What is the access to Leeds programme?
Access to Leeds is our undergraduate widening access programme. It could offer you the chance to study an undergraduate degree with lower entry requirements than listed on our course pages.
How do I sign in to my Leeds University account?
Enter your username in the format username@leeds.ac.uk as you would for Office365 and eduroam Important note if you have setup a PIN on your device using your University username you must select 'Sign-in Options' and select User Account and Password otherwise you may receive an error when launching virtual desktops.
What is the University doing to help support remote access?
The University IT Service has launched a virtual desktop to provide remote access to some software applications. Leeds University Library has a huge range of online resources.

What is the Leeds University Library?
Leeds University Library has a huge range of online resources. This includes access to millions of journal articles, over 500,000 electronic books and dozens of databases and search tools. ebooks and other e-resources are all available through Library Search. If you are accessing them from home, you might be asked to enter your University username and password.
Does the University of Leeds have Office 365?
All students at the University of Leeds have access to Microsoft Office 365 apps that you can download and use for your learning at home. This includes up to five free downloads of Office 365 Pro Plus for PC or Mac. We recommend that students who have not already download this software do so by following the instructions outlined by IT Services for Office 365
Can students use OneDrive?
It is recommended that students use OneDrive for personal storage instead of the M Drive that is accessed from cluster PCs and Desktop Anywhere. Desktop Anywhere is likely to be unavailable except to critical users during a period of large-scale remote working, so you are encouraged to move any essential files from the M Drive into OneDrive now.
Does the University of Leeds have an email address?
Your email address is in the format username@leeds.ac.uk (e.g. ab20cd@leeds.ac.uk).
How to connect to ARC with MobaXTerm?
Once you have MobaXTerm downloaded you can connect to ARC via two mechanisms: using the builtin local terminal to connect using SSH commands; or creating an SSH session via the GUI.
What command to use to connect to ARC?
1. Within a local Terminal on MobaXTerm we use the ssh command to connect to ARC
How to create SSH session for ARC?
You can create an SSH session to connect to ARC using the following steps: 1. Open the initial MobaXTerm Menu and select Session. 2. In the Session Wizard Window select SSH. 3. Input the basic setting details for SSH session: the host (address of ARC), the username (your university username) 4.
How to restart a session after it has closed?
10. You can restart an existing session after it has closed by double-clicking the session under the User sessions folder on the left-hand panel of the main MobaXTerm menu
Does Linux have a terminal?
Linux and MacOS systems all come with a Terminal application that opens a command-line shell. In the following example code snippets we’ll be connecting with the username exuser. When you come to log in to a system you’ll need to use your own university username in place of exuser.
Can you use MobaXTerm on ARC?
We can use the MobaXTerm Terminal like a standard unix shell to navigate around our local computer and also to SSH onto remote hosts including ARC. In order to connect to ARC we need to make sure we have configured MobaXTerm as described in the above section