What remote access options does Vava support?
VA supports remote access with two different applications 1. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) and 2. CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.
Is VA migrating to Citrix Workspace from Citrix Receiver?
At the time of writing, VA is migrating to Citrix Workspace from Citrix Receiver for macOS only. The edition for Windows is currently under evaluation. Please see the TRM Entry for Citrix Receiver for the Windows deployment information as well as legacy Citrix Receiver information.
What is the difference between Cisco rescue VPN and Citrix Access Gateway?
CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat. The CISCO RESCUE VPN Client is only for use on VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) and is installed on all GFE laptops.
How do I request remote access to a VA facility?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen)Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request”From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.

How do I access my Citrix remotely?
On the Windows Start screen or Apps screen, locate and click the Citrix StoreFront tile. Select the Stores node in the right pane of the Citrix StoreFront management console and, in the results pane, select a store. In the Actions pane, click Configure Remote Access Settings.
How do I access my VA remote?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network). Please note the Self-Service Portal is only accessible from within the VA network, it is not externally accessible.
How do I access my Citrix gateway?
In a web browser, type the web address of Citrix Gateway. Type the user name and password and then click Logon.
What is remote access portal?
These portals emphasize security, protection, and privacy of intranet resources. The architecture of Secure Remote Access is well suited to these types of portals. Secure Remote Access software enables users to securely access intranet resources through the Internet without exposing these resources to the Internet.
What is RDP port number?
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that enables remote connections to other computers, typically over TCP port 3389.
Can vatas be accessed from home?
No, you may access webTA from anywhere as long as you use Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher, and you use the correct URL.
How do I connect to Citrix?
How users connect with the Citrix Secure Access agent.Full VPN setup on a Citrix Gateway appliance.Select the user access method.Deploy Citrix Secure Access agent for user access.Select the Citrix Secure Access agent for users. ... Integrate the Citrix Secure Access agent with Citrix Workspace app.More items...•
Is Citrix gateway a VPN?
Citrix Gateway is a full SSL VPN solution that provides users, access to network resources. With both full tunnel VPN as well as options for clientless VPN, users can access applications and data deployed on-premises, or in a cloud environment.
What is Citrix Gateway Virtual Server?
November 18, 2021. A virtual server is an access point to which users log on. Each virtual server has its own IP address, certificate, and policy set. A virtual server consists of a combination of an IP address, port, and protocol that accepts incoming traffic.
What do you need for remote access?
Remote computer access requires a reliable internet connection. You'll need to activate or install software on the device you want to access, as well as on the device — or devices — you want to use to get that access.
Why do I need remote access?
Remote access enables remote users to access files and other system resources on any devices or servers that are connected to the network at any time. This increases employee productivity and enables employees to better collaborate with colleagues around the world.
What are the types of remote access?
The primary remote access protocols in use today are the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Remote Access Services (RAS), and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
How do I access VA intranet?
yourIT Services Portal If you you are a VA staff member and on the VA network go to https://yourit.va.gov [intranet only]. If you are not on the network or your computer is failing, call 855-673-4357 (TTY: 1-844-224-6186).
How do I get my VA email on my Iphone?
Access InstructionsAccess the connected app of your choice from the VA App Store.You will arrive at VA sign-in page. ... From the Login.gov page, enter your email address and password, then select Sign in.More items...
Can I log into my VA email from home?
You can sign in to VA.gov with any of these 4 accounts: Login.gov. ID.me. My HealtheVet. DS Logon.
What is CPRS VA?
Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS)
Where to send SRA application?
Each applicant must complete the SRA Application and Subscriber Agreement and send that along with the annual subscription fee of $600.00 to Madison County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, PO Box 220, 1 Main Street, Madison, VA 22727. Checks should be made payable to Clerk of the Circuit Court.
Does Madison County Circuit Court have a land record system?
The Clerk's Office of the Madison County Circuit Court offers limited access to the Land Records Management System through secured and restricted web access. Access will be available through subscription only, to be approved by the Clerk. Upon approval of your application, our office will set up a log-in and password for your use. The log-in and password will automatically terminate on the expiration date.
What is the VA decision matrix?
The VA Decision Matrix displays the current and future VA IT position regarding different releases of a TRM entry. These decisions are based upon the best information available as of the most current date. The consumer of this information has the responsibility to consult the organizations responsible for the desktop, testing, and/or production environments to ensure that the target version of the technology will be supported. Any major.minor version that is not listed in the VA Decision Matrix is considered unapproved for use.
Is Virtualize First Policy compatible with Virtual Machines?
This technology is compatible with virtual machines, therefore consistent with the enterprise Server Virtualize First Policy (VAIQ 7266972 08-27-2012).
How long does XenApp take to time out?
Note: XenApp will automatically timeout after 15 minutes of inactivity, or 12 hours after login.
Can you access CAE applications online?
Remotely access CAE applications online through XenApp. How to install and connect to XenApp. XenApp allows you to access many of CAE's software remotely. You do not need WiscVPN running to use this program.
How to request remote access to VA?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen) Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request” From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.
What is the best URL for VHA21?
Requires one of two options: 1.Use of PIV card instead of your vha21vhasfcxxxxxxdomain name and password, or; 2.Use of a “One Time Password” (a six-digit number generated by the MobilePASSApp) in addition to your vha21vhasfcxxxxxx credentials 3.Best URL is citrixaccess.va.gov; other options are vacagwest.vpn.va.gov, vacageast.vpn.va.gov, vacagnorth.vpn.va.gov, vacagsouth.vpn.va.gov 4.Your Mac/PC/tablet must have Citrix Receiver installed (www.citrix.com) For Mac, Safari is the best browser
Is RDC slow on iPad?
Starting RDC is slow, and there are keyboard mapping issues with Citrix and iPad (in the RDC dialog on iPad, click on “Options” and be sure ‘apply windows key combinations’ is set to ‘local computer’ or ‘this computer’).
Does MobilePassapp generate activation codes?
The phone’s MobilePASSapp will now generate an Activation Code.
Can Citrix be installed after download?
installedthe Citrix Receiver client after you download it (installation is not automatic after download). When in doubt, re-install the newest version from citrix.com. • Sometimes, an app will stop launching from your Citrix App window and a few tries will be needed. •FIREFOX issue: Check preferences under Add-OnsàPluginsand set Citrix Plugin to “Always Activate”. AVOID Firefox on a Mac; use Safari instead.