Remote-access Guide

live thumbnails remote access

by Adalberto Ratke Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Simply launch your sessions directly from Remote Desktop Manager, and then click on the Overview-Thumbnails tab. You’ll notice a small Play icon on the bottom right of your thumbnail. Click it to activate or deactivate the Live Thumbnail feature.

Full Answer

What is RDCMan EXE?

Introduction. RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular access to each machine such as automated checkin systems and data centers. Servers are organized into named groups. You can connect or disconnect to all servers in a group with a single command ...

How do I manage multiple remote desktop connections?

You can manage multiple connected RDP sessions from within RDC Man, or you can undock them and treat them like separate windows on your taskbar. To do so, right-click a connected server and choose “Undock.” Now, the server will appear on your taskbar and will have a window of its own.

How do I install Remote Desktop Connection Manager?

Perform the following steps to install the Remote Desktop Connection Manager to your local user profile without administrative rights:Open a command prompt.Create a new directory to install the Remote Desktop Connection Manager to: ... Download the installer and save the MSI to the Downloads directory.Run the installer:More items...•

How do I open an RDCMan file?

How RDCMan can be used:Open File Explorer.Right-click This PC.Select Properties, Remote Settings.Select Allow remote connections to this computer.Turn off Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication.

Can I open two RDP connections?

Only one simultaneous RDP connection is supported. When you try to open a second RDP session, the user is prompted to close the active connection; If there is a user who works on the console of the computer (locally), then when you try to create a new remote RDP connection, the console session will be disconnected.

What can I use instead of RDCMan?

RDCMan Competitors and AlternativesmRemoteNG.Remote Desktop Manager.VNC Connect.Remote Desktop Services.Radmin Remote Administrator.Chrome Remote Desktop.VMware Fusion.Citrix ADC.More items...

Is remote access Connection Manager service needed?

You may notice Remote Access Connection Manager in your recently running processes if you have connected to a VPN or dial-up network on your Windows computer. It is a necessary process that should not be killed unless you are not using dial-up or VPN on the computer.

Can I disable remote access Connection Manager?

Double-click Remote Access Connection Manager. In the Startup type list, click Disabled. Click Stop, and then click OK.

What is Remote Desktop Connection?

A remote desktop is a program or an operating system feature that allows a user to connect to a computer in another location, see that computer's desktop and interact with it as if it were local.

Is remote desktop Manager secure?

Remote Desktop Manager takes network security extremely seriously. We've already talked about role-based access, which is essential for preventing unauthorized access. But, this remote desktop connection manager also supports security measures like two-factor authentication through Duo or Google Authenticator.

How do I access remote?

Access a computer remotelyOn your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome Remote Desktop app. . ... Tap the computer you want to access from the list. If a computer is dimmed, it's offline or unavailable.You can control the computer in two different modes. To switch between modes, tap the icon in the toolbar.

How do I use remote computer manager?

Deploy Remote Desktop Manager in a matter of minutesDownload RDM. Download Remote Desktop Manager to your computer now. ... Create sessions. Set your connection settings, passwords and credentials. ... Start working. You're now ready to easily add, edit, organize, delete and manage all your remote connections!

How many Remote Desktop connections can you have?

Currently RDP only allows 2 simultaneous connections at a time.

How do I allow more than 2 RDP sessions to a Windows 10?

One option to enable remote desktop for multiple users on Windows 10 is by using the RDP Wrapper Library. The RDP Wrapper project permits users to support more than one simultaneous RDP session on Windows 10 (without replacing the termsrv. dll file).

How do I save all my Remote Desktop connections?

1] Save Remote Desktop Connection Settings to RDP File Select the computer you want to save its connection settings. Next, click/tap on Show Options in the Remote Desktop Connection client. Click/tap on the Save As button in the Connection settings section.

How do I allow multiple Remote Desktop connections in Windows 11?

To enable concurrent Remote Desktop (RDP) sessions in Windows 11, you need to make a small change to termsrv. dll file. This file is located in C:\Windows\System32 folder. Before modifying termsrv.

Enable the Remote Desktop Live Thumbnails

Note: This article does not apply to Royal TS V5 and later because the deployment of the EasyHook libraries has been changed. The installation path in V5 and later is

Download the files manually

In case the download doesn't work, you can download the files manually: Place those files in %appdata%\code4ward and restart Royal TS.


In case the files weren't downloaded correctly you can force Royal TS to re-download those files by using View -> Options -> Troubleshooting -> Delete EasyHook DLLs Alternatively you can just delete the EasyHook32.dll and EasyHook64.dll in %appdata%\code4ward and download the files manually as mentioned above..

How to activate live thumbnail?

Simply launch your sessions directly from Remote Desktop Manager, and then click on the Overview-Thumbnails tab. You’ll notice a small Play icon on the bottom right of your thumbnail. Click it to activate or deactivate the Live Thumbnail feature.

What is a live thumbnail?

They're live and interactive clickable RDP sessions. For example, if you need to launch commands or update multiple servers simultaneously, you can do so directly from your Live Thumbnail tab without ever changing windows. This feature is available when launching an Intel AMT, Apple Remote Desktop, VNC (default engine only), Microsoft RDP or Wayk Now session.


I am looking to monitor the sessions of multiple remote desktop clients by viewing thumbnails of their desktops. Is there any functionality built into Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Session Host that will allow this? If not, does anyone know of software that is compatible with this situation?


There isn't any in-box thumbnail view of a session. There may be something from a third party, but I am not personally aware of such a solution--perhaps someone else is. What you can do with the in-box solution is monitor which processes are running in a session.

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There isn't any in-box thumbnail view of a session. There may be something from a third party, but I am not personally aware of such a solution--perhaps someone else is. What you can do with the in-box solution is monitor which processes are running in a session.

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