Where can I find land records in Newport News County?
The Newport News Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is now offering remote access to land records including both indices and images. Having read the terms and conditions of the Subscriber Agreement, if you are interested in acquiring this service, please return a completed notarized application along with the appropriate subscription fee per subscriber.
Where can I find Newport News circuit court case information?
Case Information: Newport News Circuit Court case information is available free of charge on the Internet and is not governed by the terms of this agreement. Case information is current to the preceding business day and is located at www.vacourts.gov/ by selecting Circuit Courts from the Case Information Menu.
How do I get remote access to the Roanoke Circuit Court?
The Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke provides this secure remote access (SRA) through the Supreme Court's RMS system as well as the Logan's System online remote access. Approval for the use of SRA is at the discretion of the Clerk of the Court.
How do I get remote access to my Land Records?
According to VA Code Section 17.1-279 (2), every Circuit Court Clerk shall provide secure remote access to land records in accordance with 17.1-294 on or before July 1, 2008. The Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke provides this secure remote access (SRA) through the Supreme Court's RMS system as well as the Logan's System online remote access.

What is public access in court?
Public access means that the public can inspect and obtain a certified copy of a record. Public access to records is limited to record room workstations in the Clerk’s office. Remote access means that inspection can be made without the need to physically visit the courthouse.
Who provides documentation and limited consultation on specific problems that arise in the use of the website?
The Clerk, deputies, employees or agents shall provide the Subscriber with documentation and limited consultation on specific problems that arise in the use of the website. The Clerk does not guarantee consultation results nor warrant or represent that all errors or problems shall be corrected. Subscriber’s Obligations:
Who relieves and releases the Clerk, deputies, employees or agents from liability for any and all damages resulting?
The Subscriber relieves and releases the Clerk, deputies, employees or agents from liability for any and all damages resulting from interrupted service of any kind.
What does "subscriber" mean in court?
Subscriber means any person authorized by the Clerk of a Circuit Court to have remote access to court documents on its website.
Officer of the Court Remote Access
This system is intended solely for the use of authorized Officer of the Court personnel to retrieve and review court documents they are specifically authorized to view. All other use is expressly prohibited.
This system is intended solely for the use of authorized Officer of the Court personnel to retrieve and review court documents they are specifically authorized to view. All other use is expressly prohibited.
System Access
To search a locality, please contact your local Circuit Court Clerk's Office to obtain an Account Name and Password. This will require an agreement and payment before the person is granted the ability to search records.
Browser cookies
For security purposes this site requires the use of cookies. Please make sure that the "accept cookies" feature of your browser is enabled.
Viewing images
In order to view document images, your browser must be equipped with a "helper" application designed for this purpose.
According to VA Code Section 17.1-279 (2), every Circuit Court Clerk shall provide secure remote access to land records in accordance with 17.1-294 on or before July 1, 2008. The Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke provides this secure remote access (SRA) through the Supreme Court's RMS system as well as the Logan's System online remote access.
Information Available on the Secured Remote Access
Roanoke City Circuit Court uses two separate systems, the Supreme Court System (RMS) and the Logan System. Both of our providers have images and indexes. The indexes have periods of overlap but both the indexes and images can be found as shown below. Both websites are included in the $600 yearly subscription.
How to Gain Access
The application packet contains two parts: The SRA Application (PDF) and a SRA Subscriber Agreement (PDF). In order to gain access to both of the secured remote access websites (SRA) a subscriber need only to fill out the application and have it notarized.