Remote-access Guide

lac usc remote access

by Anastasia Rogahn MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why is VPN used for USC?

The VPN encrypts all traffic to and from a host in order to prevent others from viewing the information. Effective July 1st 2011, users accessing USC Libraries e-resources remotely using the USC VPN connection will be prompted to sign in through Shibboleth using a USC username and password.

Is USC restricted to electronic resources?

As of July 2018, all restricted electronic resources require logging in with your USC NetID and Password. Access to certain electronic resources and Web sites is restricted to the USC community (currently enrolled students, faculty and staff) due to licensing/copyright agreements with vendors and publishers.


This guide provides information on library services provided to the USC Gould community during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Law Library Services and Hours

The library is open during limited hours at limited capacity. See our Reopening Guide for more information about accessing our resources.

Access to Resources

General questions and access to USC electronic sources (document delivery):

Digitizing Print Sources

If you require digitization of sources to share with classmates, work groups, or students, read our suggestions below:

Book Purchases (for faculty)

Faculty who need an electronic source purchased should email

What is remote desktop access?

A remote desktop connection allows you to use any computer or device to remotely connect to and control your USC work computer. Once you connect remotely,you will have access to all the files, folders, and programs on your work computer; just as if you were sitting at your work space.

How to connect multiple monitors to remote desktop?

How to Remote to your Computer with Multiple Monitors. Open Remote Desktop Connection, Click Show Options. Click the “Display” tab at the top of the remote desktop window, check the box labeled “Use all my monitors for the remote session”. Go back to the “General” tab, type in your password and click Connect button.

How to use VPN on remote desktop?

1. Click on the Windows button in the lower left corner of your screen, and type “cmd” without the quotes. Select “Command Prompt”. 2.

How Do I Connect to VPN?

Faculty/Non-IT Staff and Students: Use AnyConnect VPN using the following address: Duo Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is required.

Where Do I Go for Help?

If you need help setting up AnyConnect VPN, please contact the ITS Customer Support Center.

COVID-19 Vaccines are Here

All patients over the age of 12 can get the COVID-19 vaccine now. Please call your clinic to make an appointment.

COVID-19 Information

A source for COVID-19 resources and information, including a nurse advice line, testing availability, and how to protect yourself and your family.

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