Remote-access Guide

mongodb remote access

by Mrs. Vincenza Carroll IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Configure Remote Access for MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04

  • Step 1 — Adjusting the Firewall. Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW...
  • Step 2 — Configuring a Public bindIP. At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to 127.0.0.
  • Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity. Now that you configured your...

To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod. conf — to additionally bind MongoDB to your server's publicly-routable IP address. This way, your MongoDB installation will be able to listen to connections made to your MongoDB server from remote machines.Oct 8, 2020

Full Answer

How to connect to your remote MongoDB server?

To complete this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • A server running Ubuntu 20.04. This server should have a non-root administrative user and a firewall configured with UFW. ...
  • MongoDB installed on your server. This tutorial assumes that you have MongoDB 4.4 or newer installed. ...
  • A second computer from which you’ll access your MongoDB instance. ...

How to start MongoDB with command line options?

Start MongoDB Community Edition from the Command Interpreter ¶

  • Create database directory. ¶. Create the data directory where MongoDB stores data. ...
  • Start your MongoDB database. ¶. To start MongoDB, run exe. ...
  • Connect to MongoDB. ¶. If you have not already done so, follow the mongosh installation instructions to download and install the MongoDB Shell ( mongosh ).

How to stop and start MongoDB server?

b). How to stop MongoDB on Windows: 1) Open the command prompt as administrator and execute below command. net stop MongoDB or 2)goto services.msc Then scroll down until MongoDB Server. Right click on it select Stop. How to Start MongoDB Server on Linux and Windows Servers: a). How to start MongoDB on Linux:

How to start MongoDB server on system start?

Manage mongod Processes

  • Start mongod Processes. By default, MongoDB listens for connections from clients on port 27017, and stores data in the /data/db directory.
  • Stop mongod Processes. In a clean shutdown a mongod completes all pending operations, flushes all data to data files, and closes all data files.
  • Troubleshoot mongod Processes. ...
  • Stop a Replica Set. ...


How does MongoDB connect to remote host?

How to connect to your remote MongoDB serverSet up your user. First ssh into your server and enter the mongo shell by typing mongo . ... Enable auth and open MongoDB access up to all IPs. Edit your MongoDB config file. ... Open port 27017 on your EC2 instance. ... Last step: restart mongo daemon (mongod)

Is MongoDB free for commercial use?

MongoDB Community Server (SSPL), free to install subject to the terms of the license. MongoDB Enterprise Advanced Server (which includes additional security, auditing, management, and tooling features) is available with a commercial support subscription (Commercial License)

How do I access MongoDB database?

To open up the MongoDB shell, run the mongo command from your server prompt. By default, the mongo command opens a shell connected to a locally-installed MongoDB instance running on port 27017 . Try running the mongo command with no additional parameters: mongo.

How do I SSH into MongoDB?

To connect to your MongoDB SSH account and create a DataSet, you must have the following:The username and password you use to log into SSH Host.The SSH host you wish to tunnel through.The port number of your SSH host.The SSH private key or SSH password.The username and password you use to log into your MongoDB database.More items...•

Is MongoDB free on AWS?

To try a fully managed MongoDB cluster on AWS for free, refer to MongoDB Atlas on AWS. MongoDB is a general-purpose, NoSQL database that provides support for JSON-styled, document-oriented storage systems.

Is MongoDB Community Server free?

The MongoDB Community Server is licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL) . As @chris mentioned, the Community Server is freely available and there are also paid options including MongoDB Enterprise (for self-hosted) and MongoDB Atlas (cloud managed).

How do I access local MongoDB?

To connect to your local MongoDB, you set Hostname to localhost and Port to 27017 . These values are the default for all local MongoDB connections (unless you changed them). Press connect, and you should see the databases in your local MongoDB.

What is my MongoDB URL?

Click on “Overview” tab in the menu bar. Scroll down the Overview page and you will see the MongoDB URI information.

What is MongoDB compass?

MongoDB Compass is a powerful GUI for querying, aggregating, and analyzing your MongoDB data in a visual environment. Compass is free to use and source available, and can be run on macOS, Windows, and Linux.

Does MongoDB use SSH?

There are scenarios where your MongoDB is sitting behind a bastion host. ie, you may not have direct access to your MongoDB instance, but you have access to a server that can connect to your DB. In that case, you can use SSH tunneling to access your MongoDB.

How do I create a SSH tunnel?

Access the server using an SSH tunnelIn the “Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels” section, create a secure tunnel by forwarding a port (the “destination port”) on the remote server to a port (the “source port”) on the local host (127.0. ... Click the “Add” button to add the secure tunnel configuration to the session.More items...•

What is MongoDB port?

MongoDB port is the address where the protocol tries to establish the connection. There are some default ports supported by MongoDB such as 27017. However, we can also explicitly modify the default ports.

Does it cost money to use MongoDB?

MongoDB Atlas offers a perpetual free tier and usage-based pricing for as little as $9/mo for a shared instance or $60/mo dedicated. You're only charged per instance hour actually running and a flat rate for data transfer, so changing configurations is no big deal.

Can I use MongoDB community in a commercial application?

The short answer is “generally, yes” as far as deploying the MongoDB community edition for commercial use. A commercial license is only required in some circumstances, such as deploying MongoDB Enterprise software to production environments. The core MongoDB server is licensed under AGPL v3.

How is MongoDB licensed?

All versions of MongoDB's Community Server released on or after October 16, 2018, including patch fixes for prior versions, will be licensed under the SSPL. Prior versions of MongoDB Community Server released before October 16th, 2018 will remain under the AGPL; therefore, any use of those versions is governed by AGPL.

