In the navigation panel, select HMC Management, and then click Change Network Settings. Click the LAN Adapter tab, select the adapter configured for remote access (normally eth1), and then click the Details button. On the LAN Adapter Details dialog, click the Firewall tab.
Full Answer
What ports are open when remote access is enabled in HMC?
In V7R7.8 and later, a new port, 12443, is opened in the HMC firewall when "remote access" is enabled. For remote web browser connectivity to HMC V7R7.8.0 and later, this port must also be opened in any firewall that is between a remote client and the HMC.
What is Hardware Management Console in IBM?
Hardware Management Console (HMC) is a Physical / Virtual appliance used to manage IBM Systems including IBM AS/400, IBM System p, IBM System z, and IBM Power Systems. HMC supports command line (ssh) as well as web (https) user interfaces and REST API.
What security level should I Set my HMCS to?
It is recommended that every HMC is set to minimum at Level 1. You may choose to go to Level 2 and Level 3 depending on your environment and corporate security requirements. If necessary, please check with your corporate security compliance team before making these changes. There are some basic measures you must take to secure your HMCs.

How do I access my HMC remotely?
To access the HMC remotely, open the supported browser and enter the URL of https://
What port does HMC use?
Resolving The ProblemSERVICEPORT NumbersInbound Application (HMC Daemon) (See Note.)Nets (HMC-FSP SSL communications)30000,3000152502300 (non-SSL), 2301 (SSL)Remote 5250 console.Secure Shell22remote ssh clientsPingicmp echoIncoming ping22 more rows•Sep 22, 2021
How do you setup call home on HMC?
In the navigation area, click Service Management, and then click Manage Outbound Connectivity. Click the Configure button. 2b. Check Enable the local console as a call-home server.
How do I log into HMC in AIX?
1. Connect an Ethernet cable from notebook to one of the HMC ports on the managed system....login to HMC: ssh -X hscroot@hmc21.lssysconn -r all | grep 06B5555 (grep to the serial number; we will get the ip address of the service processor)asmmenu --ip
How do I install HMC?
Installing and configuring a new HMC with a new serverGather information and complete the Preinstallation Configuration worksheet. ... Unpack the hardware.Cable the HMC hardware. ... Power on the HMC by pressing the power button.Log in and start the HMC web application.Use the HMC menus to configure the HMC.More items...•
How do I find my HMC MAC address?
To view the MAC addresses of virtual ethernet adapters Run lssyscfg -r sys -F name command to get all system names attached to the HMC.
What is FSP AIX?
Communication from the HMC to a POWER6 system is done through the Flexible Service Processor (FSP).
What is the default HMC access password?
Note: The default password for user admin is admin. If the admin password is also lost, contact an authorized service provider for information on how to reset both passwords.
What is HMC in AIX?
The HMC provides a graphical interface to control servers, including powering up and down, and setting up and managing partitions running on the managed servers. On AIX® or Linux partitions, this is accomplished through the HMC graphical user interface (GUI) and through the virtual terminal.
How can I access ASMI without HMC?
Accessing the ASMI without an HMCConnecting your server to a PC or notebook. Connect your server to a PC or notebook to interface with the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI).Connecting a system running AIX or Linux to a terminal.
How do I access AIX server console?
Connecting to the virtual console for an AIX logical partitionClick Start > IBM Personal Communications > Start or Configure Session.From the Customize Communication window, select ASCII as your type of host and select Link Parameters.More items...•
How do I log into ASMI?
Accessing the ASMI using a Web browserConnect the power cord from the server to a power source, and wait for the control panel to display 01.Select a PC or mobile computer that has Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7.1, or Opera 7.23 to connect to your server.More items...
How can I open ASMI?
To launch multiple ASMI, use the Secure Shell (SSH) tunnel.In the navigation pane, select System Management > Servers.In the content pane, select the server you want to work with.Select Tasks > Operations > Launch Advanced Systems Management (ASM).Verify the information that appears and click OK. The ASMI is shown.
How do I add a managed system in HMC?
After completing the HMC connection, add the system to your HMC environment by selecting the managed system connection in the HMC GUI and selecting Add managed system from the Selected menu.
The HMC supports several types of remote connections. This document describes how to configure the HMC to receive and work with a remote SSH connection request. This document applies to the Version 7 and Version 8 "classic" UI.
This document applies to the HMC Version 7 and Version 8 "classic" interface.
Resolving The Problem
The HMC supports several types of remote connections. Do the following to configure the HMC to receive and work with a remote SSH connection request:
What is an HMC on a mainframe?
The HMC is a PC connected to the mainframe. zSeries mainframes prior to the IBM System z9 used a modified version of OS/2 with custom software to provide the interface. System z9's HMC no longer uses OS/2, but instead uses a modified version of Linux with an OS/2 lookalike interface to ease transition as well as a new interface. Unlike the previous HMC application on OS/2, the new HMC is web-based which means that even local access is done via a web browser. Remote HMC access is available, although only over an SSL encrypted HTTP connection. The web-based nature means that there is no longer a difference between local console access and remote access, which means a remote user potentially has full control if authorized, allowing more flexibility for locating systems within data centers. IBM refers to the new HMC as a "closed platform" which does not allow the user to install software or access the command line interface to increase security and stability. The HMC is also firewalled by default with a minimal number of open ports for remote access.
What is an HMC?
Hardware Management Console (HMC) is a Physical / Virtual appliance used to manage IBM Systems including IBM System i, IBM System p, IBM System z, and IBM Power Systems. HMC supports command line (ssh) as well as web (https) user interfaces and REST API. Using an HMC, the system administrator can manage many systems and partitions. It can also be used for monitoring and servicing a system.
What is web based access?
The web-based nature means that there is no longer a difference between local console access and remote access, which means a remote user potentially has full control if authorized, allowing more flexibility for locating systems within data centers.