What are the school districts in Lethbridge?
There are two school districts in Lethbridge: Lethbridge School District No. 51 and Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Separate Regional Division No. 4 . Both of these websites are packed with great information to look over when choosing a school for your child.
What email format does Lethbridge School District 51 use?
Lethbridge School District 51 uses 7 email formats: 1. first '.' last@lethsd.ab.ca (70.7%). Enter a name to find & verify an email >>> Rocketreach finds email, phone & social media for 450M+ professionals. Try for free at rocketreach.co Lethbridge School District 51 Email Format | lethsd.ab.ca Emails Toggle navigationRocketReach
What is Lethbridge known for?
It is home to the University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge College, and the Lethbridge Research Centre, one of the largest agricultural research facilities in Canada. The city also houses two large manufacturing plants involved in raw product development.
The challenge: Small budget, big hiring expectations
Every year, Lethbridge School District hires approximately 300 support staff and 140 teachers. A popular local employer with a strong employer brand, it attracts hundreds of applications for every post. Despite this, its hiring budget is low with no dedicated recruiters on the team.
The solution: A flexible hiring process that works for everyone
Lethbridge needed to find the right HR tech to tame its wild approach to hiring. Rik and Rhonda looked at almost every ATS available. Only Workable met their brief.
The future: More sourcing and a richer hiring toolkit
The hiring market Lethbridge operates in is becoming more competitive.
Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Separate Regional Division No. 4
We are a Catholic Faith Community, dedicated to providing each student entrusted to our care with an education rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ.
École La Verendrye
École La Verendrye is a Francophone public school that offers quality programming from kindergarten to Grade 12, in accordance with the Alberta Education program. We are proud of the quality of French spoken and written by our students, but it is important to note that English is also taught in our school.
Palliser Regional Division No. 26
Palliser Regional Schools offers full public education services to approximately 8,200 students from children in early learning programs through Grade 12. Palliser also has a program to support families who home school and an international program.