Can MongoDB be used for production?

MongoDB Enterprise comes with support or you can sign up for standalone Production Support.

What port does MongoDB use?

MongoDB uses port number 27017 for all connections by default. So let’s open up that port. You can go to the network settings of your AWS console and open up inbound and outbound traffic on port 27017. Use custom tcp as the protocol.

Can you assign multiple roles to a single user?

You can assign multiple roles to a single user in one go. These roles grant the admin user all privileges required to create users, modify users, read and write to any database.

Can you run MongoDB on the same server?

This, along with the common understanding that it is never a good idea to run your database service on the same server instance as your production services, makes it clear that you need to establish remote MongoDB server/s which your services then connect to.

Does MongoDB allow remote connections?

By default mongodb is configured to allow connections only from localhost. We need to allow remote connections. In the same config file, go to the network interfaces section and change the bindIp from to which means allow connections from all ip addresses.

Does MongoDB have access control?

Like all other databases, MongoDB has a built in support for access control. You can create users and assign them different roles and different levels of access to databases. For the scope of this article let us stick to two important roles — Admin and DB user. Using the Admin role you can create db users and assign them roles on individual databases.

Does Ithaka use MongoDB?

At Ithaka quite a few of our microservices use MongoDB 3.6 for data persistence. If you have used MongoDB you probably already know that starting from version 3.4 MongoDB’s WiredTiger Storage engine takes up a considerable amount of RAM. To be specific it will take either 50% of (RAM minus 1GB) OR 256 MB, whichever is higher. You can read more about how and why in their manual.

How to allow remote connections to MongoDB?

To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf — to additionally bind MongoDB to your server’s publicly-routable IP address. This way, your MongoDB installation will be able to listen to connections made to your MongoDB server from remote machines.

How to test if a computer is able to connect to MongoDB?

One way to test that your trusted computer is able to connect to the MongoDB instance is to use the nc command. nc, short for netcat, is a utility used to establish network connections with TCP or UDP. It’s useful for testing in cases like this because it allows you to specify both an IP address and a port number.

What is MongoDB used for?

MongoDB is a document-oriented database used in many modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed. If you want to manage MongoDB remotely or connect it to a separate application server, there are a few changes you’d need to make to the default configuration.

How to check MongoDB port?

Start by checking which port your MongoDB installation is listening on with the lsof command. This command typically returns a list with every open file in a system, but when combined with the -i option, it lists only network-related files or data streams.

Can you connect to MongoDB on a remote server?

Assuming you have a compatible version of the mongo shell installed on your remote server, you can at this point connect directly to the MongoDB instance installed on the host server.

Can MongoDB accept remote connections?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

Can MongoDB be accessed from a trusted server?

In most cases, MongoDB should only be accessed from certain trusted locations, such as another server hosting an application or a local machine from used to manage a remote MongoDB instance. One way to configure this is to run the following command on your MongoDB server, which opens up access on MongoDB’s default port while explicitly only allowing the IP address of the other trusted machine.

1. Add global bindIp in mongod.config

To make database globally accessable, you need to change in mongod.conf file bindIP to or your server IP.

2. AWS server side – give access permission TCP mongoDB port

EC2 > Instance > click on instance ID > Security > Security groups > Edit inBound rules > Add rule

3. Connect to Database using MongoDB compass

Therefore, you have successfully, changed your database to be accessed globally using host IP.

2. Restart mongod service & check status

After changing mongodb configuration, you need to restart mongod service, so that auth change get applied.

1. Create Admin User

Let’s create a super admin user, who will have access to read write any database in mongod

2. Create user to access specific database

Now, let’s create a user who will have access to read/write only specific db assigned to him.

3. Create a user who has only read access to specific database

Now, let’s create a user which can only read/view the data but can’t make changes.

What port is MongoDB on?

Your firewall may still block remote access to mongodb server. To allow access you need to open TCP port 27017 from your firewall settings.

What IP address does MongoDB use?

Also, when connecting to the mongo shell, mongo attempts to connect to a MongoDB process running on the localhost ( If mongod process listen on a different IP, you need to use --host option.

What is the Mongod process bind to?

By default mongod process binds to loopback interface in Linux (in /etc/mongod.conf), which means no remote access to the database server. In windows the mongod process binds to all interfaces unless you have set the bindIp option in the main configuration file.

What is bindip in Linux?

In Linux, including Ubuntu and CentOS 7, bindIp is by default is set to in /etc/mongod.conf. This means mongod process only listen on the local loopback interface. If you set value of the bindIp to or remove the bindIp option, mongod process will listen on all interfaces.

Can you expose MongoDB to the outside of the network?

If you are using MongoDB for development or you are running MongoDB database on the same server as your application, you probably do not want to expose MongoDB to the outside the local network.

Why doesn't MongoDB allow remote connections?

Out of the box, MongoDB doesn’t allow remote connections, because by default it has no authentication enabled and is listening on localhost only.

Is Mongod listening remotely?

Now mongod is listening on configured interfaces and can be accessible remotely:



Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

  • Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a r…
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Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

  • At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to, the local loopback network interface. This means that MongoDB is only able to accept connections that originate on the server where it’s installed. To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf— to additionally bind MongoDB to an IP addres…
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Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity

  • Now that you configured your MongoDB installation to listen for connections that originate on its publicly-routable IP address and granted your remote machine access through your server’s firewall to Mongo’s default port, you can test that the remote machine is able to connect. One way to test that your trusted computer is able to connect to the MongoDB instance is to use the nc c…
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  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your MongoDB database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who...
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