Here is the overall strategy to setup remote access to your Kubernetes Dashboard:
- Deploy SocketXP VPN agent Docker container in your K8 cluster.
- Install the kubectl CLI utility locally on your laptop.
- Setup the kubectl config file in your laptop with SocketXP Public URL, K8 SSL Certs, and Key.
- Remote access your private Kubernetes cluster from your laptop using the...
Full Answer
How can I use kubectl CLI on a remote Kubernetes cluster?
The kubectl CLI utility talks to the Kubernetes cluster via the cluster’s API server. As long as we could make the cluster’s API server accessible from your laptop, we could access or manage your remote Kubernetes cluster or minikube through a local kubectl instance installed on your laptop.
Is Kubernetes web uiper remote access recommended for prod environments?
I provide the web content on the server running in the cluster via port 80/443. The server itself I am accessing via sshonly, so no graphical interface at all. Now I want to access the kubernetes web uifor that cluster. During research I found sources who say that accessing the web uiper remote access is not recommended for prod environments.
Where do I put Kubernetes namespace in Linux?
Finally, the default namespace to be used for namespaced API operations is placed in a file at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace in each container. Run kubectl proxy in a sidecar container in the pod, or as a background process within the container.

How do I access Kubernetes remotely?
For the locally installed kubectl instance to remote access your Kubernetes cluster's API server running at https://cluster-ip-address:8443 , you need to setup a public we URL for the API server, so that you could access and manage the cluster from anywhere in the internet.
How do I access Kubernetes cluster from outside?
Ways to connect You have several options for connecting to nodes, pods and services from outside the cluster: Access services through public IPs. Use a service with type NodePort or LoadBalancer to make the service reachable outside the cluster. See the services and kubectl expose documentation.
How do I connect to a Kubernetes cluster?
Go client. To get the library, run the following command: go get k8s.io/client-go@kubernetes-
Can you ssh into Kubernetes pod?
In order to SSH into the Pod, the Pod should have SSH server installed. This can be provisioned by installing OpenSSH Server as part of the Docker image tied to the Pod. The following commands should be included in the Dockerfile associated with the container tied to the Pod.
Is there a GUI for Kubernetes?
Kubernetes Dashboard is the most popular and mature for Kubernetes GUI client. This web UI dashboard gives an overview of applications running on your cluster, as well as for creating or modifying individual Kubernetes resources. Compared to other clients like Lens and Octant, its filtering ability is limited.
What is external IP in Kubernetes?
If there are external IPs that route to one or more cluster nodes, Kubernetes Services can be exposed on those externalIPs . Traffic that ingresses into the cluster with the external IP (as destination IP), on the Service port, will be routed to one of the Service endpoints.
How do I access Kubernetes container?
To access a container in a pod that includes multiple containers:Run the following command using the pod name of the container that you want to access: kubectl describe pods pod_name. ... To access one of the containers in the pod, enter the following command: kubectl exec -it pod_name -c container_name bash.
How do I get the IP for Kubernetes cluster?
To find the cluster IP address of a Kubernetes pod, use the kubectl get pod command on your local machine, with the option -o wide . This option will list more information, including the node the pod resides on, and the pod's cluster IP. The IP column will contain the internal cluster IP address for each pod.
How do I get the URL for Kubernetes?
You have two ways to access it from your desktop:Create a nodeport type service and then access it via nodeip:nodeport.Use Kubectl port forward and then access it via localhost:forwardedport.
How do I SSH into a container?
Method 1: Docker shell using OpenSSHStep 1 - Build docker image with OpenSSH. First, you will need an SSH keypair. ... Step 2 - Running the Docker container. The following command starts the docker image just created named “sshubuntu”. ... Step 3 - SSH into the Docker container.
How do you shell into a Kubernetes pod?
Getting into a shell of a container running inside a pod You will need to install the wget command inside the new container image. To get into a shell of a container running on Kubernetes, you will use the command kubectl exec -it nameofpod terminal_name .
How do you SSH into an EKS pod?
How to ssh into Containers in AWS EKSStep 1: Prerequisites. If not already done: ... Step 2: Find/Build an Image with openssh-server Installed and Running. ... Step 3: Define Kubernetes Service Resource. ... Step 4: Define Kubernetes Pod Resource. ... Step 5: Apply and Test. ... Step 6: Cleanup (Optional)
How do you expose a pod to the outside world?
Configuration.Apply Pod Security Standards at the Cluster Level. Apply Pod Security Standards at the Namespace Level. Restrict a Container's Access to Resources with AppArmor. Restrict a Container's Syscalls with seccomp.Stateless Applications. Exposing an External IP Address to Access an Application in a Cluster.Services.
