What is Houston Methodist doing to help vendors and contractors?
Houston Methodist provides training on health care compliance topics to its vendors and contractors, as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Can Methodist myapps be used on Mac OS X?
Methodist MyApps is also accessible on Mac OS X, version 10.2 computers. Please use the link below for instructions on how to download and install the Citrix Web Client for your Macintosh. Note: Though access to myApps is possible from a Macintosh computer, Methodist does not provide support for non-Windows devices.
Why choose learn at Houston Methodist?
Learn in a culture of compassion, innovation and excellence. The HR Resources page provides links to the MARS portal, benefits, career opportunities and more. Employee Health is a value-added service of Houston Methodist, committed to the pursuit of a quality work environment free from health, safety and environmental risks.

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What is the Methodist Online Research Technology Initiative?
Methodist Online Research Technology Initiative (MORTI) MORTI or the Methodist Online Research Technology Initiative is the online portal of the Houston Methodist Research Institute that manages the electronic submission, review and approval of research projects at Houston Methodist.
Does Houston Methodist provide training?
Houston Methodist provides training on health care compliance topics to its vendors and contractors, as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).