Remote-access Guide

mongodb remote access ubuntu

by Judah Mante Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Configure Remote Access for MongoDB on Ubuntu 18.04

  • Step 1 — Adjusting the Firewall. Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW...
  • Step 2 — Configuring a Public bindIP. At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to 127.0.0.
  • Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity. Now that you configured your...

Full Answer

How to allow remote connections to MongoDB server?

Allow MongoDB Remote Connections from Firewall. Your firewall may still block remote access to mongodb server. To allow access you need to open TCP port 27017 from your firewall settings.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used commonly in modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed.

How do I start MongoDB on Linux?

Once the MongoDB is installed, start the MongoDB service and enable it to start at system reboot with the following command: You can also check the MongoDB database using the following command: At this point, MongoDB is installed and running. By default, MongoDB is configured to listen on localhost on port 27017.

What is the default port for MongoDB?

At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to, the local loopback network interface. This means that MongoDB is only able to accept connections that originate on the server where it’s installed.


How do I access MongoDB remotely?

MongoDB remote connection – Globally accessAdd global bindIp in mongod. config. ... AWS server side – give access permission TCP mongoDB port. In AWS dashboard navigate to. ... Connect to Database using MongoDB compass. Open db compass, connect > new Connection > Paste your connection string.

How do I access MongoDB on Ubuntu?

You can Install MongoDB on Ubuntu or your Linux installation using the following steps:Step 1: Importing MongoDB Repositories.Step 2: Installing MongoDB Packages.Step 3: Launching MongoDB as a Service on Ubuntu.Step 4: Configuring and Connecting MongoDB.Step 5: Uninstall MongoDB on Ubuntu.

How does MongoDB connect to remote host?

How to connect to your remote MongoDB serverSet up your user. First ssh into your server and enter the mongo shell by typing mongo . ... Enable auth and open MongoDB access up to all IPs. Edit your MongoDB config file. ... Open port 27017 on your EC2 instance. ... Last step: restart mongo daemon (mongod)

Does MongoDB work in Ubuntu?

MongoDB can be installed on Ubuntu with the use of the following commands. These commands are easy to run on the terminal and make the installation process handy. Follow the steps given below to install MongoDB: Step 1: First you need to update and upgrade your system repository in order to install MongoDB.

How do I access MongoDB on Linux?

To open up the MongoDB shell, run the mongo command from your server prompt. By default, the mongo command opens a shell connected to a locally-installed MongoDB instance running on port 27017 . Try running the mongo command with no additional parameters: mongo.

Where is MongoDB path in Ubuntu?

To check the same, you can look for dbPath settings in mongodb configuration file.On Linux, the location is /etc/mongod.conf , if you have used package manager to install MongoDB. ... On Windows, the location is /bin/mongod. ... On macOS, the location is /usr/local/etc/mongod.

How do I access MongoDB on localhost?

To connect to your local MongoDB, you set Hostname to localhost and Port to 27017 . These values are the default for all local MongoDB connections (unless you changed them). Press connect, and you should see the databases in your local MongoDB.

How connect MongoDB to terminal Linux?

Start the mongo Shell and Connect to MongoDBThe MongoDB server must be installed and running before you can connect to it from the mongo shell. ... Once you have verified that the mongod server is running, open a terminal window (or a command prompt for Windows) and go to your directory:

How does MongoDB connect to IP address?

Enable MongoDB Auth In the same config file, go to the network interfaces section and change the bindIp from 127.0. 0.1 to 0.0. 0.0 which means allow connections from all ip addresses. Now save and exit the config file and restart mongodb server.

Is MongoDB free to use?

MongoDB Community is the source available and free to use edition of MongoDB. MongoDB Enterprise is available as part of the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription and includes comprehensive support for your MongoDB deployment.

How do I start MongoDB from terminal?

To start MongoDB, run mongod.exe from the Command Prompt navigate to your MongoDB Bin folder and run mongod command, it will start MongoDB main process and The waiting for connections message in the console.

How do I start MongoDB in terminal?

Run the Mongo daemon, in one terminal window run ~/mongodb/bin/mongod . This will start the Mongo server. Run the Mongo shell, with the Mongo daemon running in one terminal, type ~/mongodb/bin/mongo in another terminal window. This will run the Mongo shell which is an application to access data in MongoDB.

How do I start MongoDB in Linux terminal?

Start MongoDB. Issue the following command to start mongod: sudo service mongod start.Stop MongoDB. As needed, you can stop the mongod process by issuing the following command: sudo service mongod stop.Restart MongoDB. Issue the following command to restart mongod: sudo service mongod restart.

How do I start MongoDB?

Install .msi file in folder C:\mongodb.Create data, data\db, log directories and mongo. ... Add the following lines in "mongo.config" file port=27017 dbpath=C:\mongodb\data\db\ logpath=C:\mongodb\log\mongo. ... Start server : mongod. ... Connect to localhost MongoDB server via command line mongo --port 27017.More items...

How do I know if MongoDB is installed?

Open the command prompt and type "cd c:\program files\mongodb\server\your version\bin". After you enter the bin folder type "mongo start". If you get either a successful connection or failed one it means it's installed at least.

How to allow remote connections to MongoDB?

To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf — to additionally bind MongoDB to your server’s publicly-routable IP address. This way, your MongoDB installation will be able to listen to connections made to your MongoDB server from remote machines.

What is MongoDB?

Introduction. MongoDB, also known as Mongo, is an open-source document database used commonly in modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed.

