilities by facilitating accommodations that remove barriers to their academic success. We authorize reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities, assist students in self-advocacy, educate the University of Kansas about disabilities, and ensure compliance with federal and state law.

Where is the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX located?

Contact the director by phone or email via the links provided, or by mail at: 1000 Sunnyside Ave. Room 1082, Lawrence KS, 66045

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