Remote-access Guide

linux vpn remote access server

by Vida Wilderman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Select Access Server and fill in all the details manually:

  • Title – set your preferred name for the connection
  • Access Server Hostname – the IP of your Linux VPN server
  • Port – the port 934 of your Linux VPN server
  • Username – the username set on your server – openvpn by default
  • Password – the password you set in the console while setting up the Linux VPN Server in the terminal environment

Full Answer

How to set up a Linux VPN Server?

How to set up a Linux VPN server (Beginner's Guide) 1 Requirements 2 Install and Configure VPN 3 Connect to a VPN 4 Troubleshooting 5 Add more VPN users

Does OpenVPN work with Linux?

One such open source VPN software is OpenVPN and it can work as a Linux VPN server. At a basic level, a VPN secures connections by creating a point to point secured connection. Using a good VPN for Linux is one of the best ways to remain secure over the Internet or an open network.

What is a VPN for Linux and how does it work?

At a basic level, a VPN secures connections by creating a point to point secured connection. Using a good VPN for Linux is one of the best ways to remain secure over the Internet or an open network. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to set up your very own Linux VPN server using OpenVPN.

Can I set up a server-client OpenVPN?

This completes your first ever server-client OpenVPN configuration. Go ahead and enjoy secure browsing using OpenVPN. In case you don’t want to bother setting up your own VPN server, you should use a reputable VPN client, such as NordVPN. Edward is a Content Editor with years of experience in IT as a writer, marketer, and Linux enthusiast.


How to get a VPN?

To get your own personal VPN, you need two computers: 1 A client computer, most likely it is your home computer or a laptop. You use it to connect to a VPN. 2 A private server, this where you install a VPN and use it as a VPN provider. This can be your own physical server or a virtual server.

How to add VPN to Network Manager?

So, to add your VPN configuration to the Network Manager, open the Network Manager settings. Click on Add new connection, and import the configuration file you have downloaded from the server:

How to check if VPN is working?

To test it, open your internet browser and visit any website. You can also check your public IP address and it should be your server address.

What happens when you start OpenVPN from command line?

When you start your OpenVPN connection from the command line, you will see errors right on the screen if somethings does not work. Try to understand what it says. If you do not how to fix it, google that error message.

What is a client computer?

A client computer, most likely it is your home computer or a laptop. You use it to connect to a VPN. A private server, this where you install a VPN and use it as a VPN provider. This can be your own physical server or a virtual server. There are several programs you can use to configure personal VPN. I will use OpenVPN.

What is the Ovpn file?

When everything is done. You should see a file that ends with .ovpn. This is a configuration file you will need to configure the client computer.

Is a VPN free or slow?

Free VPN is also usually very slow. You can sign up for a VPN service for a monthly fee. This is the most popular option. It is more reliable than a free VPN but you have to trust your VPN provider. You can get a personal VPN on your own server.

What is VPN in Linux?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. One such open source VPN software is OpenVPN and it can work as a Linux VPN server. At a basic level, a VPN secures connections by creating a point to point secured connection. Using a good VPN for Linux is one of the best ways to remain secure over the Internet or an open network.

How does VPN work?

By using a VPN, you can keep your data secure and encrypted by not allowing even the ISP to read it. Anonymity – a VPN lets users maintain anonymity while browsing over the Internet. The IPs are not traceable. IP Change – VPN allows users to change their IPs and browse safely.

How to test if OpenVPN works?

How to Test a Linux VPN Server running OpenVPN. To test if OpenVPN works as expected, connect the VPN client and check your IP address. You can use the DNS leak test website from the browser. It should show you the OpenVPN server’s IPv4 address. Next, you can choose Extended test.

How to download OpenVPN?

Open the OpenVPN client UI and download the appropriate profile for your OS. Alternatively, you can use wget or curl command and provide the URL to download the software.

Where is OpenVPN log?

