How do I connect to Mumu health care resources?
MU Health Care has an app, HEALTHConnect, that you can use to easily connect to our resources.
Is the information on my MU Health confidential?
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: All content on My MU Health ( is intended solely for the use of authorized users of the University of Missouri Health System information network and is confidential in accordance with the University of Missouri System 110.005 Acceptable Use Policy
How do I access my medical records at University of Missouri?
At University of Missouri Health Care, we provide you secure, quick access to your medical records and a safe, private way to contact your health care providers. All you need to do is download our app, HEALTHConnect, or log in to access your information.
Why Mu health care?
Changing the World of Medicine. As an academic health center, MU Health Care brings innovation and discovery to the field of medicine, helping to improve lives through game-changing research, treatments and unmatched expertise.

What is the health app for MU?
MU Health Care has an app, HEALTHConnect, that you can use to easily connect to our resources. Download it today.
Who must request access to my child's information?
If you're a parent or a caregiver and need access to your child's or loved one's information, you must request access .
Stay informed with Chart Connect
For more information about gaining access to Chart Connect, please contact Medical Records staff anytime via email or call 573-884-6184, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
How to access Chart Connect as a provider
Use Chart Connect to obtain medical information about your patients who have received care at MU Health Care.
How to access Chart Connect as support staff
Use Chart Connect to obtain medical information about your patients who have received care at MU Health Care.
Connected Applications
The applications listed below are already connected to our health record. Check back here as applications are added regularly.
For Developers
If you have already developed, or plan to develop, an app that you would like to connect to MU Health Care’s Cerner Millennium Electronic Health Record, the first step is to visit .
What is access to healthcare?
Health care access is the ability to obtain healthcare services such as prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases, illness, disorders, and other health-impacting conditions. For healthcare to be accessible it must be affordable and convenient. Many people do not have access to adequate healthcare.
What are the three themes of healthcare access?
Three important themes in healthcare access are the problem of poverty, the many barriers to healthcare access, and the question of healthcare resource allocation.
What is healthcare system?
A country’s healthcare system includes providers, patients, payers, research trials, programs, organizations, institutions, related businesses, laws, regulations, and policies. Some countries have a mostly private system with healthcare available to those who can pay or afford insurance. Others have a “universal,” or “socialized” healthcare system. There are various ways this might work. In a “national health system,” like in Great Britain, many healthcare professionals and institutions are government owned and administered, through private providers exist as well. In a “national health insurance system,” such as Canada, most healthcare professionals are privately employed but get reimbursed by the government in a “single payer” system. Healthcare funding is from government revenue. In a system of “socialized health insurance,” as in Germany, healthcare workers are privately employed but the government requires employee contributions (payroll taxes) that go into private insurance (“sickness funds). Healthcare funding is through distinct taxes. The idea of all such systems, though, is that everyone be provided healthcare.
Do people in the third world have access to healthcare?
Many people do not have access to adequate healthcare. This occurs widely enough in third-world countries but also in the United States, despite Medicare and Medicaid programs. Healthcare professionals, institutions, and governments face controversial choices about providing adequate healthcare.