Remote-access Guide

macquarie remote access

by Ana Ryan Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Why choose Macquarie’s secure remote access?

With Macquarie’s Secure Remote Access. The days of getting things done at the one desk, in the one office, are long gone. Now more of us need to be able to work wherever we are. So how can you make it possible for your team to have access to everything they need, on any device they choose, without putting your confidential data at risk?

How do I access systems at Macquarie University?

Where a system for security or structural reasons is not available, access these on site at Macquarie University or via a VPN process. To check if VPN access is necessary, speak to your manager and faculty IT lead.

Which OneNet networks are available at Macquarie University?

Macquarie University's OneNet hosts a variety of networks including, WiFi, Wired, VPN and Eduroam that allow staff and students to stay connected. OneNet Anywhere (VPN) lets you connect from anywhere in the world.

How does MQ it support remote working arrangements?

MQ Information Technology (MQ IT) can support staff with remote working arrangements. 1. Which devices you will use 2. What WIFI, VPN or phone access (including diverting phone) you will need 3. You are responsible for both use of MQ IT resources which includes hardware and systems.


What is MQ responsible for?

You are responsible for both use of MQ IT resources which includes hardware and systems. This includes ensuring your personal laptop is secure (and have up to date virus protection) when logging on to MQ systems. For explanation of your obligations and responsibilities, please refer to: Acceptable Use Policy.

What is MQ IT?

MQ Information Technology (MQ IT) can support staff with remote working arrangements. When setting up a remote working arrangement, consider: When setting up a remote working arrangement, consider: 1. Which devices you will use. 2. What WIFI, VPN or phone access (including diverting phone) you will need. 3.

What do you need to work remotely?

When working remotely you will need the right tools including computers and hardware. If you don’t have the right tools at work or remotely, ask your manager to arrange, either to use personal devices or University-owned devices (which will require budget from a manager).

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Macquarie University's OneNet hosts a variety of networks including, WiFi, Wired, VPN and Eduroam that allow staff and students to stay connected.

OneNet Anywhere (VPN) - MFA required

OneNet Anywhere (VPN) lets you connect from anywhere in the world. Whether working from home or travelling, you can easily access the University network. Staff or Students who needs OneNet VPN, must submit a OneHelp request* and obtain approval.

FAQ for setting up MFA for OneNet Anywhere

A: Please log use this OneHelp form to log a OneHelp request, our IT staff will contact you to assist you. Please ensure you include a contact number so we can call you.

OneNet WiFi is our campus-wide wireless network

Macquarie OneNet WiFi is the easiest, most convenient every-day way for students and staff to connect wirelessly to our campus network and the internet with a set-and-forget personal connection.

OneNet Wired is our reliable super-fast network

OneNet Wired: is the campus wide network that provides communal computer and telephone communication for all wired outlets. For staff and approved students.


Eduroam allows students, researchers and staff from participating institutions to access the internet when visiting other universities by using credentials from their own institution.

Access to systems

The University provides staff access to a number of systems that manage core services and functions as well as specialist systems for faculties and departments. Access to systems is by login using your OneID: your MQ number and password unless stated otherwise.

Fast emergency messages and notifications anywhere and any way you need them.


iLab is Macquarie University's personal computer laboratory on the Internet, enabling students to use the Microsoft Windows applications they require to do their university work from anywhere, anytime, on anything.

Australian Access Federation

Access participating external Higher Ed and Research organisation web apps. Enables access to online resources for the Education and Research sector.


Paperless committee meeting software. Paperless committee meetings solution with an ability to manage meeting papers both on tablets and PC.


Datamart is Macquarie’s system for data analytics, reporting and collaboration to improve precision, alignment and accuracy.University wide reporting/ BI platform using Databank as the source of truth.


Dataswitch is the Macquarie University product for integration and asynchronous messaging between applications. It provides fast, reliable, fault-tolerant data delivery using open standard protocols.

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