Can my institution have remote access to the NEJM while off-campus?
If your institution already subscribes to NEJM.org, there are a number of remote-access options for full access while off-campus. Learn more about NEJM.org Institutional Remote Access.
Where can I find more information about New England Journal of Medicine?
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) offers multiple access levels to content and features at NEJM.org including: Visit NEJM Products and Services for more information about our offers and learn how you can be first to know about the landmark scientific research and clinical insights published each week.
What is remote patient monitoring (RPM)?
Remote Patient Monitoring involves the reporting, collection, transmission, and evaluation of patient health data through electronic devices such as wearables, mobile devices, smartphone apps, and internet-enabled computers. RPM technologies remind patients to weigh themselves and transmit the measurements to their physicians.
How can my institution access the e-journals to which it subscribed?
If your institution uses OpenAthens, Shibboleth, or an SSO service such as Microsoft Azure or Okta to access the e-journals to which it subscribes, sign in for immediate access to NEJM.org. Follow your institution’s suggestions to access subscribed resources when outside of the institution’s IP range.

How do I access NEJM for free?
In low-income countries where resources are limited, NEJM provides free full-text access to NEJM.org using Geo-IP (recognition of regionally based IP addresses) and free or low-cost full-text access through its partnership with Research4Life's Access to Research in Health. (Hinari) program.
Is NEJM open access?
NEJM is a Public Access journal. All original research content is freely available on NEJM.org six months after the date of publication. In addition, readers in qualifying low-income countries are granted free access to all articles on NEJM.org dating back to 1990.
Is NEJM Journal Watch free?
A free online account with NEJM Journal Watch gives you free access to selected content and services. As a registered site visitor you can: Access FREE articles in all our specialty areas each week. Sign up for free e-mail alerts in the specialties of your choice.
Does the New England Journal of Medicine have an app?
– No Android support, as the OS continues to gain in popularity, we hope to see more medical developers port their applications to Android.
Is The New England Journal of Medicine biased?
Throughout its 208-year history, The New England Journal of Medicine has remained staunchly nonpartisan. The world's most prestigious medical journal has never supported or condemned a political candidate.
Is the Lancet open access?
Papers published as gold open access are available immediately and freely for anyone to read. For the green open access option, at 6 months after publication authors can deposit the final accepted version of their paper in any repository they choose and the published paper will be made free to access on our websites.
How much does it cost to subscribe to the New England Journal of Medicine?
$69As an AMSA student member, you can subscribe to NEJM for $69, which includes 52 weekly print issues and online access to NEJM.org articles and multimedia, including all content published since 1989.
Does NEJM subscription include Journal Watch?
Your subscription includes: Unlimited Online access to NEJM Journal Watch Online — all specialty and topic areas, plus complete access to all our blogs, and Clinical Conversations podcasts.
Is UpToDate free in any country?
Full access to the service requires a subscription, which costs US$559 a year as of 2021 for a physician in the United States (lower cost for longer term subscription). Through the Norwegian Electronic Health Library, people in Norway have free access to BMJ Best Practice, UpToDate and drug database Micromedex.
What happened to the NEJM app?
The NEJM iPad Edition app is scheduled to be removed from the Apple App Store on September 30, 2020 and will be discontinued on November 30, 2020.
How much does it cost to publish in NEJM?
NEJM does not offer an author-pays model and there is no charge to submit or to publish in NEJM.
How often is the New England Journal of Medicine published?
52 times per yearNEJM publishes weekly (52 times per year). NEJM may also designate certain articles for online publication in advance of their print publication dates.
How much does it cost to publish in NEJM?
NEJM does not offer an author-pays model and there is no charge to submit or to publish in NEJM.
How can I get full text articles for free?
Free full-text articles can be approached in the following ways.Medknow Publications. ... PubMed Central and PubMed. ... Directory of Open Access Journals. ... Electronic Resources in Medicine Consortium and National Medical Library. ... Google, Google Scholar, and Yahoo. ... The Cochrane Library. ... Public Library of Science. ... Free Medical Journals.More items...
How do I publish on NEJM?
At least five experts review and edit each Original Article or Special Article manuscript published by NEJM....A paper passing Dr. Hamel's initial review moves to an appropriate associate editor, who determines whether it meets fundamental criteria for:Quality.Novelty.Potential clinical impact.
How is the NEJM funded?
Industry funding of NEJM This may not come primarily from print and electronic advertisements by drug companies, but rather from industry purchases of article reprints. For example, if the NEJM publishes an article supporting a new drug, the drug company will often purchase thousands of reprints of the article.
NEJM.org Institutional Remote Access
Sign in to, or create, your free NEJM.org account while simultaneously logged in to your institution’s network to gain NEJM.org institutional remote access — anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Learn more about NEJM.org Institutional Remote Access.
Google Scholar CASA (Campus Activated Subscriber Access)
Find instructions . opens in new tab to set up easy remote access to NEJM.org when you search for an article using Google Scholar.
Other Resources for Off-Campus Access to NEJM.org
Follow your institution’s suggestions to access subscribed resources when outside of the institution’s IP range.
What is remote patient monitoring?