Can MongoDB accept remote connections?

Following that, your MongoDB installation will be able to accept remote connections from whatever machines you’ve allowed to access port 27017. As a final step, you can test whether the trusted remote server you allowed through the firewall in Step 1 can reach the MongoDB instance running on your server.

Can MongoDB be used from the internet?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new UFW rule.

Can you access MongoDB from a remote server?

You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

How to use MongoDB on Ubuntu 18.04?

Before getting into the procedure, make sure that you have a server running Ubuntu 18.04, MongoDB installed on your server, another computer from which you’ll access your MongoDB instance. 1. Adjusting the Firewall. Make sure to enable a UFW firewall on the server. If you wish to use MongoDB locally with the applications running on the same server, ...

What is the nc command in MongoDB?

You can use nc command to test that the trusted remote server is able to connect to the MongoDB instance. nc is hort form of netcat. For that, login to the server by running the below command. Then run the below nc command.

What is Mongo used for?

It is also known as Mongo which is mainly used in modern web applications. Here, the data objects are stored as separate documents inside a collection. So you need not worry about the data structure such as the number of fields or types of fields to store values.

What is MongoDB used for?

MongoDB is an open-source document database used in modern web applications. Allowing connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed. You may be able to find few changes to need to make to the default configuration any time you decided to manage MongoDB remotely or connect it to a separate application server.

How to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening?

You can allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new UFW rule to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location. However, the first step is to check which port is listening to with the lsof command.

Can MongoDB be remotely managed?

In this article, you learned “MongoDB Remote Access Configuration on Ubuntu 20.04”. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

Getting Started

Before starting, it is recommended to update your system package chache with the latest version. You can update them with the following command:

Install MongoDB

By default, the latest version of MongoDB is not included in the Ubuntu default repository. So you will need to add the MongoDB official repository to your system.

Allow MongoDB Remote Connection

By default, MongoDB is configured to listen on localhost on port 27017. You can verify it with the following command:

Configure Firewall

MongoDB listens on port 27017. So you will need to allow this port to your trusted client IP through the firewall.

Verify MongoDB Remote Connectivity

Now, log in to the remote system, and test the MongoDB connectivity using the following command:


In the above guide, you learned how to configured MongoDB to allow remote connection from the trusted IP. You can now connect and manage the MongoDB server remotely from the trusted IP. I hope this guide will help you in the production environment.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB, also known as Mongo , is an open-source document database used commonly in modern web applications. By default, it only allows connections that originate on the same server where it’s installed. If you want to manage MongoDB remotely or connect it to a separate application server, there are a few changes you’d need to make to the default configuration.

Can MongoDB be used from the internet?

Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended and secure setting. However, if you would like to be able to connect to your MongoDB server from a remote location, you have to allow incoming connections to the port where the database is listening by adding a new UFW rule.

Can you access MongoDB from a remote server?

You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely.

What port does Mongod bind to?

If bindIp option does not exist in the config file, then mongod process binds to all interfaces on TCP port 27017.

What is bindip in Linux?

In Linux, including Ubuntu and CentOS 7, bindIp is by default is set to in /etc/mongod.conf. This means mongod process only listen on the local loopback interface. If you set value of the bindIp to or remove the bindIp option, mongod process will listen on all interfaces.

Does Mongo bind to all interfaces?

In windows the mongod process binds to all interfaces unless you have set the bindIp option in the main configuration file. Also, when connecting to the mongo shell, mongo attempts to connect to a MongoDB process running on the localhost ( If mongod process listen on a different IP, you need to use --host option.

What port does MongoDB use?

MongoDB uses port number 27017 for all connections by default. So let’s open up that port. You can go to the network settings of your AWS console and open up inbound and outbound traffic on port 27017. Use custom tcp as the protocol.

Does Ithaka use MongoDB?

At Ithaka quite a few of our microservices use MongoDB 3.6 for data persistence. If you have used MongoDB you probably already know that starting from version 3.4 MongoDB’s WiredTiger Storage engine takes up a considerable amount of RAM. To be specific it will take either 50% of (RAM minus 1GB) OR 256 MB, whichever is higher. You can read more about how and why in their manual.


Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

  • Assuming you followed the prerequisite initial server setup tutorial and enabled a UFW firewall on your server, your MongoDB installation will be inaccessible from the internet. If you intend to use MongoDB only locally with applications running on the same server, this is the recommended an…
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Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

  • At this point, even though the port is open, MongoDB is currently bound to, the local loopback network interface. This means that MongoDB is only able to accept connections that originate on the server where it’s installed. To allow remote connections, you must edit the MongoDB configuration file — /etc/mongod.conf— to additionally bind MongoDB to an IP addres…
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Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity

  • Now that you configured your MongoDB installation to listen for connections that originate on its publicly-routable IP address and granted your remote machine access through your server’s firewall to Mongo’s default port, you can test that the remote machine is able to connect. One way to test that your trusted computer is able to connect to the MongoDB instance is to use the nc c…
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  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your MongoDB database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who has access to your r…
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Step 1 — Adjusting The Firewall

Step 2 — Configuring A Public Bindip

Step 3 — Testing Remote Connectivity


  • You can now access your MongoDB installation from a remote server. At this point, you can manage your Mongo database remotely from the trusted server. Alternatively, you could configure an application to run on the trusted server and use the database remotely. If you haven’t configured an administrative user and enabled authentication, anyone who h...
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