Remote-access Guide

linux remote access over internet

by Brenda McCullough Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  1. Get the IP Address. Before everything else, you need the IP address of the host device—the Linux machine you want to connect to.
  2. The RDP Method. The easiest way to set up a remote connection to a Linux desktop is to use Remote Desktop Protocol, which is built into Windows.
  3. The VNC Method. To remotely access a device through Virtual Network Connection, you’ll need to install dedicated software on both the Linux and Windows machines.
  4. Use SSH. While Secure Shell doesn’t allow remote desktop connections, it’s still a great way to access your Linux machine to install the software necessary to access a Linux ...
  5. Over-the-Internet Remote Desktop Connection Tools. The solutions above will work easily for devices operating on the same network. ...

The 5 Best Remote Desktop Clients for Linux
  • TeamViewer. Not only Linux, but TeamViewer is also the first choice for a remote desktop client for Windows and macOS users. ...
  • Remmina. ...
  • NoMachine. ...
  • TigerVNC. ...
  • RealVNC VNC Viewer.
Oct 15, 2021

How do I set up remote access to a Linux desktop?

The easiest way to set up a remote connection to a Linux desktop is to use Remote Desktop Protocol, which is built into Windows. For this to work, you need to install xrdp software on your Linux machine. This can be done either in person or by using SSH (see below) by entering the command:

What is remote connection in Linux?

Accessing Linux Desktops Remotely Generally, a remote connection is defined as any software allowing you to remotely access a device from a geographical distance. More specifically, a remote desktop connection allows the user to control the host computer from any location.

How do I use remote desktop over the Internet?

By default, Windows Remote Desktop will only work on your local network. To access Remote Desktop over the Internet, you’ll need to use a VPN or forward ports on your router.

How do I enable remote access in Linux Mint?

To set permissions to enable remote access on your Linux computer, open Settings from the Activities menu in the top left corner of the GNOME desktop. Click on the Sharing category. Enable Screen Sharing (and Allow connections to control screen, when prompted).


How do I remotely access another computer over the internet Linux?

To enable remote desktop sharing, in File Explorer right-click on My Computer → Properties → Remote Settings and, in the pop-up that opens, check Allow remote connections to this computer, then select Apply.

Is there RDP for Linux?

The “RDP” Method The simplest option to enable remote connections to Linux desktops is by using the remote access tool built directly into the Windows OS: Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).

How can I access my computer remotely over the internet?

Set up remote access to your computerOn your computer, open Chrome.In the address bar, enter .Under “Set up Remote Access,” click Download .Follow the onscreen directions to download and install Chrome Remote Desktop.

How do I remote access a Linux system using GUI interface?

Step 1: Downloading and Installing PuTTY. ... Step 2: Downloading and installing Xming X Server. ... Step 3: Configuring the remote Linux system for SSH. ... Step 4: Running graphical Linux programs. ... Step 5: Select how to start Xming. ... Step 6: Enable X11 forwarding in PuTTY. ... Step 7: Enter Ipaddress for ssh graphical interface of linux.More items...•

Is RDP better than VNC?

In general, Remote Desktop Protocol is known to be more functional and faster than VNC. However, both RDP and VNC can be the best option for different users with different purposes in mind.

What is the best RDP client for Linux?

The best remote desktop for Linux available right nowRemmina. Best remote desktop for Linux overall. ... TeamViewer. Best remote desktop for Linux for beginners. ... VNC Connect. A versatile provider of remote desktop for Linux. ... TightVNC. A remote desktop for Linux with excellent additional features. ... Chrome Remote Desktop.

How can I remotely access another computer using IP address?

Once you've set up the target PC to allow access and have the IP address, you can move to the remote computer. On it, open the Start Menu, start typing “Remote Desktop” and select Remote Desktop Connection when it appears in the search results. Then in the box that appears type the IP address and click Connect.

How do I connect to Ubuntu desktop remotely?

Open your VNC client app (sometimes called the viewer) and enter the IP address of your Ubuntu computer that you recorded earlier. Click "Connect". If you set up a password for screen sharing in an earlier step, you'll be asked for it now. Enter the password to remotely operate your Ubuntu computer.

How can I remotely access another computer over the internet for free?

10 Best Free Remote Desktop Tools You Should KnowTeamViewer. Available in premium and free versions, TeamViewer is quite an impressive online collaboration tool used for virtual meetings and sharing presentations. ... Splashtop. ... Chrome Remote Desktop. ... Microsoft Remote Desktop. ... TightVNC. ... Mikogo. ... LogMeIn. ... pcAnywhere.More items...