Remote Patient Monitoring involves the reporting, collection, transmission, and evaluation of patient health data through electronic devices such as wearables, mobile devices, smartphone apps, and internet-enabled computers. RPM technologies remind patients to weigh themselves and transmit the measurements to their physicians. Wearables and other electronic monitoring devices are being used to collect and transfer vital sign data including blood pressures, cardiac stats, oxygen levels, and respiratory rates.
What is telemedicine in Oxford?
Oxford’s telemedicine definition is “ the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology .”. Telemedicine encompasses the use of technologies and telecommunication systems to administer healthcare to patients who are geographically separated from providers.
How does telehealth help diabetes patients?
Diabetes patients are benefiting from carbohydrate tracking apps and are using glucose monitoring devices to document and report their blood sugar measurements. Other patients are interacting with their providers and scheduling appointments through secure online communication portals. Additionally, they are accessing health education content via smartphones and computers to add to their self-care toolboxes. They are also using wearables and monitoring systems to gain knowledge about their sleep patterns, vital signs, and activity levels.
Why is telehealth important?
Since the internet and mobile devices now pervade our lives, it is natural that people want to leverage telehealth technologies to improve care, offer convenience, promote access, and support sustainability.
How does telehealth help with physician shortages?
Telehealth is being implemented to treat prison populations, as well as being deployed in rural communities and underserved urban areas to improve healthcare availability.
What is telehealth in healthcare?
Telehealth is defined as the delivery and facilitation of health and health-related services including medical care, provider and patient education, health information services, and self-care via telecommunications and digital communication technologies. Live video conferencing, mobile health apps, “store and forward” electronic ...
Why do organizations use telehealth?
Because of remote healthcare’s lower costs and increased worker productivity and satisfaction , organizations will likely seek telehealth solutions. Moreover, payers, like employers, may be lured by decreased medical expenditures and consumers may be motivated by the convenience and promptness of care that it offers.
What is NEJM evidence?
Taking a new approach, NEJM Evidence offers a behind-the-scenes view of clinical trials that enables readers to develop a deeper understanding of the statistical methods used in trials, to become more sophisticated evaluators of medical evidence, and to learn from trial participants whose stories can help shape and inform the future direction of clinical trial design.
When will NEJM evidence be released?
Launching January 2022, NEJM Evidence, a new monthly digital journal from NEJM Group, presents innovative original research and fresh, bold ideas in clinical trial design and clinical decision-making.
Is NEJM Evidence accepting original articles?
At this time, NEJM Evidence is only accepting Original Article submissions. Visit Editorial Policies to learn more about the general submission guidelines for Original Articles.
Does NEJM support clinical decision making?
NEJM Evidence expands the corpus of published research with a focus on providing more context and critical evaluation of the methods and results to support clinical decision-making , and does so in a way that respects the time and commitment of the practitioner.
What are the enablers of disruption?
Any disruption, as he famously pointed out, requires three enablers: (1) a simplifying technology, (2) a disruptive value network, and (3) business model innovation. 13 Entering 2020, two of these three enablers were spilling over from the consumer and business markets into health care.
What is virtual care?
According to CMS, telehealth and telemedicine “generally refer to the exchange of medical information from one site to another through electronic communication to improve a patient’s health.” 4 Telehealth is a modality or setting of care and not a specific type of care.
What was the first enabler?
The first enabler, simplifying technology, was widely available in the form of inexpensive biosensors and smartphones, cloud computing for storage and real-time analytical processing, and ubiquitous connectivity through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or cellular.
What is telehealth in healthcare?
According to CMS, telehealth and telemedicine “generally refer to the exchange of medical information from one site to another through electronic communication to improve a patient’s health.” 4 Telehealth is a modality or setting of care and not a specific type of care. Telehealth services can be used to connect individuals to an individual health care provider or to a health care system (such as Kaiser Permanente and Geisinger, among others). Telehealth can involve synchronous interactions (via telephonic, videoconferencing, or synchronous or asynchronous text-based chats) to supplement or replace traditional face-to-face clinical care. The first reported telehealth visits were applications for military use, specifically in the early 1990s, when the U.S. Military Health Service extended specialty care from fixed bases to deployed forces, such personnel on ships, with the added benefit of lower costs. 5 Over the past 25 years, wider adoption and diffusion of telehealth has been propelled by advances in telecommunications infrastructure and capacity, such as high-speed Internet and broadband data services, data encryption standards for audio and video communications, and miniaturization of sensors. But rather than spark a revolution in care, these advances have been encumbered by policy and regulatory restrictions (such as statuary licensure requirements and limitations of scope of practice), 6 low reimbursement rates coupled with high technology costs, 7 and physician resistance resulting from the perception of loss of professional autonomy. 8
Does telehealth disrupt traditional health care?
Telehealth services could not meet all of the clinical demands of patients, and, as a result, telehealth coexisted with traditional care models .
Is telehealth a virtual care?
Collectively, telehealth and remote monitoring (whether integrated or not) are generally referred to as virtual care as neither requires an individual to walk into a traditional urgent care clinic, emergency room, office clinic, or hospital to receive clinical monitoring or care.
Is virtual care still in its infancy?
Despite all of this activity, the virtual care market is still in its infancy. There are a number of opportunities for the virtual care market to expand vertically and horizontally as well as to leverage unique capabilities previously unavailable in traditional health care models.