Remote-access Guide

mssql remote access option

by Ruthe Treutel Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Way 1: Configure Remote Access using SQL Server Management Studio

  1. In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties.
  2. Click the Connections node.
  3. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the All remote connections to this server check box.

To configure the remote access option
In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Select the Connections node. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the Allow remote connections to this server check box.
3 days ago

Full Answer

What is remote access option in SQL Server?

The remote access option in SQL Server controls the execution of stored procedures from local or remote servers on which instances of SQL Server are running. And default value of remote access option is 1, which grants permission to run local procedures from remote servers or remote procedures from the local server.

How do I enable remote connections in SQL Server management studio?

Using SQL Server Management Studio. To configure the remote access option. In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Click the Connections node. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the Allow remote connections to this server check box.

How do I enable remote access to a Windows Server?

To configure the remote access option In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Click the Connections node. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the Allow remote connections to this server check box.

What is the remote access configuration option?

This topic is about the "Remote Access" feature. This configuration option is an obscure SQL Server to SQL Server communication feature that is deprecated, and you probably shouldn't be using it. If you reached this page because you are having trouble connecting to SQL Server, see one of the following topics instead:


How do I configure mssql to allow remote connections?

To configure the Microsoft SQL Server database for remote access:Launch SQL Server Management Studio.2.In Object Explorer, right-click on your server and select Properties.Click Connections.Under Remote server connections, select Allow remote connections to this server.Click OK to save the changes.More items...

Does SQL Server Developer Edition allow remote connections?

By default, SQL Server Express Edition and SQL Server Developer Edition do not allow remote connections.

How do I log into SQL Server remotely?

Start the SQL Server, in the dialog window for the Server name enters the name of the instance that you want to connect with. From the Authentication drop down box, select the SQL Server Authentication and for the field Login and the Password enter your credentials then click the Connect button.

How do I access a SQL Server database from another computer using my IP address?

In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, and then click on the server instance you want to configure. In the right pane, double-click TCP/IP. In the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, click the IP Addresses tab. In the TCP Port box of the IPAll section, type an available port number.

What are the limitations of SQL Server Developer Edition?

What is the SQL Server Developer Edition? It is an edition for Developers. It is free, but you cannot use it in production. It contains all the SQL Server Enterprise functionality, but it cannot be deployed in production.

Can't connect remotely SQL Server?

Configure SQL Server machineWindows Firewall ->Advanced Settings->Inbound Rules. Add a rule to enable TCP port 1433 (default port for SQL Server)Enable SQL Service to listen on TCP/IP. Check SQL Server version and run appropriate version of SQL Configuration Manager to enable TCP.Restart SQL Server Service.

How do I connect to a SQL Server database?

Connect to a SQL Server instance Start SQL Server Management Studio. The first time you run SSMS, the Connect to Server window opens. If it doesn't open, you can open it manually by selecting Object Explorer > Connect > Database Engine. For Server type, select Database Engine (usually the default option).

How do I connect to SQL Server instance?

To access a newly created SQL server instance:Open SQL Server Management Studio from the Windows Start menu. SQL Server login screen.In the Connect to Server dialogue box: Option. Description. Server type. ... Click Connect.In the left pane confirm that you are connected to the new SQL server instance. Related Topics.

How do I connect to a database from a different server?

Create the remote connectionOn your database server, as a user with root privileges, open your MySQL configuration file. To locate it, enter the following command: ... Search the configuration file for bind-address . ... Save your changes to the configuration file and exit the text editor.Restart the MySQL service:

How do I share a local database between two computers?

To share a database by using a shared folder:In a home or small business environment, share a folder with specific people. ... Make sure that Access is set to open in shared mode on all of the users' computers. ... Copy the database file to the shared folder. ... On each user's computer, create a shortcut to the database file.

How connect SQL Server to another user?

The quick solution is to hold the Shift-key while right clicking the SSMS shortcut in the start menu. Then the 'Run as different user' option appears, which allows you to enter different credentials.

Does SQL Express allow remote connections?

Once you have SQL Express set up on your local computer, you can allow remote connections for members of your network.

How do I connect to SQL Server Remote using Windows authentication?

Open SQL Server Management Studio. In Connect to Server, select Database Engine, enter your SQL Server name, and enter administrator credentials to connect to the server. Select Connect. In Object Explorer, expand the SQL Server, expand Security, right-click Logins, and then select New Login.

Can't open a connection to SQL Server Named Pipes Provider?

Check the TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols and port. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and check the SQL Server Network Configuration protocols. You should enable Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocol. For the TCP/IP protocol, right click and select properties to check the TCP/IP communication port as well.

What is the default port for SQL Server?

The default port set by SQL Server is 1433. If you change the default, follow the directions below and change the port number as appropriate.

What protocol does SQL Server use?

