What is Interactive Remote access Intermediate System is defined in the NERC Glossary of Terms as: “a Cyber Asset or collection of Cyber Assets performing access control to restrict Interactive Remote Access to only authorized users.
What is NERC CIP access?
NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) is a set of requirements designed to secure the assets required for operating North America's bulk electric system.
What CIP 005?
Purpose: Standard CIP-005 requires the identification and protection of the Electronic Security Perimeter(s) inside which all Critical Cyber Assets reside, as well as all access points on the perimeter. Standard CIP-005 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009.
What is an Eacms?
An EACMS is defined in the NERC Glossary of Terms as follow: Electronic Access Control or Monitoring Systems (EACMS) – Cyber Assets that perform electronic access control or electronic access monitoring of the Electronic Security Perimeter(s) or BES Cyber Systems. This includes Intermediate Systems.
What is external routable connectivity?
External Routable Connectivity (ERC) – The ability to access a BES Cyber System from a Cyber Asset that is outside of its associated Electronic Security Perimeter via a bi-directional routable protocol connection.
What CIP 003?
Standard CIP-003 requires that Responsible Entities have minimum security management controls in place to protect Critical Cyber Assets. Standard CIP-003 should be read as part of a group of standards numbered Standards CIP-002 through CIP-009.
What CIP-002?
Standard CIP-002 requires the identification and documentation of the Critical Cyber Assets associated with the Critical Assets that support the reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System.
What is ESP in NERC?
As defined by the NERC CIP Glossary of Terms, an Electronic Security Perimeter (ESP) is the logical border surrounding a network to which BES Cyber Systems (BCS) are connected using a routable protocol.
What is a protected cyber asset?
Protected Cyber Asset (PCA) One or more Cyber Assets. connected using a routable. protocol within or on an Electronic. Security Perimeter that is not part.
What does routable mean in networking?
Routable Protocol : A Routable protocol is a network protocol which carry data from one network and it go through the router to succeed in another network and be delivered to a computer in that remote network.
What is routable and non routable?
The term “routable protocol” is used when the protocol contains the address of the target system, for example UDP and TCP/IP. According to PC Magazine a non-routable protocol is. A communications protocol that contains only a device address and not a network address.
What is routable and non routable IP?
Non routable IP addresses are used to send data over public networks such as the internet. Routable IP addresses are used to send data over public networks such as the internet.
Which of the following are routable protocols?
The global standard routable protocol is TCP/IP. Other routable protocols used in the past were AppleTalk, SNA, IPX, XNS and DECnet. Contrast with non-routable protocol. See TCP/IP and routing protocol.
What is a CIP?
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently approved the latest version of the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards. Some of the biggest changes in the new standard revolve around how utilities are monitoring and controlling remote access to critical systems.
Can utilities lock down their systems?
As the threat to the critical infrastructure industry grows, the NERC standards provide a great starting place for utilities to lock down their systems. But these requirements should be a starting place and not a destination – utilities and other critical infrastructure companies need to take the next step to make sure they’re eliminating as many vulnerabilities as possible. For more information on how your organization can lock down shared account and control remote access, you can get more information here.
Why is there a lack of clarity in the CIP version 5?
The implementation study participants found a lack of clarity in the CIP version 5 Reliability Standards because they do not specifically address remote access to serially connected BES Cyber Asset or BES Cyber Systems. Consequently, the CIP version 5 implementation study participants referred the identified issue to the CIP standards drafting team to be evaluated for future standards development.
How to reduce or eliminate risks to the reliable operation of the BES associated with connecting a BES Cyber System to?
An effective way to reduce or eliminate risks to the reliable operation of the BES associated with connecting a BES Cyber System to a communication network is to minimize connectivity to BES Cyber Systems. Following a review of all communications to BES Cyber Systems, study participants disconnected all non-essential communication paths to decrease potential attack vectors.