In case you are connected to the VPN and are not able to browse the Internet, you can check the OpenVPN logs at /var/log/openvpnas.log in your VPS. In case you find entries similar to the one shown below, you’re most likely experiencing compression issues:

How many users can I have on OpenVPN?

The free OpenVPN client supports two users. To create more users, you would need to select any of the paid plans. You can add additional users from the admin UI. Navigate to the User Management tab, and click the User Permissions link.

What are the benefits of VPN?

VPN comes with certain benefits. Few of these are highlighted below: 1 Security – VPN provides better and stronger protection since all data is encrypted. This provides additional security as compared to Firewalls. 2 Remote Access – to ensure high security, many organizations, government and defense offices allow remote access only through their VPN 3 ISP encryption – ISP stands for Internet service provider. If you use a public Wi-Fi connection, the ISP can read all your unencrypted data. By using a VPN, you can keep your data secure and encrypted by not allowing even the ISP to read it. 4 Anonymity – a VPN lets users maintain anonymity while browsing over the Internet. The IPs are not traceable. 5 IP Change – VPN allows users to change their IPs and browse safely. This in certain cases is used in regions that have location-based restrictions 6 Unblock websites – certain websites are blocked in a few geographical regions. A VPN maintains anonymity and hence is commonly used to bypass Internet censorship to unblock websites 7 Throttling – certain ISPs throttle user bandwidth based on the content. Such throttling can be avoided by using a VPN

What port does OpenVPN use?

The OpenVPN TCP daemon that runs on TCP port 443 redirects incoming browser requests so that it is easier for users to open the web interface - they won’t have to specify that port number. Initially a single administrative user is added to the system. But it has no password set and therefore cannot be used yet.

What operating system is OpenVPN?

The OpenVPN Access Server is distributed via our software repository on a number of popular Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, and Red Hat, and Amazon Linux 2. You can easily deploy Access Server on any x86-64 system that can run those operating systems using our software repository. To install the repository and install Access Server check the software repository download page on our website for instructions.

How to upgrade Access Server?

The upgrade procedure via repository is fairly simple. You need to first know which operating system you have. If you don’t know what it is, you can use the information below to determine this. Then you install the software repository and install Access Server using the instructions from our software repository page. So in short these are the steps that you need to take: 1 Determine your operating system. 2 Run the instructions for your OS from our website to install the repository. 3 Those instructions will also install the latest version of OpenVPN Access Server.

What operating system is used for access server?

There are also options for installing Access Server using a prepared image containing the Ubuntu operating system and the OpenVPN Access Server program in it. These are available for Microsoft Hyper-V, VMWare ESXi, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and other virtualization solutions. We have a preference to use the latest Ubuntu 64 bits Long Term Support version for our prepared images.

Can you use LDAP to connect to Windows AD?

You can also use another external system like RADIUS or LDAP server, for example to connect to a Windows Server Active Directory using an LDAP or RADIUS connector. If you do connect to Windows AD, we recommend that you use LDAP for best results.

Can you use local authentication in PAM?

Almost everything can then be configured purely from the Admin UI, although some advanced options are only available in the command line tools. We recommend that if you choose to use PAM that you look at the command line authentication options documentation specifically to learn how to add/remove users and manage passwords.

Can OpenVPN accept Internet connections?

And if the Access Server doesn’t have Internet access it obviously can’t accept connections from clients from the Internet either of course.

How to restart OpenVPN?

Finally, restart OpenVPN with the command sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart. The VPN server is now ready to accept connections from clients (the topic of my next tutorial.)

Why is VPN important?

The VPN is very often critical to working within a company. With working from home being such a popular draw to many industries, it is still necessary to be able to access company folders and hardware that exists within the LAN. When outside of that LAN, one of the best ways to gain that access is with the help of a VPN.

How to install OpenVPN package?

Run sudo apt-get install openvpn to install the OpenVPN package.

Do certificates need to be created for VPN?

Now, certificates will have to be created for each host needing to connecting to the VPN. Once the certificates have been created, they will need to be copied to the respective clients. The files that must be copied are:

Does OpenVPN require certificates?

