Remote-access Guide

nginx multiple plex servers remote access

by Mrs. Ella Toy Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can I use nginx with Linux PMS?

Additional information can be found in the Linux PMS forum. The current stable release of Nginx (1.2.x at the time of writing) doesn’t support the WebSocket protocol, which is used in the Plex web interface to update the interface in real-time as the media server updates.

Does Nginx support the WebSocket protocol?

The current stable release of Nginx (1.2.x at the time of writing) doesn’t support the WebSocket protocol, which is used in the Plex web interface to update the interface in real-time as the media server updates.

How do I install nginx on Ubuntu?

On Ubuntu you can install Nginx>=1.3.13 from Chris Lea’s development branch PPA, as so, sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/nginx-devel sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx nginx -v

How do I deploy Nginx as a Cloud Foundry application?

Nginx is the reverse proxy that you’ll deploy to achieve this result, and you will make use of it as a Cloud Foundry application. To do this, you need to ensure that Cloud Foundry is configured. Using a web browser that’s logged in to your IBM Cloud account, go to your Cloud Foundry Orgs page.


How does Plex work?

hamiltont commented on Apr 20, 2014 1 Plex detects connections from localhost and allows these connections to modify server settings. Anyone with HTTP basic access suddenly has access to modify all your server settings. 2 apps such as Android, Roku, etc, don't always support basic auth. You can embed the U/P in the URL, but after trying to explain this to one family member over the phone I realized this is a bad solution if you have novice users

What is nginx config?

nginx config for proxying requests for plex over a hostname-based virtualhost.

Do you need error page in Plex?

You don't need the error_page section if you don't want (but will tell you if Plex server isn't running for some reason or another)

Can nginx preserve baseURL?

You can ask nginx to preserve the baseURL.

Why do we use proxy servers?

Proxy servers are used in many different places, often acting to take one resource or endpoint on the public internet and providing this (cached) to multiple back-end machines. For example, in the case of a corporate private network, a large file stored somewhere on the public internet that many people want to download might be cached by the proxy server to reduce bandwidth bills. When the proxy server sees requests coming to it from inside the private network (multiple people, presumably), it fetches the file once, then provides it from its cache to other requests it receives.

What is reverse proxy?

This reverse proxy, in turn, routes that request intelligently to the endpoints it knows about on the private network. To the public internet endpoint, this is transparent, and it appears as though all requests are coming from the same machine, when that might not actually be the case.

Does nginx match api path?

Next, you’ll match /api path requests coming into the Nginx reverse proxy. If someone has made this kind of request, you can assume they want to talk to the back-end component whose Docker container is listening on port 5000. Again, the path is matched but doesn’t have to be specified to proxy_pass, so a request to will be forwarded on to http://your_hpvs_public_ip:5000/api/foobar.

Can you deploy a reverse proxy?

Given that you’ve already configured a Cloud Foundry org and space from the command line , you can easily de ploy this reverse proxy application:

Can you use reverse proxy to route traffic?

For example, you could route traffic calling any /api/ endpoint to the back-end component, and any other traffic to the frontend component. It’s easy to do this using a reverse proxy like Nginx, and this tutorial shows you how.

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