How do I get access to orchid?
Training is required for access to ORCHID and will be scheduled by the department. Classroom training is available on-site with IT. You can access the DHS Extranet, including ORCHID, via the VDI connection. Log in with your E/C-number and password.
How do I use orchid with DHS VDI?
Access through VDI opens a remote desktop, which permits use of ORCHID and even Synapse! Follow these instructions DHS VDI Instructions to install the VMWare client, and then connect through myremotepc.dhs.lacounty.gov Setup multifactor authentication: follow these instructions.
What is orchid and when was it implemented?
ORCHID is the DHS enterprise electronic health record across Los Angeles County. Implementation began in November 2014 at Harbor-UCLA, and took place at Olive View-UCLA in November 2015.
When will Los Angeles County Department of Health Services decommission this link?
Los Angeles County Department of Health Services will decommission this link by Wednesday, 11/10/2021. Please use the following links. Thank you.

COVID-19 Vaccines are Here
All patients over the age of 12 can get the COVID-19 vaccine now. Please call your clinic to make an appointment.
COVID-19 Information
A source for COVID-19 resources and information, including a nurse advice line, testing availability, and how to protect yourself and your family.
How to access DHS Extranet?
You can access the DHS Extranet, including ORCHID, via the VDI connection. Log in with your E/C-number and password. For issues with authentication, call the DHS Enterprise IT Help Desk at 323-409-8000.
How to access someone's schedule?
Tip: Quickly access a person’s schedule when you log in by entering the password + space + person’s name (or partial name)l. When you enter this at the log-in, you will be taken immediately to the person’s schedule or a list of matching names.
Do you need to train for Orchid?
Training is required for access to ORCHID and will be scheduled by the department.