How do I connect to a Linux server from a different server?

How to Connect via SSHOpen the SSH terminal on your machine and run the following command: ssh your_username@host_ip_address. ... Type in your password and hit Enter. ... When you are connecting to a server for the very first time, it will ask you if you want to continue connecting.More items...•

How do I connect to a Linux machine from Windows?

Connect to Linux from Windows by using PuTTYDownload PuTTY. Use the following steps to download and open PuTTY: ... Configure your connection. Use the following steps to configure your connection: ... Accept the key. ... Enter your username and password. ... Change your root passwords.

How do I connect to a Linux server from Windows?

How to connect via SSH:Open the list of your servers. Click the one you need and click the button "Instructions". ... Open a terminal (for Linux) or a command line (for Windows) on your computer. Enter the command: ssh [username]@[server IP] ... The connection will ask for a password.

Can you RDP from Linux to Windows?

2. The RDP Method. The easiest way to set up a remote connection to a Linux desktop is to use Remote Desktop Protocol, which is built into Windows. Once this is done, type “rdp” in the search function and run the Remote Desktop software on your Windows machine.

How do I install remote desktop on Linux?

How To Install XRDP (Remote Desktop) on Ubuntu 20.04Step 1 – Install Desktop Environment. By default, Ubuntu Server does not have an installed Desktop Environment. ... Step 2 – Installing XRDP on Ubuntu. ... Step 3 – Configuring Xrdp. ... Step 4 – Adjust Firewall. ... Step 5 – Connect to Remote Desktop.

How do I RDP from Linux to Windows 10?

Connecting to Windows 10 from Linux over Remote DesktopName for the remote desktop.Group if the option is available.Protocol – this is important, make sure you choose the RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol when connecting to Windows. If you are using a machine with VNC installed and configured, you can use that option.

How use XRDP Linux?

Simple setup with no user logged into consoleWith Ubuntu 18.04 first install xrdp: sudo apt-get -y install xrdp.Next, one may adjust the configuration file: sudo nano /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini.Set encryption level to high: encrypt_level=high.Next, allow just RDP through the local firewall: sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp.More items...•

What is remote desktop protocol?

Accessing a remote desktop computer is made possible by the remote desktop protocol ( RDP ), a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft. It gives a user a graphical interface to connect to another/remote computer over a network connection . FreeRDP is a free implementation of the RDP.

How does RDP work?

RDP works in a client/server model, where the remote computer must have RDP server software installed and running, and a user employs RDP client software to connect to it , to manage the remote desktop computer.

What is XRDP server?

XRDP is a free and open source, simple remote desktop protocol server based on FreeRDP and rdesktop. It uses the remote desktop protocol to present a GUI to the user. It can be used to access Linux desktops in conjunction with x11vnc.

What is a clutter free user interface?

A clutter-free user interface makes working easy for first-timers. You can customize email templates, and rebrand the Linux remote desktop application to use your company’s name, logo, favicon, and portal URL.

Is FreeNX a SSH server?

FreeNX is an open source, fast and versatile remote access system. It is a secure (SSH based) client /server system , and it’s core libraries are provided by NoMachine. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the link to the FreeNX website did not work, but we have provided links to the distro-specific web pages:

Is XRDP good for Linux?

Although, XRDP is good project, it needs a number of fixes such as taking over an existing desktop session, running on Red Hat- based Linux distributions and more. The developers also need to improve its documentation.

How to remotely access Linux from Windows?

1. Get the IP Address. Before everything else, you need the IP address of the host device—the Linux machine you want to connect to.

What is remote desktop?

Generally, a remote connection is defined as any software allowing you to remotely access a device from a geographical distance. More specifically, a remote desktop connection allows the user to control the host computer from any location. The remote connection gives the user remote access to files and software but also allows them to manage the system and troubleshoot issues on machines, not in close proximity. I’ll go through a few options for when you want to establish a remote connection with devices on the same network, and then I’ll look at some tools for remote access over the internet.

How to find IP address of Linux?

Log in to your Linux device, open the terminal and enter: This will display the device’s IP address. The IP address can also be found by connecting to the network’s router and browsing the devices by hostname. You can then use this information from the Windows machine to connect.

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Any suggestion on how to implement Nagios config structure? ATM I just create a config for each Server and all of its Services I want to monitor in a single config file.

ip to nm-cli convertion

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Three identical servers, but CPU speed isn't the same on all of them. What gives?