The OpenVPN server will rely on certificate authority for security. Those certificates must first be created and then placed in the proper directories. To do this, follow these steps:

OpenVPN Quickstart

You need two computers on different subnets, like a wired and wireless PC on the same network (or a couple of Linux guests in Virtualbox), and you need to know the IP addresses of both PCs. Let’s call our example computers Studio and Shop. Install OpenVPN on both of them.

Encrypted VPN Tunnel

This is all fun and exciting, but pointless without encryption, so we’ll set up a simple static key configuration. It’s not as strong as a proper public key infrastructure (PKI) with root certificates and revocations and all that good stuff, but it’s a good-enough solution for the lone nerd needing to call home from the road.

Firewalls and Dynamic IP Addresses

OpenVPN itself is simple to configure. The biggest hassles are dealing with firewalls and dynamic IP addresses. There are a skillion different firewalls in the world, so I shall leave it as your homework to figure out how to get through it safely.

What is remote desktop protocol?

Accessing a remote desktop computer is made possible by the remote desktop protocol ( RDP ), a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft. It gives a user a graphical interface to connect to another/remote computer over a network connection . FreeRDP is a free implementation of the RDP.

What is a VNC?

VNC ( Virtual Network Computing) is a server-client protocol which allows user accounts to remotely connect and control a distant system by using the resources provided by the Graphical User Interface ( GUI ).

What is XRDP server?

XRDP is a free and open source, simple remote desktop protocol server based on FreeRDP and rdesktop. It uses the remote desktop protocol to present a GUI to the user. It can be used to access Linux desktops in conjunction with x11vnc.

How does RDP work?

RDP works in a client/server model, where the remote computer must have RDP server software installed and running, and a user employs RDP client software to connect to it , to manage the remote desktop computer.

What is a nomachine?

NoMachine is a free, cross platform and high quality remote desktop software. It offers you a secure personal server. Nomachine allows you to access all your files, watch videos, play audio, edit documents, play games and move them around.

How many users can use VNC?

You can get VNC connect for free for home use, which is limited to five remote computers and three users.

Is FreeNX a SSH server?

FreeNX is an open source, fast and versatile remote access system. It is a secure (SSH based) client /server system , and it’s core libraries are provided by NoMachine. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the link to the FreeNX website did not work, but we have provided links to the distro-specific web pages:



Operating Systems Supported

  • We distribute OpenVPN Access Server via our software repository on a number of popular Linux distributions. Refer to OpenVPN Access Server system requirementsfor the compatible Linux operating systems. To install the repository and install Access Server: Choose the platform from our download page and get the instructions for installing the reposito...
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Installation Requirements and Preparation

  • The following will help you prepare your platform for installation. Verify that your server is ready 1. You need a supported Linux OS with root level access. You can connect directly through the console or through an SSH session using a tool like PuTTY. 2. If you need to sign in as an unprivileged user, sudo up to gain root privileges. 3. Ensure your server has the correct time and …
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Install Repository, Then Upgrade

  • Check your operating system You need to know the correct operating system to use the appropriate commands for adding the repository and installing OpenVPN Access Server. 1. Determine your operating system. 1.1. Run these commands to find the necessary OS information: cat /etc/issue lsb_release -a uname -a Select your OS from our software repository …
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Finishing Configuration and Using The Product

  • Verify configuration completes Once OpenVPN Access Server installs, it automatically runs an initial configuration with default settings. When the initial configuration completes, review the output for the admin account and addresses to access your Admin Web UI. 1. Get the username and password for your admin user. 1.1. Take note of the randomly generated password for the a…
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Limitations of An Unlicensed Openvpn Access Server

  • OpenVPN Access Server launches with two free connections. If you use Access Server without a license or activation key 1. You can use these two free connections without a time limit. 2. You have full access to all of the functionality of OpenVPN Access Server. 3. You can’t have more than two simultaneous OpenVPN tunnel connections to your VPN server. To unlock more connection…
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