What are the LPS Board of education policies and regulations?
Staff agree to all LPS Board of Education Policies and Regulations, specifically 6441.1 (Acceptable Use of Computers, Network, Internet and Websites) and 3550.2 (Information Technology Management) including the associated Information Technology Rules and Procedures. Lincoln Public Schools 5905 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510402-436-1000
How do I connect to the CPS network with personal devices?
You must also have authorization from your school before connecting to the CPS network with personal devices. Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network. Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.
What can I do with remote access?
Welcome to CPS Remote Access! With remote access software, you can easily access applications such as HR4U self service, Hyperion, SSM and Oracle when working outside of a CPS facility. Before getting started, you should be aware of the following: You will only need to download and install the software one time.
What are the security requirements for Remote Desktop Access?
• Map network drives. • Remote desktop over to computers located on campus. Since your remote computer will be connected to the NPS network, it must meet our security requirements. Operating system security patches must be applied, and anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date.

What is LPS in networking?
The LPS Public network is intended for public use of personal devices. The LPS Secure and LPS Private networks are intended for use by LPS owned devices. Both networks have content and security filtering in place.
What is LPS technology?
A local positioning system (LPS) is technology used to pinpoint indoor position, similar to the global positioning system (GPS) used to locate outdoor position. LPS triangulates signals from cell controllers to proprietary long-range, long-life, low-cost radio frequency electronic tags.
What is LPS account?
LPS Gmail is a web-based email service that provides students the ability to receive notifications from Google Docs, Synergy Communications, and email from teachers.
How many public schools are in Lincoln Nebraska?
73 schoolsLincoln Public Schools contains 73 schools and 41,674 students.
What is location positioning?
A local positioning system (LPS) is a technology used for obtaining the position or location information of objects in relation to a local field or area. It is similar to a global positioning system (GPS), but works only locally and only gives the position of objects in a given local vicinity.
What college is in Lincoln Nebraska?
University of Nebraska...Southeast Community CollegeNebraska Wesleyan UniversityUnion CollegeBryan College of Health Sci...UNMC College of DentistryLincoln/Colleges and Universities
What school district is Lincoln Nebraska?
LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLSDistrict Name: LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS schools for this districtNCES District ID: 3172840Mailing Address: 5905 O Street Lincoln, NE 68501-2889Physical Address: 5905 O Street Lincoln, NE 68510Type: Local school districtStatus: OpenSupervisory Union #: N/AGrade Span: (grades PK - 12) PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 123 more rows
Are Lincoln NE public schools closed today?
No closings are listed at this time.
What does LPS stand for?
LPSAcronymDefinitionLPSLocal Pet StoreLPSLipopolysaccharideLPSLittlest Pet Shop (video game)LPSLawton Public Schools (Lawton, Oklahoma)121 more rows
What is the function of LPS?
The primary function of LPS is to provide structural integrity and a permeability barrier to protect the bacterial cell from the entry of deleterious molecules such as toxins and bile salts during its inhabitation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Where is LPS found?
outer membraneLipopolysaccharides (LPS) are large molecules consisting of a lipid and a polysaccharide that are bacterial toxins. They are composed of an O-antigen, an outer core, and an inner core all joined by a covalent bonds, and are found in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
How do you get rid of LPS?
An effective method of removal of the negatively charged LPS is to use a substrate with a positive charge. We offer Acrodisc® Units with Mustang® E Membrane for effective removal of endotoxin.
What is LPS tutorial?
LPS has created tutorials to support families getting started with the foundational tools students will be expected to use while attending LPS. Learn more about getting started with Chromebooks, the LPS Portal, GMail, Zoom, and Google Classroom.
What is the LPS jump code?
Teachers use a tool called “LPS Jump” to convert long or complicated web page addresses into shorter, more manageable addresses (similar to other URL shorteners like bit.ly and Tiny URL). The shortened addresses get a code, referred to as a “ Jump Code” that can be entered into the “Search, Keyword” field on the LPS website. For example “o9bk” would link visitors to the Parent Guide to Chromebooks in LPS page.
