Remote-access Guide

metasys remote access

by Izabella Cormier Jr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To access the Metasys UI remotely from any client device, ensure that you have access to the Metasys Site Director (Internet, intranet, or VPN access) and browse to https://[host name]/UI, where [host name] is replaced with the IP address or host name/server name of your Me...

Full Answer

How do I access the Metasys UI from a remote device?

To access the Metasys UI remotely from any client device, ensure that you have access to the Metasys Site Director (Internet, intranet, or VPN access) and browse to https://[host name]/UI, where [host name] is replaced with the IP address or host name/server name of your Me...

How do I access metasysui on my ads/AdX or ads-Lite computer?

If you are on the ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite computer with MetasysUI installed, you can also navigate to hostname/UIor localhost/UI. Note:Ensure your web browser has cookies enabled before browsing to the MetasysUI.

How do I log out of the metasysui?

To log out of the MetasysUI, tap or click the User menu icon in the upper-right of the screen, then tap or click Log Out. Will my logins and logouts be recorded?


How do I access Metasys?

1. Type the Internet Protocol (IP) Address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) into the Web browser Address bar, followed by a forward slash and the virtual directory name and then press the Enter key. Note: For example, The default Metasys Web Access page appears (Figure 1-2).

Does Metasys use Java?

The Remote Access application and the Java Web Start software are included with the Metasys system ADS/ADX/SCT installation media.

What is Metasys UI?

Release 2.1 of the Metasys® User Interface (UI) included in Metasys® 8.1 release introduces a new Graphics Package and Editor that provide for improved system visualization, faster troubleshooting, and more efficient graphics management.

How do I download Metasys?

1. Using your web browser, type the website address for the Metasys server (ADS/ADX), SCT, or supervisory engine (NxE) that you want to access (for example, http:///metasys). The Mac® Launcher download screen appears. Note: You can also obtain a stand-alone copy of the Launcher.

How do I add a trend in Metasys?

1:465:02How to create a trend in the Metasys® Site Management Portal - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipGo to the last item on the list show extensions. And select it this opens a wizard with a number ofMoreGo to the last item on the list show extensions. And select it this opens a wizard with a number of choices. We want to select the new button for trends.

Metasys Remote Access

Hello, we are an ALC dealer "service department" who has just taken over mechanical and controls maintenance on a Metasys building. The fac manager told me that the installing contractor had remoted in to the NAE system several times after the install, but did not know how he did so.

I was thinking

that there was no way that anyone could have been accessing it in the state I found it. I looked for any and all applications saying JCI or Metasys on the computer and found absolutely nothing at all.

I stand corrected

IMPORTANT: The download process can take up to 1.5 hours. Use the Metasys Remote Access utility to reduce the time required for downloading. Refer to the Metasys System Extended Architecture Remote Access Installation Instructions (LIT-1201691) for more information.


I assumed that the NAE was an N2 router.......which is why I called it the router. The NAE is what the phone line was plugged in to.

What is Metasys building automation?

Metasys® Building Automation System delivers a truly mobile experience. The display is intuitive, easy to learn, and looks the same on all mobile devices. Building owners and contractors can focus on fixing problems and control their BAS from anywhere.

What is Metasys integration?

Metasys® supports integration with multiple systems such as Fire, CCTV, Intruder and other building systems directly; making your daily routine more efficient whilst managing all systems through one platform. This guarantees 99.9% uptime and workforce time management.

What is Metasys Cyber Health Dashboard?

Metasys guarantees comfortable environments and operational benefits, whilst complying to all health and safety regulations. Custodial. Remote access to the Metasys Cyber Health Dashboard allows risks to be monitored and prioritised whilst sustaining efficient building management controls.

What is Metasys 140-2?

Metasys® utilises the FIPS 140-2 standard, enhanced password management and encrypted communications via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure protocol. This security prevents any unauthorised access to your system, thereby keeping your building systems and data safe and secure.

Can you access the cyber health dashboard from any device?

The highest quality of graphics for alarm traffic and the new cyber health dashboard monitoring can be accessed from any mobile device whilst off site. This informs the user about potential concerns that needs to be addressed in time to avoid operational downtime.

What is the Remote Notifications feature?

The Remote Notifications feature in the Metasys UI replaces the Server Destination Delivery Agents (DDAs) in the Site Management Portal (SMP). DDAs facilitate the routing of event and audit messages generated on the ADS, ADX, OAS, or engine.

Who can access the Remote Notifications feature?

Administrators and Non-Administrators with the relevant permissions can access the Remote Notifications feature.

What is the layout of the Remote Notifications feature?

The following figure shows the layout of the Email notifications in the Remote Notifications feature in Metasys UI Online on a server.

How do I use the Create Notification window for Email Notifications?

The Create Notification window opens when you click the +NOTIFICATION button. The window consists of four areas, including general notifications information, event filters, escalation, and formatting. The following figures and tables describe these areas.

What are my Audit Filter options?

Use the following table as a guide to defining audit filters for Syslog notifications.

How do I use the Event Filter and the Audit Filter?

Use filters to determine which event messages get routed to the defined destination, such as an email account. For example, define a filter to route only the event messages that require acknowledgment by selecting Acknowledge Required == true.

Can I apply multiple filters?

Yes, you can apply multiple filters. If you define multiple filters for a destination, the Remote Notifications feature combines all the criteria with an AND condition (all filter criteria must be met).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9