How do I login to Myplace as a registered provider?
All registered providers need to have a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account linked to myplace. Once a PRODA account is created, providers can login to myplace using their PRODA username and password. For more information and support with PRODA, refer to the:
How do I allow additional users to access Myplace?
All myplace users need to have their own PRODA account and any additional users requiring myplace access need to be authenticated in PRODA. If you are the Primary Contact within your organisation, you will receive a request to approve the additional user’s access once their PRODA account is authenticated and linked to myplace.
What is the Myplace provider portal for?
The myplace provider portal is for registered providers to view and manage their services with a participant, including: instant messaging with participants. All registered providers need to have a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account linked to myplace.

What is myplace portal?
The myplace provider portal is for registered providers to view and manage their services with a participant, including:
When do you receive a request to approve the additional user's access to your PRODA account?
If you are the Primary Contact within your organisation , you will receive a request to approve the additional user’s access once their PRODA account is authenticated and linked to myplace.
Is myplace available for different levels?
Different levels of access are not available in myplace. All users with access to myplace are able to add and update information.