So I have three dedicated servers with OVH, each running the same hardware (same CPU, memory, disks, everything). A few days ago, one of the servers became sluggish. Websites aren't loading as fast, doing things like installing packages just feel like they're stuttering behind a second or two. Load, memory, and disk I/O are all in good shape.

How to enable remote desktop sharing?

To enable remote desktop sharing, in File Explorer right-click on My Computer → Properties → Remote Settings and, in the pop-up that opens, check Allow remote connections to this computer , then select Apply.

What is remote desktop?

A remote desktop, according to Wikipedia, is "a software or operating system feature that allows a personal computer's desktop environment to be run remotely on one system (usually a PC, but the concept applies equally to a server), while being displayed on a separate client device.". In other words, a remote desktop is used ...

How to access Remmina from Linux?

Go to the Linux computer you use to remotely access the Windows PC and launch Remmina. Enter the IP address of your Windows computer and hit the Enter key. (How do I locate my IP address in Linux and Windows 10 ?) When prompted, enter your username and password and click OK.

How to save connection in Remmina?

You can also create saved connections in Remmina by clicking on the + (plus) sign in the top-left corner . Fill in the form with details specific to your connection and click Save . Here is an example Windows 10 RDP connection:

What is the default setting for remna?

Remmina offers several types of connections, including RDP, which is used to connect to Windows-based computers, and VNC, which is used to connect to Linux machines. As you can see in the top-left corner above, Remmina's default setting is RDP.

Can you access a computer remotely?

You can also access a computer remotely through SSH, but it usually limits you to a text-only terminal to that computer. You should also note that enabling remote connections with your computer could cause serious damage if an attacker uses this method to gain access to your computer.

Does Windows 10 Home have RDP?

According to Microsoft ' s product matrix, Windows 10 Home edition does not include the ability to connect over RDP, so you must be running Pro or Enterprise editions to connect over RDP.

How to connect to a remote computer?

To connect to a remote computer, simply type in the partner ID of the other system, select the type of connection— Remote control or File transfer — and click Connect. TeamViewer secures its connections using passwords, and it'll ask you for one too before establishing the connection.

What is remote desktop client?

With remote desktop clients, you can easily connect to a system located all the way on the other side of the world. With the advent of the internet and software development, remote computing has grown multi-folds to an age where working remotely has become a norm.

How to save settings in TigerVNC?

TigerVNC offers you the choice to configure the settings, which you can access by clicking on Options. Also, if you plan on using the same settings again, there's an option to Save the configuration as a file. You can then Load the file whenever you want to use the saved configuration and TigerVNC will automatically make changes to the settings.

How to add a connection to a server?

To add a connection, click on the Add button and enter the server address next to the Host label. Then, provide a name to your connection and supply the port details. Next, select the protocol from the dropdown menu and hit Connect.

What is the protocol for NoMachine?

With NoMachine, you get to choose between three different protocols for your connections, namely NX (direct connection over the internet), SSH (secure shell connection), and HTTPS (secure connection through a web browser).

How to install NoMachine?

To install NoMachine, you'll have to download the latest package archive from the website and install it manually on your computer.

Is TeamViewer a Linux client?

Not only Linux, but TeamViewer is also the first choice for a remote desktop client for Windows and macOS users. At first glance, you'll notice that the app interface is easy to comprehend, with different sections categorizing the available options.

How to log into remote desktop?

Once you’re done setting things up, you should be able to log into Remote Desktop over the internet by connecting to the public IP address your router exposes for your local network followed by a colon and then the port number for the PC to which you want to connect.

What port is used for remote desktop?

You’ll need to log into your router and have it forward all traffic using TCP port 3389 to the IP address of the PC running Remote Desktop.

How to keep things straight on a router?

If your router allows it, you should also enter the name of the PC just to keep things straight. You can always use the “Application” entry that most routers feature for keeping track of what application a port is assigned to. Just enter the name of the PC followed by something like “_RDP” to keep thing straight.

How to use a port number?

In the properties window, select the “Decimal” option and then type the port number you want to use. What port number you choose is up to you, but be aware that some port numbers are already in use. You can check out Wikipedia’s list of common port assignments to see numbers you shouldn’t use, but network apps installed on your PC may use additional ports. Port numbers can go all the way up to 65,535, though, and if you choose port numbers over 50,000 you should be pretty safe. When you’ve entered the port number you want to use, click “OK.”

Can you save a connection in Remote Desktop?

Of course, you can always save that connection in Remote Desktop by name, so that you don’t have to type in the IP address and port number every time.

Is VPN safe for remote desktop?

It is not your only option, though.

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