This procedure uses the TCP/IP protocol.

Where is SQL Server Configuration Manager?

Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager application. This is found in the Configuration Tools folder of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 folder.

How to view remote server settings?

To view or configure remote server connection options. In Object Explorer , right-click a server, and then click Properties. In the SQL Server Properties - <server_name> dialog box, click Connections. On the Connections page, review the Remote server connections settings, and modify them if necessary. Repeat steps 1 through 3 on the other server of ...

Do remote servers need to be restarted before setting?

The remote server must be stopped and restarted before the setting can take effect.

What is remote access in SQL Server?

The remote access option in SQL Server controls the execution of stored procedures from local or remote servers on which instances of SQL Server are running. And default value of remote access option is 1, which grants permission to run local procedures from remote servers or remote procedures from the local server. If you want to prevent this, set the option to 0.

How to login to SQL Server?

Please login into SQL Server with Windows Authentication mode or SQL Server Authentication mode. 1. In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. 2. Click the Connections node. 3. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the All remote connections to this server check box.

How to use sp-configure in SQL Server?

1. Connect to the SQL Server Database Engine with SQL SA account or Windows administrator. 2. From the Standard bar, click New Query. 3. Copy and paste the following into the query window and click Execute. This example shows how to use sp-configure to set the value of the remote access option to 0. USE 'ServerName' ;

Why is remote access important?

Remote access is the ability to get access to a SQL Server from a remote distance in order to manipulate data which are located on that SQL Server. There are two types of adjustments which must be set before connecting to the remote SQL Server. These settings are important because without them the connection to the remote SQL Server will not be ...

How to connect to SQL Server?

Start the SQL Server, in the dialog window for the Server name enters the name of the instance that you want to connect with. From the Authentication drop down box, select the SQL Server Authentication and for the field Login and the Password enter your credentials then click the Connect button.

How to open wf.msc?

From the Control Panel choose Windows Firewall and click the Advanced settings or just type wf.msc in Search program and files from the Start menu:

What is TCP/IP in SQL Server?

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol) is a set of protocols developed to allow networked computers to share resources over the network. It was developed by DARPA under the ARPANET in the early 1970s.

What port is used to connect to the default instance of Database Engine?

To connect to the default instance of Database Engine, or named instance that is the only instance installed on the machine, the TCP port 1433 is the only port that you need to specify.

What is specific local port?

Specific local ports: In the text box you specify a port or set of ports to which the rule applies.

When was SQL Server developed?

It was developed by DARPA under the ARPANET in the early 1970s. In order to establish a successful remote connection is to set up appropriate ports through the Window Firewall. In SQL Server there are two types of instances. First is a default instance and the second is a named instance.

How to enable remote connection in SQL Server?

To enable remote connection on SQL Server right – click on the server and select the Properties option. In the Server Properties dialog under the Connections tab check the Allow remote connections to this server option:

What port does SQL Server listen to?

As already stated, the default instance that SQL Server listens is port 1433. For a named SQL Server instance, the ports that are used to talk to the SQL Server are by default dynamic.

How to add exception for 1433 port?

To add a firewall exception for the 1433 port go to Programs -> Administrative Tools select the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security option and follow the steps: In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security dialog click on the Inbound Rules option and select the New Rule command: In the New Inbound Rule wizard select ...

What is remote server configuration?

A remote server configuration allows a client connected to one instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ to execute a stored procedure on another instance of SQL Server without establishing another connection. The server to which the client is connected accepts the client request and sends the request to the remote server on behalf of the client. The remote server processes the request and returns any results to the original server, which in turn passes those results to the client.

Can you use linked servers instead of remote servers?

If you want to set up a server configuration in order to execute stored procedures on another server and do not have existing remote server configurations, use linked servers instead of remote servers. Both stored procedures and distributed queries are allowed against linked servers; however, only stored procedures are allowed against remote servers.


Enabling TCP/IP Protocol

The first step is to enable TCP/IP protocol on the SQL Server service. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the Configuration Tools folder under the Microsoft SQL Serverfolder: From the SQL Server Network Configuration node, select the Protocols item for the appropriate SQL Server. In the details pane, right click the T…
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Configuring Windows Firewall

  • From the Control Panel choose Windows Firewall and click the Advanced settings or just type wf.msc in Search program and files from the Startmenu: 1. Inbound Rules:You can allow or block traffic attempts to access the computer that matches certain criteria in the rule. By default inbound traffic is blocked, to allow traffic to access computer, you need to create inbound rule. …
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See More

  • To boost SQL coding productivity, check out these free add-ins for SSMS and Visual Studioincluding T-SQL formatting, refactoring, auto-complete, text and data search, snippets and auto-replacements, sql code and object comparison, multi-db script comparison, object decryption and more.
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