Click the Start button, and then click Control Panel
Control Panel
The Control Panel is a component of Microsoft Windows that provides the ability to view and change system settings. It consists of a set of applets that include adding or removing hardware and software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, and accessing networking s…
Full Answer
How do I request remote access to a VA facility?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen)Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request”From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.
How do I know if my computer has remote access programs?
Look for remote access programs in your list of running programs. Now that Task Manager or Activity Monitor is open, check the list of currently-running programs, as well as any programs that look unfamiliar or suspicious. These programs are popular remote access programs that may have been installed without your permission:
What remote access options does Vava support?
VA supports remote access with two different applications 1. Citrix Access Gateway (CAG) and 2. CISCO RESCUE VPN Client. The Citrix Access Gateway is designed for users that do not have VA Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) – CAG is a good option to allow users access to general applications such as email and chat.
How do I stop unwanted remote access to my computer?
Stopping an Intrusion Be aware that your computer may appear to turn on without input to install updates. Check for the obvious signs of remote access. Disconnect your computer from the internet. Open your Task Manager or Activity Monitor. Look for remote access programs in your list of running programs. Look for unusually high CPU usage.

How do I access my VA remote?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network). Please note the Self-Service Portal is only accessible from within the VA network, it is not externally accessible.
What is Citrix remote access?
Remote PC Access is a feature of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops that enables organizations to easily allow their employees to access corporate resources remotely in a secure manner. The Citrix platform makes this secure access possible by giving users access to their physical office PCs.
How do I connect to Citrix desktop?
Connect to Citrix Remote Desktop (subsequent connections) 1 From the firm's web site https://www.squirepattonboggs.com click the Login link. 2 Click the link for the Remote Desktop session you require. 3 Enter your Username (email address) and Password, then click Sign In.
How do I open Citrix remote desktop?
InstructionsOpen the Citrix Access Management Console or Delivery Service Console.Select a desktop group and access the Properties page.Navigate to the Advanced > Client Options tab.In the Connection Protocols pane, click Add, then enter RDP as the new protocol name.Click OK.
Do I need Citrix on my computer?
If you came across Citrix Receiver when exploring your computer, you may not need it installed. Much depends on what you're going to use the computer for. If you don't think you will need to connect to remote desktops or servers or require anyone to connect to you, you shouldn't need it.
What is the difference between Citrix and remote desktop?
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft-developed protocol that allows users to connect to software or virtual desktops hosted on a server. Citrix Systems offers technical solutions for virtualization with its virtual apps (XenApp) and virtual desktops (XenDesktop).
Why will Citrix not work?
If you have an outdated version of Citrix Workspace or Citrix Receiver, you may encounter this issue of the app not failing to launch a desktop or applications. It is always good practice to update to the latest supported version of the app. When using Citrix Workspace, sometimes an upgrade itself does not work.
How do I install Citrix Workspace on my laptop?
You can install the Citrix Workspace app either by: Downloading the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe installation package from the Download page or. From your company's download page (if available)....Using a Windows-based installerInstallation media.Network share.Windows Explorer.Command-line interface.
Where is Citrix Workspace installed?
If the installation is user-based, Citrix Workspace app must be installed for each user who logs on to the local machine. The default installation path for user-based installations is C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\Citrix\ICA Client .
How do I access my Citrix Receiver from home?
1. After installing the Citrix Workspace App (if necessary) - open up a web browser such as Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome. 2. Navigate to https://remote.fenwayhealth.org.
How do I use Citrix remotely?
Create a Citrix Cloud account (if you don't have one already) Obtain a Citrix Virtual Desktops service account. Create a new Resource Location (your office) and install the Citrix Cloud Connectors in it. Install Citrix Virtual Delivery Agent on the Remote PC Access hosts.
Whats the difference between VPN and Citrix?
The primary difference is that on Citrix, users gain access to their virtual workstation and resources. Meanwhile, the VPN operates directly with the device used and all of its software and applications.
Is Citrix considered VPN?
Citrix Workspace provides a cloud- based, VPN-less solution to access all intranet web, SaaS, mobile, and virtual applications—whether using managed, unmanaged, or bring-your-own devices (BYOD) over any network.
What can Citrix see?
2. Can my employer see me at home via Citrix, Terminal, and Remote Desktop sessions? A: NO, your employer cannot see you at home through the Citrix/Terminal Server or Remote Desktop sessions. The way this technology works, it is not possible in general.
How to request remote access to VA?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen) Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request” From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.
What is the best URL for VHA21?
