Remote-access Guide

michart remote access

by Mr. Kayleigh Hyatt Sr. Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I access Michart from a personal device?

From a personal device, access MiChart by logging in at (link is external) or logging in to a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) (link is external) . To request a Windows Virtual Desktop, complete a Windows Virtual Desktop Request (link is external) .

How do I log in to Michart on a core computer?

While offsite, login to Windows Virtual Desktop (link is external) (WVD) to access MiChart on a Core computer. Alternatively, launch MiChart as normal and you will be prompted to enter your Michigan Medicine (Level-2) login and a passcode.

Can I work remotely with my miworkspace device?

See the ITS Remote Resource guide. Laptops and tablets supported by MiWorkspace are designed to work off campus. Your home directory and department drives can be accessed using your device anywhere with an internet connection. Services that are normally blocked to off-campus addresses are available.


How do I access MiChart?

From a personal device, access MiChart by logging in at is external) or logging in to a Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)(link is external). To request a Windows Virtual Desktop, complete a Windows Virtual Desktop Request(link is external).

How do I access remote desktop connection?

On your local Windows PC: In the search box on the taskbar, type Remote Desktop Connection, and then select Remote Desktop Connection. In Remote Desktop Connection, type the name of the PC you want to connect to (from Step 1), and then select Connect.

What is MiChart?

MiChart is the fully integrated, patient-centric electronic health record (EHR) system used by over 30,000 members of the Michigan Medicine community.

How do I enable remote access?

Right-click on "Computer" and select "Properties". Select "Remote Settings". Select the radio button for "Allow remote connections to this computer". The default for which users can connect to this computer (in addition to the Remote Access Server) is the computer owner or administrator.

How can I remotely access someone else's computer?

Access a computer remotelyOn your computer, open Chrome.In the address bar at the top, enter , and press Enter.Click Access to select which computer you want.Enter the PIN required to access another computer.Select the arrow to connect.

How do I connect to my Umich VPN?

Connect Using the VPNLaunch the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility client.Select UMVPN - All Traffic or UMVPN - Only U-M Traffic from the profile drop-down list.Click Connect.Authenticate using your uniqname and UMICH password when prompted.Authenticate via Duo two-factor authentication.

What EMR does U of M use?

MiChartMichigan Medicine uses EPIC (referred to as MiChart) for our outpatient and inpatient Electronic Health Records system.

What is Epic Care Everywhere?

Answer: Care Everywhere allows doctors and nurses from different organizations to electronically exchange patient health information. It is a tool within our electronic medical record that is used to securely share patient health information with other healthcare providers.

What is the shortcut key for Remote Desktop Connection?

In this articleWindows shortcutRemote Desktop shortcutWindows key or CTRL+ESCALT+HOMEALT+SPACE BARALT+DELETEALT+PRINT SCREENCTRL+ALT+MINUS SIGN (-)PRINT SCREENCTRL+ALT+PLUS SIGN (+)3 more rows•Mar 24, 2022

How do I access a remote IP address?

Remote Desktop to Your Server From a Local Windows ComputerClick the Start button.Click Run...Type “mstsc” and press the Enter key.Next to Computer: type in the IP address of your server.Click Connect.If all goes well, you will see the Windows login prompt.

How do I find my Remote Desktop IP address?

Get your computer's physical and IP addresses:In the Windows search box, type cmd then press Enter.Click Command Prompt search results.In the black command window type ipconfig /all and press Enter.In the data that returns, find the heading for your Ethernet adapter.More items...

Tips & Tricks for Navigating MiChart

If you have any questions related to the below listed items please contact Shannon Bellers (link sends e-mail)

Provider Portal

Previous “view-only” account users are now able to access the UMHS EHR records through the “ Provider Portal ” secure web portal website. A user's Level 2 name/password credentials are used for access login.

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