Is lade a word in Scrabble?
lade v. To weigh down, oppress, or burden.
How do you use Lade in a sentence?
My aunt was a lade of strong mind great resolution, she was a very manly woman.
What does Lade mean in Scotland?
a watercoursenoun. Scottish. a watercourse, esp a millstream.
What does it mean to laude something?
praiseDefinition of laud : praise, extol He was lauded for his accomplishments.
What is the meaning of the word Lade?
to put a load or burden onDefinition of lade transitive verb. 1a : to put a load or burden on or in : load. b : to put or place as a load especially for shipment : ship. c : to load heavily or oppressively.
How do you pronounce Lade?
Break 'lade' down into sounds: [LAYD] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
What does Lade mean in a place name?
Norwegian: habitational name from any of several farmsteads so named from Old Norse hlath 'pile or stack' (for example of wood or stones) or 'pavement'.
What does the Scottish word Syne mean?
since thenchiefly Scotland. : since then : ago.
What does the Scottish word Lowpin mean?
infestedlowpin, loupin, (i) infested lit.
Is laude a word?
No, laude is not in the scrabble dictionary.
Is laude a Scrabble word?
LAUDE is not a valid scrabble word.
Is Lasse a word?
Lasse is a common masculine given name in Nordic countries. It is also often a nickname for people named Lars or Lauri.
How do you use laid in a sentence?
Laid Sentence Examples She laid her head on his shoulder. Then laid out his clothes for the evening and crawled into bed for a catnap. Once the carpet was laid, it would be ready for occupants. He laid the blanket out and sat.
How do you spell laude?
“laude”: with distinction — compare magna cum laude, summa cum laude. See the full definition.: with great distinction (see distinction sense 4b) — compare cum laude, summa cum laude. See the full definition.: with highest distinction — compare cum laude, magna cum laude. See the full definition.
What does "lade" mean in shipping?
1. to put a burden or load on or in ; load: to lade a cargo ship.
What did Lade do in the Navy?
Lade joins the company following a successful career in the Royal Navy that included mine and anti-submarine warfare, and diving operations.
What does "load" mean in the dictionary?
To place a burden or heavy load on: burden, charge, cumber, encumber, freight, load, saddle, tax, weight. 2. To fill to overflowing: heap, load, pile. 3. To take a substance, as liquid, from a container by plunging the hand or a utensil into it: bail, dip, ladle, scoop (up). The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus.
Who created Craigbog Lade?
Craigbog Lade, to title the twomile countryside canal correctly, was created by landowner and industrialist George Houstoun, the Laird of Johnstone, and a partner in the Paisley Union Bank. Proud relic of our industrial heritage; PARKER'S WAYWE REVISIT DEREK PARKER'S RAMBLES THROUGH RENFREWSHIRE.
Did the young lades inquire about the prices?
Still I observed that neither of the young lades inquired the PRICES, these being considerations that had no influence on the intrinsic value, in their eyes; while the circumstance caused my heart to sink within me, as it clearly proved they did not intend to purchase, and I longed to become the property of the gentle, serene- eyed Anne.
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