Set up
- Host the server using remote.it. Now it's time to use remote.it to host the server. ...
- Share the Server. Now that you have the server setup, you need to share it with your friends to allow them to connect and play the game.
- Connect with remote.it. ...
- Play the game. ...
How to create a new user in Minecraft remote?
Minecraft Server Remote 2.4.2 1 Save the plugin in your "plugins" folder 2 Start your server 3 You can create a new user with the Command: "msr register <username> <password>" 4 You should make sure that the port 5718 (You can chnage it in the config.yml) is open (AND port 8221 for the FTP Server) More items...
How do I set up remote access to a Minecraft server?
Click "Set up remote access" to register. Enter a name for your Device and select any of the quick-add Services you wish to add. The Minecraft server Service will be a quick-add option if your Minecraft server is running in the background. Make sure it's checked, then hit "Register."
How to connect a Minecraft server to another server?
All Minecraft servers issued by Apex Minecraft Hosting are given an IP address as well as a service port number to uniquely identify it among the other servers hosted on the same node. In the end, you will need to use a combination of the IP and Port in order to connect your server.
What is the best way to host a Minecraft server?
We recommend the experience with Linux command line. Dynamic IP addresses can make it hard for your friends to join your Minecraft Server. No-IP makes it easy by pointing an easy-to-remember hostname (yourname.serveminecraft.net) to your IP address.

I was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of interfacing an application to a Minecraft server. Say I wanted to make a GUI program that could execute commands. How would I send the commands to the console?
https://github.com/AccaliaDeElementia/Minecraft-Remote-Console open source remote console plugin, should have whatcha need.
https://github.com/AccaliaDeElementia/Minecraft-Remote-Console open source remote console plugin, should have whatcha need.
PogoStick29 Check the source, if it can stop/start then it is most likely communicating with the server in a way you want to for commands.
PogoStick29 Check the source, if it can stop/start then it is most likely communicating with the server in a way you want to for commands.
Try out CloudConsole. It saved me from looking at everything. All you need to do is add access for a port and CloudConsole can use it. Its a .jar for the Client. You also get Groups.