Remote-access Guide

lewis silkin remote access

by Mabel Doyle MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Is remote working flexible working?

“Enforced remote working – which is what we're currently doing in the pandemic – is very different to flexible working,” Whitehouse tells Stylist. “Working from home is only one strand of flexible working.

Can my employer force me to work from home?

Unless there is a written term in your contract of employment permitting your employer to make you work from home, your employer needs your agreement. You may be able to negotiate improvements to your pay, hours or other terms in return for your agreement.

Can employers make you return to office?

Generally, an employer has the right to determine where employees must perform their work. As such, your employer has the right to ask you to return to the office.

What is Flexi remote?

Flexible remote working allows employees and employers to customize their work styles. A typical flexible work arrangement for a team that sometimes requires in-person meetings is to declare a limited set of hours when everyone must be in the office.

Can you be fired for working remotely?

Workers do not have a right to work from home, so you could be fired for insisting on working from home. However, if you have a disability, like asthma, lung conditions, or a compromised immune system, you may have a right to work from home under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Can my boss refuse to let me work from home?

Employers have a duty to reasonably consider the request, but they may refuse it if they have a good reason. The grounds for refusing a request are: Burden of additional costs.

Can you be fired for refusing to return to the office?

Can I Be Legally Fired if I Refuse to Work In-office? California is one of many states where employment is considered “at will.” This means that either an employer or employee can terminate employment at any time without providing a reason, provided that the termination does not violate existing employment laws.

Do I have to go back into the office?

If an employee does not have a valid reason to refuse a return to work, they have a contractual obligation to return to their previous position in their usual place of work. You must provide the employee with reasonable notice.

Can I request to reduce my working hours?

It is a right to request to change your hours, not a right to insist that they be changed. But the law requires your employer to consider your request and deal with it in a sensible way.

Can I be sacked for having no childcare?

He cannot sack you for taking emergency leave in order to arrange for care for a child. He can theoretically sack you for taking time off because your childcare has fallen through and you are doing it all yourself and not arranging alternative childcare.

Do you get paid for flex time?

In a nutshell, this is a company benefit that offers paid time off for employees to do whatever they choose. You can use flexible time off as a sick day, a vacation day, to run errands or even to stay home for a mental health day.

Is remote working the same as home working?

If you work remotely full-time and it's never from home, that's your lifestyle. If you work from home, meaning that's where all your required office equipment is and it's where your job takes place, then that is your lifestyle as well.

Do I have to let employee work from home?

Yes. Even if workers want to work from home, they don't control that decision. The company does, for the most part. Workers have a very limited right under the law to refuse work even if they consider the job to be hazardous to their health.

Can I refuse to go back to the office 2022?

Q: Can you refuse to return to the office? The simple answer is workers generally have little to no legal power to push back.

Why do companies allow employees to work from home?

Add in the lack of a commute, and remote workers typically have more time and fewer distractions, which leads to increased productivity—a huge benefit of working from home for both employees and employers alike. When done right, remote work allows employees and companies to focus on what really matters—performance.

How do you tell an employee they Cannot work from home?

The following five tips will help you handle your employee's work-from-home-request so everyone involved can enjoy the benefits of telecommuting.Consider Your Company Policy. ... Make Sure the Employee Has the Right Qualities. ... Think About the Rest of Your Staff. ... Weigh the Pros and the Cons. ... Communicate Openly. ... Make the Decision.More items...•

Who to turn to for HR investigations?

Where there is no one in the business who meets the requirements set out above, or where the issues involved are particularly complex or involve a very senior employee, employers might turn to specialist legally trained investigators or experienced HR Consultants to conduct the investigation.

Can a witness access other witnesses' statements online?

For example, one witness should not be able to access other witness’s statement online; this should only be visible to the investigator. Pay extra attention to the files and locations of online correspondence, emails and other relevant evidence. Limit access to these files and locations where only relevant parties can review these. You may want to consider the use of a secure extranet site, where available.

Employment Law

We offer online learning covering a wide range of employment topics through our Worksphere team. We can also design bespoke online courses to address a particular need, around your requirements.

Immigration law

To ensure your business is compliant and your team continue to be upskilled and emerge fully prepared when ‘normality’ resumes, we have created a series of e-learning modules, which we can also deliver as WebEx training sessions. We also offer a remote mock audit service.

Data & Privacy

We provide data and privacy training for stakeholders across your business, from sales and marketing managers to HR managers and those primarily interested in the GDPR, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.


Tax and Social Security Implications

If an employee is only working overseas temporarily, from a UK perspective, the UK employer should continue to deduct income tax under the PAYE system in accordance with the employee’s PAYE code. Matters start to become more complicated where a stay becomes extended, or even indefinite. Employers shoul…
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Immigration Implications

  • If an employee wishes to work from any host country, you will need to consider what restrictions may be in place. For example, if they want to work in Hong Kong but do not have permission to stay there indefinitely, they should not undertake any work without permission - even for a limited period and even if the employing entity is not a Hong Kong entity. Advance immigration permissi…
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Intellectual Property, Confidential Information and Restrictive Covenants

  • The location of an employee should not impact the ownership of any intellectual property (IP) that they create, provided their employment contract has appropriate provisions covering this. So if they are, for example, developing a patentable product or registerable design, provided their employment contract stipulates that all IP rights in any material developed in the normal course …
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Employment Law and Data Privacy Implications

  • In addition to the tax, social security and immigration implications explained above, there are various other employment law and data privacy considerations. Mandatory employment protections may apply If employees live and work abroad, even for short periods, they can become subject to the jurisdiction of that other country and start to benefit from the applicable local man…
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Regulatory Implications

  • For regulated firms there are additional considerations when deciding whether employees may be permitted to work from home overseas. These can vary across sectors and may depend on the individual circumstances of each case (e.g. the nature and seniority of the role being performed). For financial services firms key practical considerations will be whether the employee can carry …
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Employers of Record

  • The shift in working practices has created a major upsurge of interest in and usage of so-called “employers of record”, also sometimes known as Professional Employer Organisations (or PEOs). This is a third-party organisation, akin to an employment business, which takes on the formal responsibility of employing the employee while overseas and accounting for tax, social security …
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How to Minimise The Risks

  • Undoubtedly, the pandemic has brought about a major culture shift when it comes to the location from which work is done. Employers are increasingly opting to be flexible and seeking to accommodate requests to work from home overseas. Nonetheless, you will also want to minimise the risks as much as possible. Depending on how many requests you expect to receive, you sho…
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