How do parents access synergy?
Parents access Synergy information in a tool called ParentVUE. If you haven’t activated your ParentVUE account, now is the perfect time to get it set up. Please contact your child’s school for activation information.
How often should students refresh the portal screen?
Students should refresh the Portal screen each day.
Where is the jump code in LPS?
Enter the keyword or jump code into the search box in the top-right corner of the LPS home page.
Can you sign in to Google Classroom with LPS?
Students should access Google Classroom via the LPS Portal . Parents do not have a separate sign- in to Google Classroom in LPS like they do in Synergy ParentVUE. Have your student show you their LPS Google Classrooms.
Does LPS have a Gmail account?
Every LPS student has access to an LPS Gmail account that is managed and monitored by Computing Services.
How to get used to LPS?
This page features information that may help as you get used to the digital learning environment in LPS. It might take a little while. If you’re an “early adopter” type, be patient and remain kind to those who will take longer to adjust to learning on a Chromebook. If you’re one of the people who isn’t as comfortable with technology or online learning as your peers, it’s okay. Stay positive. Be persistent. Stay engaged in your classes and with your teachers, and advocate for your needs.
How to support digital learning?
Beyond that, ask your parent or another important adult to help you set up a learning space. Use this space whenever it’s time to learn.
Why do we need a shared learning space?
You really will be more productive. Like it or not, a learning space in a shared area allows the adult (s) in your home to readily support your learning while also monitoring your online activity.
Lifespan Apps Anywhere
Access LifeChart, shared drives, the Lifespan Intranet, and other applications.
Get Help
To report an incident or request additional help please contact the Lifespan IS Service Desk at 401-444-6381.
Account & Password Management
Forgot Your Password SSPR (Reset your password when you don't remember it.)
What is LPS public?
LPS-Public is our flagship product and contains core features most needed by the widest range of our customers. We do create custom builds for specific organizations, so not all features and screens described in this guide will be the same in all distributions.
What to do if you have a custom build of LPS?
If issued a custom build of LPS by your organization, contact your normal first-line computer support for problems using LPS. These support teams will have escalation contacts for second-level support. Home users may contact the ATSPI Technology Office directly.
What is an ATSPI?
The standard LPS distribution contains ATSPI‟s Encryption Wizard software. Encryption Wizard is a Java-based file encryption program that can be used to quickly and easily encrypt sensitive (but not classified) files for local storage and before transmission via email. It provides
Does LPS support dialup?
LPS supports wired, wireless (WiFi), and cellular broadband networking, but not dialup. We recommend using LPS with networks that use DHCP. LPS does not preserve user configuration data across reboots, so any static addressing information will have to be re-entered every time it is used. Likewise, wireless keys will also not be preserved between sessions.
Does LPS support external storage?
By design, internal storage devices are not supported by LPS; this prevents any malware from being stored and from interfering with subsequent operations. LPS-Public supports the use of external storage devices (e.g., USB hard drives and flash drives). This functionality may be removed in some custom versions of LPS.
Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network.
CPS Windows Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.
Non-CPS Windows Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Windows computer.
Non-CPS Mac Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Mac computer.
What security requirements do remote computers need?
Since your remote computer will be connected to the NPS network, it must meet our security requirements. Operating system security patches must be applied, and anti-virus software must be installed and kept up to date.
Who issues SSL certificates?
The SSL certificates we use are issued by the Department of Defense. If your web browser does not trust these certificates, you'll get a warning when visiting the page.
What is a VPN in NPS?
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure connection to the NPS internal network.
How long is a guest account valid for NPS?
NPS Guest. To set up access to the NPS Guest Wireless network, please follow the Guest Wireless account instructions. Guest wireless accounts are valid for two weeks. If guests require a guest wireless account for longer than two weeks , they will need to apply for a new guest wireless account following these instructions.
Can you use eduroam on NPS?
Since this participation is reciprocal in nature, visiting faculty, staff, and students from eduroam participating institutions may also use their home institution login information on the NPS campus by selecting the "eduroam" SSID in the list of available wireless networks shown on their devices.