Wiley Online Library
The Wiley Online Library (WOL) is one of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books, and research resources, covering quite a number of disciplines which include: Architecture & Planning, Art & Applied, Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science & Information Technology, Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law & Criminology, Life Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Psychology, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Veterinary Medicine..
Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO)
OSO is a vast and rapidly-expanding library, providing easy access to thousands of books across the world-renowned scholarly list of Oxford University Press (OUP).
JSTOR is a digital library founded in 1995. Originally containing digitized back issues of academic journals, it now also includes books and other primary sources, and current issues of journals. It provides full-text searches of almost 2,000 journals.
What is the FAO repository?
The repository provides full text access to publications, articles and meeting documents produced by the FAO.
What is MIT OpenCourseWare?
is a free and open digital publication of high quality educational materials, organized as courses. is available for use and adaptation under an open license. does not typically provide certification or access to instructors. MIT OpenCourseWare. OpenCourseWare Consortium.
Flexible Opening Hours
View our opening hours and timetables for various activities around the library.
Open Access Resources
Browse through some of our latest hardcopy collections and gain the most from your research.
Library Services
The primary function of the library is to support the academic and research needs of both students and staff in accordance with the University Mission Statement. The library offers the following services to fulfil this mandate:
Photocopying Services
A photocopier is available in the library. A small fee is levied for the service. All photocopying is subject to the Copyright Act of Zimbabwe.
ePrint & Copy Services
For all your printing, we advise students to utilise the ePrint & Copy facility made available in a bid to reduce and eliminate data loss and damage to your personal files on your devices by virus attacks through the sharing of storage devices.
How many books are in the e-book library?
An instant digital library with more than 52,000 e-book titles spanning all academic subject areas.
What is Highwire Press?
Highwire Press (Stanford University) Highwire press provides a list of journals offering free online access to developing economies. Individual publishers use the World Bank’s list of low income economies for determining access.
The Library
About The library provides access to information resources and services that support the Education 5.0 mandate of teaching, learning, research, industrialisation and innovation. The Library has a collection of...
Hours of Operation
GSU Library Hours of Operation Semester Period Monday to Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30pm Friday ...
Information Literacy Skills Training
Faculty Librarians endeavour to offer support to all students and Academic Staff in their learning, teaching & research requirements respectively. The GSU Library staff offers the following guidance and t...
Notices & Events
For off-campus access credentials contact the library at library@gsu.ac.zw. Trial is valid until 31.12.2021.
How to access PDF documents?
Documents in both text and downloadable pdf format can be accessed by browsing or searching. Most documents are also available in depository libraries around the world. You can use the options under the search box to browse through the documents by country, type, or sector, or search via the Advanced Search page. The types of documents you will find include: Board Documents, Country Focus Documents, Economic & Sector Work and Project Documents.
What is Africa Portal?
Africa Portal is the online library collection holding over 4,000 books, journals, and digital documents related to African policy issues. Africa Portal aims to improve access and visibility for African research.
What is Bookbon website?
Bookbon is a free to use website that lets you download eBooks. The eBooks are categorized either as textbooks or books for business or travel. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press currently publishes over 300 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market.
What is expanded academic?
Expanded Academic: Unparalleled in its depth and scope, this premier database offers balanced coverage of every academic subject -- from advertising and microbiology to history and women's studies. It offers access to authoritative health and medical information, turn to the Health & Wellness Resource Center, a specialized reference tool that offers a vast collection of medical information to academic, medical and public libraries.
What is the FAO?
FAO creates and shares critical information about food, agriculture and natural resources in the form of global public goods. FAO serves as a knowledge network.
What is Academic Search Complete?
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, The majority of full text titles in native (searchable) PDF format.
Is DOAB free to read?
Directory of Open Access Books provides freely accessible books and therefore free to read. All books listed in DOAB are free to read and share for non-commercial use.
The Library and Information Service System is a significant component of ZOU, which provides critical and appropriate information resources that support the learning, teaching and research activities of distance learners and academic staff.
Location and Facilities
The Zimbabwe Open University's Library and Information Service System is made up of a network of libraries comprising of the National Centre in Harare and ten regional centre libraries in the country's ten provincial towns as indicated below:
Information Resources Currently on Offer
The Libraries currently provide reading and study materials in the form of books / monographs acquired through purchases, donations and exchanges. Book purchases are made from titles selected by the academic and research staff, and from prescribed and recommended reading lists from faculties and Departments.

Open Access Resource List
- Choose A Destination…OpenCourseWareOpen Access RepositoriesInstitutional RepositoriesFree Statistical Data SourcesFree Citation DatabasesDocument Delivery Services
- An OpenCourseWare site… 1. is a free and open digital publication of high quality educational materials, organized as courses. 2. is available for use and adaptation under an open license. 3. does not typically provide certification or access to instructors. MIT OpenCourseWare OpenCourseWare Consortium
Full Text Open Access Repositories
- Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) OpenDOAR lists the wide variety of institutional and subject-based Open Access research archives and repositories which have grown up around the world. OAIster OAIster is a collection of freely available, previously difficult-to-access, academically-oriented full-text resources searchable without restriction. OAIster inclu…
Full Text Institutional Repositories Focusing on Development
- FAO Corporate Document Repository / FAO The repository provides full text access to publications, articles and meeting documents produced by the FAO. Development Experience Database / U.S. AID Provides access to abstracts and full text documents from USAID, including: Reports, development project documents, and citations of documents held by USAID Informatio…
Free Statistical Data Sources Focusing on Development Topics
- World Development Indicators World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank’s annual compilation of data about development. The 2005 WDI includes more than 800 indicators in 83 tables organized in 6 sections: World View, People, Environment, Economy, States and Markets, and Global Links. Data are shown for 152 economies with populations of more than 1 million an…
Free Citation Databases
- Online Journals Requiring Subscriptions / Global Development Network This site lists databases providing full text access to online journals, mostly by subscription. Other services, such as citation searching, email alerts on new journals, abstracts and table of contents alerts are usually freely available. JOLIS Library Catalog / World Bank/IMF The Jolis Library Catalog is the catalog …
Scholarly Journal Document Delivery Support Services For Developing Countries
- electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS) Programme The electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS) Programme is geared to facilitate free access to current scientific literature. The goal is to distribute individual scientific articles via email to scientists in institutions in Third World countries that do not have access to sufficient bandwidth to download material from the Interne…