Remote-access Guide

lsuhsc remote access user

by Elena Kerluke Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Is there a computer laboratory at LSUHSC?

Although the LSUHSC School of Public Health (SPH) has a computer laboratory of personal computers (PCs), that resource is available primarily for use as a classroom. While it is available during non-class times, it is not available at night and on weekends.

Is Office PRO PLUS available at LSUHSC?

LSU Health Sciences Center is now licensed for students, faculty and staff to take advantage of Microsoft’s Office Pro Plus software which is part of Office 365. Microsoft has made this software available to qualifying education organizations free of charge for students, faculty and staff with email addresses.

What is inside lsuhs’ intranet?

INSIDE LSUHS provides access links to email, VPN, intranet/INSIDE, Moodle, and more for employees, faculty and students. About Leadership Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

How do I contact LSUHSC ITG? (318) 675-6506 Below is a list of services ITG can assist with remotely: Password Resets Email Configuration (Configuration of LSUHSC or Ochsner email account in Outlook Software Troubleshooting/ Installation/Removal Add/Removal of printers Virus Scans / Cleaning Editing User Permissions (Admin rights or remote user rights)


How to report spam to LSUHSC?

To report a SPAM message, forward them as attachments to, and they will be analyzed to help block future messages.

What is archive LSUHSC?

Email archiving – An “Archive LSUHSC” folder has been added to your mailbox and is available through your email client (Outlook and OWA). This folder displays the interface to the LSUHSC-NO email archive. You can click on the folder to open it or right click and choose to open it in a separate window. Through this interface, you can browse and search for items in your mailbox that exist in the email archive. While the archive interface is very intuitive, tutorial documentation and video training are available at LSUHSC-NO Email Archiving for your convenience.

What is Juniper Remote Access Portal?

Juniper Remote Access Portal allows you to pass through the firewall and access these systems such as your network drives and use the Outlook client on your laptop.

Does LSUHSC have a computer lab?

Although the LSUHSC School of Public Health (SPH) has a computer laboratory of personal computers (PCs), that resource is available primarily for use as a classroom. While it is available during non-class times, it is not available at night and on weekends.

Where is the software lab in LEC?

Some courses have specific software needs. While we do have all the necessary software in the computer lab located on the 2 nd floor of the LEC, there may be instances in which students will need to utilize the software off-site and will need to purchase license (s) for use on a personal computer.

Does LSUHSC have Kivuto?

LSUHSC has an agreement with Kivuto for special pricing of certain software packages. The website allows you to register your account and purchase software at a discount. Students are able to download a FREE copy of Windows X. Some other software packages you can download at a great price are Adobe Creative Suite ($19.99/month) , SPSS ($39.95), Parallels for Mac ($39.99/year), EndNote ($114.39), MiniTab ($29.99), Nvivo ($99,) and much more.

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