How do I get the IP for Kubernetes cluster?
To find the cluster IP address of a Kubernetes pod, use the kubectl get pod command on your local machine, with the option -o wide . This option will list more information, including the node the pod resides on, and the pod's cluster IP. The IP column will contain the internal cluster IP address for each pod.
How Kubernetes runs applications and expose to outside world?
A Kubernetes Service is a Kubernetes object which enables cross-communication between different components within and outside a Kubernetes cluster. It exposes Kubernetes applications to the outside world while simultaneously allowing network access to a set of Pods within and outside of a Kubernetes cluster.
How do I access Kubernetes container?
To access a container in a pod that includes multiple containers:Run the following command using the pod name of the container that you want to access: kubectl describe pods pod_name. ... To access one of the containers in the pod, enter the following command: kubectl exec -it pod_name -c container_name bash.
SocketXP TLS VPN solution (a lightweight VPN) provides secure remote access to private Kubernetes Clusters in your private cloud or public cloud. SocketXP also provides a secure public URL to access your local private applications including Kubernetes Dashboard.
Deploying the Dashboard UI
Follow the instructions in the Kubernetes Open Source Project page on how to deploy and setup the Dashboard UI in your Kubernetes Cluster.
Kubernetes Dashboard Login from Outside Network
What is the approach to access Kubernetes Dashboard login from outside network?
SocketXP Agent Docker Container Deployment
First go to SocketXP Portal. Signup for a free account and get your authtoken there. Use the authtoken to create a Kubernetes secret as shown below.
Local kubectl installation
Install the kubectl CLI utility locally on your laptop to remote access your Kubernetes cluster. Follow the instructions here to download and install kubectl on your laptop:
Run kubectl in proxy mode
To remote access your Kubernetes Dashboard, run the kubectl CLI utility in proxy mode in your laptop as shown below:
Remote access Kubernetes Dashboard
Now you can remote access your Kubernetes Dashboard from your laptop using the following local URL via the kubectl proxy. Kubectl will make Dashboard available at:
How does Kubectl work?
Kubectl handles locating and authenticating to the apiserver. If you want to directly access the REST API with an http client like curl or wget, or a browser, there are several ways to locate and authenticate:
How to access a cluster?
To access a cluster, you need to know the location of the cluster and have credentials to access it. Typically, this is automatically set-up when you work through a Getting started guide , or someone else setup the cluster and provided you with credentials and a location.
Does apiserver require authentication?
On some clusters, the apiserver does not require authentication; it may serve on localhost, or be protected by a firewall. There is not a standard for this.
Do all Kubernetes nodes have their own IP address?
In Kubernetes, the nodes , pods and services all have their own IPs. In many cases, the node IPs, pod IPs, and some service IPs on a cluster will not be routable, so they will not be reachable from a machine outside the cluster, such as your desktop machine.
What is RBAC in Kubernetes?
RBAC (Role Based Access Control) allows our Kubernetes clusters to provide the development team better visibility and access into the development, staging and production environments than it has have ever had in the past. Developers using the command line tool kubectl, can explore the network topology of running microservices, tail live server logs, proxy local ports directly to services or even execute shells into running pods.
What happens if you skip setting up Microservice?
If you skipped setting up the Example Microservice this example limits access to the namespace the-project exclusively, you could do the same with the default namespace by simply not providing a namespace key in the configuration or setting it to default.
What is Kubernetes view?
Shows all Kubernetes resources that are used for live configuration of applications running in clusters. The view allows for editing and managing config objects and displays secrets hidden by default.
What is dashboard in Kubernetes?
Dashboard is a web-based Kubernetes user interface. You can use Dashboard to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster, troubleshoot your containerized application, and manage the cluster resources . You can use Dashboard to get an overview of applications running on your cluster, as well as for creating or modifying individual ...
What is dashboard application?
Dashboard lets you create and deploy a containerized application as a Deployment and optional Service with a simple wizard. You can either manually specify application details, or upload a YAML or JSON file containing application configuration.
What is privileged container?
Privileged containers can make use of capabilities like manipulating the network stack and accessing devices. Environment variables: Kubernetes exposes Services through environment variables . You can compose environment variable or pass arguments to your commands using the values of environment variables.
Does dashboard have a bearer token?
To protect your cluster data, Dashboard deploys with a minimal RBAC configuration by default. Currently, Dashboard only supports logging in with a Bearer Token. To create a token for this demo, you can follow our guide on creating a sample user.