Requires one of two options: 1.Use of PIV card instead of your vha21vhasfcxxxxxxdomain name and password, or; 2.Use of a “One Time Password” (a six-digit number generated by the MobilePASSApp) in addition to your vha21vhasfcxxxxxx credentials 3.Best URL is citrixaccess.va.gov; other options are vacagwest.vpn.va.gov, vacageast.vpn.va.gov, vacagnorth.vpn.va.gov, vacagsouth.vpn.va.gov 4.Your Mac/PC/tablet must have Citrix Receiver installed (www.citrix.com) For Mac, Safari is the best browser
Is RDC slow on iPad?
Starting RDC is slow, and there are keyboard mapping issues with Citrix and iPad (in the RDC dialog on iPad, click on “Options” and be sure ‘apply windows key combinations’ is set to ‘local computer’ or ‘this computer’).
Does MobilePassapp generate activation codes?
The phone’s MobilePASSapp will now generate an Activation Code.
Can Citrix be installed after download?
installedthe Citrix Receiver client after you download it (installation is not automatic after download). When in doubt, re-install the newest version from citrix.com. • Sometimes, an app will stop launching from your Citrix App window and a few tries will be needed. •FIREFOX issue: Check preferences under Add-OnsàPluginsand set Citrix Plugin to “Always Activate”. AVOID Firefox on a Mac; use Safari instead.
Using Your PIV Card
Before you get started, make sure your Windows machine has all patches and hotfixes applied.
Things to be aware of
Chrome and Edge may attempt to open the last site you went to based on the browser settings. To prevent this issue, please change this setting to open a New Tab page (preferred) or a specific page when you open a new browser window.
How do services detect a user is using a VPN?
I have a VPS, i installed a desktop enviroment and then Chrome. Since the VPS is linux, i installed a VNC server to see what was happening in the desktop enviroment.
How real and global are the "no logs" policies?
I've been researching this subject, in light of recent regulations in many countries. It is my understanding that the "no logs" policies depends on the endpoint's country where you are connecting to, i.e.
If I change my VPN location, do i get disconnected, and will my ISP see it for that brief moment?
I was downloading and uploading some files, and while I was doing so, I decided to change my VPNs location from Canada to France. At that moment I thought nothing of it, but im up awake at night, and a bit paranoid about it. Does changing your VPN location disconnect you? And if it does, can my ISP see it for that moment? Thanks in advance!
Can someone explain to me how some VPN restrict Instagram ads
So I've been using either OpenVPN, WireGuard Shadowsocks and vmess and some of them restrict showing Instagram ads whenever I use the app. How is that so? And why is it that only works on Instagram and not on Facebook or Twitter?
Mobile hotspot with VPN
I'm using a VPN on my laptop and on my phone. If I turn it on on my phone and then turn on mobile hotspot, and then connect my laptop to it. Is my laptop also secured or should I connect to the VPN on the laptop as well?
How to fix installer is unable to connect to client computer?
Recommendations: 1) Verify the computer name or IP address is correct. 2) Verify the computer is reachable on your network. 3) Disable the Windows Firewall on the client computer. 4) Disable any 3rd party Firewall on the client computer.
Why is my installer denied access to my computer?
Description: The installer is denied access to the client computer due to insufficient permissions or security protection. Recommendations: 1) Verify your admin account has sufficient read/write privilege for the client computer. 2) Try disabling the antivirus or 3rd party firewall on the client computer.
How to get to Windows Firewall?
On Start, go to Windows System > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall.
How to delete cwclientsetup.exe?
1) Verify your admin account has sufficient read/write privilege for the client computer. 2) Verify the client computer has 300MB of free space. 3) Verify the C: doesn’t already have a file named cwClientSetup.exe. If it exists, delete this file.
How to install antivirus on another computer?
If you don't have an antivirus, download an installer on another computer and transfer it to your computer via USB. Install the antivirus and then run a scan with it.
How to stop someone from accessing my computer?
This includes removing any Ethernet cables and turning off your Wi-Fi connections.
What to do if your computer is compromised?
Change all of your passwords . If your computer was compromised, then there’s a possibility that all of your passwords have been recorded with a keylogger. If you’re sure the infection is gone, change the passwords for all of your various accounts. You should avoid using the same password for multiple services.
What to do if you can't get rid of intrusion?
If you're still experiencing intrusions, or are concerned that you may still be infected, the only way to be sure is to completely wipe your system and reinstall your operating system.
Why does my computer turn on without my input?
If your computer appears to turn on without your input when you're not using it, it is likely waking from Sleep mode to install updates .
How to find out what is running on my computer?
Open your Task Manager or Activity Monitor. These utilities can help you determine what is currently running on your computer.
Can a computer be remotely accessed?
The chances of your specific computer being remotely accessed, while not impossible, are very low. You can take steps to help prevent intrusions.