Remote-access Guide

localhost remote access

by Magnus Hagenes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I access localhost remotely? If your friend is on the same local network as you, it’s very simple: make sure any software firewalls on your computer are configured to accept connections from remote computers on port 8080, then have your friend replace “localhost” in your URL with your IP address or hostname–for instance, …

Open any browser you like and type http://localhost:9999 and it will work like a charm. After you are done using close the terminal SSH session.Mar 20, 2015

Full Answer

How to open localhost server on computer?

When you (or your computer) call an IP address, you are usually trying to contact another computer on the internet. However, if you call the IP address then you are communicating with the localhost – in principle, with your own computer. But what is the point of starting a virtual conversation with yourself?

How to run localhost?

Localhost is the computer you're using right now. You run things by typing commands at the command prompt and pressing Enter. If you're asking how to run things from your programming environment, then the answer depends on which environment you're using. Most languages have commands with names like system or exec for running external programs.

How to fix 'localhost refused to connect' error on Windows?


  • Go to your Windows Settings through the Start menu or using the “ Windows logo key + I ” shortcut.
  • Click “ Network & Internet ” and choose “ VPN ” from the left side panel.
  • Toggle off your VPN options.
  • If your localhost connection error disappears after this, go to the “ Apps and Features ” setting to permanently uninstall your VPN application.

How to localhost on Windows 10?

To open as administrator, follow the steps below:

  • Press the Windows key and type Notepad in the search field.
  • Right-click on the Notepad icon and select Run as administrator.
  • In Notepad, click File then Open. In the File name field, paste c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts


Can I access localhost from another computer?

Put the IP addresses of both of your computers' internet security antivirus network security as safe IP addresses if required. On your PC you type in: http://localhost/ inside your Firefox or Internet Eplorer browser to access your data on your webserver.

What is localhost and remote host?

A local server is located in the same machine as the one who made the request. A remote server is another machine that can receive and respond to exterior requests.

How do I access localhost from local network?

You should follow these steps:Go to the control panel.Inbound rules > new rules.Click port > next > specific local port > enter 8080 > next > allow the connection>Next > tick all (domain, private, public) > specify any name.Now you can access your localhost by any device (laptop, mobile, desktop, etc).More items...

What is localhost used for?

What does localhost mean? In a computer network, localhost is a hostname that refers to the computer that is executing a program — you can think of it as meaning “this computer.” The term is used when making a loopback request to one's own device.

Is localhost safe?

Using http://localhost for local development is fine most of the time, except in some special cases. This post explains when you need to run your local development site with HTTPS. Also see: How to use HTTPS for local development. In this post, statements about localhost are valid for 127.0.

How do I access my local host 8080?

Hold down the Windows key and press the R key to open the Run dialog. Type “cmd” and click OK in the Run dialog. Verify the Command Prompt opens. Type “netstat -a -n -o | find "8080"".

Is localhost accessible from outside?

For Windows users, you'll need to make sure you have Python installed first. For macOS and Linux, you can use a simple cURL command to install it straight from your command line. It'll run through and sign you up to the service if you're not already signed up. Then you'll have localhost up and running for the world!

How do I share my localhost?

You have many ways to do this, you can use port forwarding with Dynamic DNS or use proxy, VPN, or tunneling. ... You can use ngrok , which is a platform that will forward your local ports on the internet.

What is a remote host?

A remote host is a computer outside your firewall with which you want to connect. Connecting with a remote host through an Internet Session requires that you have: Configured a NAT rule that translates a public IP address to your internal network.

What does localhost mean on WIFI?

A good way to think of localhost, in computer networking, is to look at it as “this computer”. It is the default name used to establish a connection with your computer using the loopback address network.

What is a remote host name?

The remote-hostname command specifies the host name, IP address, host alias, or load balancer group name of the Multi-Enterprise Integration Gateway server.

What is the difference between localhost and IP address?

When you access localhost , your /etc/hosts file will tell your computer not to look any further and redirects you to your own computer. When you access the local IP adress, your computer will ask the router to fetch the data, and your router will then point back to your computer.

How is it Possible to Access localhost From Anywhere?

It’s possible through secure tunnel services online! These are services that provide you with a tunnel from the Internet to your machine.

A Note About Using Virtual Hosts

On my localhost, I’ve got virtual hosts set up. Without having the address from each service below listed as a ServerAlias, my server would refuse to play nicely. A few hours of confusion ensued.


ngrok is an application for Windows, macOS and Linux that creates a tunnel but also allows you to inspect all traffic that goes through the tunnel and replay that traffic for testing.


PageKite is a Python-based “dynamic tunnel based reverse proxy” that works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and even Android devices! It’s very similar to ngrok but has been around for quite a bit longer, and it appears quite a bit more battle-tested for a larger set of uses.


localtunnel is a tunneling service that was initially built in Node but also has Go-based and C#/.NET clients.


boringproxy is a newer option that’s totally free and open source under the MIT license! Its main focus appears to be making it easier for people to self host websites on their computers. It comes as a single executable file that works as the server and the client in one. There’s an executable for a range of Linux systems and Windows.


BrowserStack provides provides automated screenshots and virtual machines to test your website against a range of devices and browsers. If the reason you’re wanting to access localhost is for testing, BrowserStack might be of interest to you.

How to install Remote Access on DirectAccess?

On the DirectAccess server, in the Server Manager console, in the Dashboard, click Add roles and features. Click Next three times to get to the server role selection screen. On the Select Server Roles dialog, select Remote Access, and then click Next.

What group does DirectAccess belong to?

For a client computer to be provisioned to use DirectAccess, it must belong to the selected security group . After DirectAccess is configured, client computers in the security group are provisioned to receive the DirectAccess Group Policy Objects (GPOs) for remote management.

In this article

Host a site on a development machine web server, then access the content from an Android device.


Port forwarding enables you to view content hosted by the web server running in your development machine on your Android device.

Set up port forwarding to proxy server

To map a custom domain you must run a proxy server on your development machine. Examples of proxy servers are Charles, Squid, and Fiddler.

Configure proxy settings on your device

Next, you need to configure your Android device to communicate with the proxy server.

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