Where can I access the NMCI network?
NMCI users can now access, without compromising network security, the NMCI network from Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) networks; such as hotspots in hotels, coffee shops, airports, homes and other venues providing wireless Internet access.
Is there an NMCI webmail login help desk email account?
So far as we can tell, no NMCI webmail login help desk email account exists to reach out with. You must call the helpdesk and wait for someone to answer your request, or continue reading below to get on with your day! Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to webmail.east.nmci.navy.mil.
What is NMCI enterprise self-service?
NMCI Enterprise Self-Service (ESS) Tools provide users with the freedom and flexibility to perform routine IT tasks on their own time, at their own convenience, without picking up a phone or sending an email. With a few simple online steps, ESS tools enable NMCI users to: Create, change, cancel or track the status of NMCI service desk tickets;
What is NMCI?
NMCI is the first large-scale federal government IT centralization and outsourcing project. Its lessons have informed other government agency efforts to consolidate and outsource IT services.

How to Connect to Pulse Secure on a NMCI?
Click the 'Hidden Icons'^ icon, and locate the Pulse Secure icon. Double left click or right click and select 'Open Pulse Secure' to open the menu. 10. The Pulse Secure menu will open and display three connection options to NMCI Hawaii, NMCI Norfolk, and NMCI San Diego.
How to set up NMCI PIN?
To establish an NMCI PIN, please go to: https://servman/sm/ess.do Navigate from the left-hand panel to: Authentication Information. Click on your name to establish or update your NMCI PIN.
What is an NMCI computer?
April 2018. The Navy/Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) is a United States Department of the Navy program which was designed to provide the vast majority of information technology services for the entire Department, including the United States Navy and Marine Corps.
What is the number to Nmci?
If there is a problem with getting your updated data into your Service GAL, please contact the NMCI Service Desk at 1-866-THE-NMCI. (866-843-6624).
How do I access my NMCI email from home?
To access your official navy email, go to https://www.homeport.navy.mil/links/owa-navy-links/, and then select the NADSUSEA domain (https://webmail.east.nmci.navy.mil).
How do I access my Navy portal from home?
Select your email certificate. Navigate to MyNavy Portal (MNP) Public Site by adding 'https://my.navy.mil' in the address bar. On the MNP Public Site, select the Login button and select either 'Low Bandwidth Mode' or 'High Bandwidth Mode'.
Who runs NMCI?
What is changing is the operating model for NMCI, which has been contractor- owned for more than 13 years. Under the NGEN contract phase of NMCI services, the government will own the network, which will enhance governmental operational control of critical infrastructure.
Does the Marine Corps use NMCI?
In the past seven years, NMCI has consolidated and standardized a large share of the Department of the Navy's information technology network, putting the Navy and Marine Corps in the lead in the Department of Defense move to net-centric capabilities.
Why are monitoring tools used on all Navy networks?
Network monitoring tools help Managed Service Providers and IT Departments gain full visibility into the digital networks they manage. By relying on real-time automated device discovery, asset inventory and topology mapping, network monitoring tools enable full visibility on all network-based devices and IT assets.
How do I unlock my Nmci account?
1) Press 1- for UNCLASS email 2) Press 1- for NMCI 3) Press 2- for NMCI 4) Press 2- for Other 5) Once speaking to an NMCI representative, they will ask for your NMCI Email address. Once they locate your account, request whether or not the account has been locked versus disabled.
How do I get a flank speed account?
Use the "New Teams Meeting" plug-in button to generate a Flank Speed Teams meeting link in your meeting invite. 5. Send this link to meeting participants via their existing (@navy.mil) email addresses. If they also have a Flank Speed account, it will automatically be forwarded to that account.
What is NMCI in the Navy?
Today, NMCI is described in documents from the Navy's chief information officer as "the core enterprise network for Navy and Marine Corps forces in the United States and Japan, providing secure access to integrated voice, video and data communications.".
What percent of the Navy said NMCI was satisfactory?
In November 2007, a quarterly user satisfaction rating between both the United States Marine Corps. and the United States Navy revealed that 83.8 percent of the military members who submitted the survey said that NMCI was satisfactory. Some of the 17 percent who were not satisfied were vocal in their disapproval.
What is the Navy Intranet?
The Navy/Marine Corps Intranet ( NMCI) is a United States Department of the Navy program which was designed to provide the vast majority of information technology services for the entire Department, including the United States Navy and Marine Corps .
Who owns Multimax?
Harris Corporation (which acquired Multimax formerly known as Netco Government Services and WAM!NET), which provided enterprise network infrastructure design and support until its contract expired in 2014. Verizon, which provides wide area network (WAN) connectivity.
Does NMCI use Bluecoat?
In addition, NMCI is upgrading existing servers with Bluecoat proxy servers, which provides better capacity and traffic management functions. According to NMCI's own data, a few users account for the majority of NMCI's bandwidth usage, mostly attributed to streaming internet radio and video.

As of March 2008, NMCI included more than 363,000 computers, serving more than 707,000 sailors, Marines and civilians in 620 locations in the continental United States, Hawaii, and Japan, making it the largest internal computer network in the world. The network's 4,100 servers handle over 2.3 petabytes of data.
NMCI established an interoperable command and control network that provides the IT platform …
On 6 October 2000, the NMCI contract was awarded to Electronic Data Systems (EDS), now HP Enterprise Services (HP). Secretary of the Navy Gordon England summed up the Navy's IT Environment prior to the commencement of NMCI: “We basically had 28 separate commands budgeting, developing, licensing, and operating IT autonomously. It was inefficient and from the larger Department perspective, produced results that were far from optimal.”
The Naval Enterprise Networks (NEN) program office, in collaboration with NMCI partner HP, which manages the CoSC program, is deploying a number of new Navy initiatives, including:
Tablet laptops for Navy recruiters
• The NRC began rolling out Hewlett-Packard (HP) Elitebook 2740p Tablets to recruiters in early September 2011.
Next steps
On 31 March 2009, the Department of the Navy's Space and Naval Warfare System Command announced its intention to negotiate a Continuity of Service Contract (COSC) that would allow HP to continue to provide IT services during the transition from the existing contract (NMCI) to the proposed next contract, known as Next Generation Enterprise Network Solution (NGEN).
Under the new contract, HP will continue NMCI services, support the transition to NGEN (which i…
Network security and functionality
In November 2007, a quarterly user satisfaction rating between both the United States Marine Corps and the United States Navy revealed that 83.8 percent of the military members who submitted the survey said that NMCI was satisfactory. Some of the 17 percent who were not satisfied were vocal in their disapproval.
Disgruntled users nicknamed NMCI "No More Contracted Infosystems," according to an article i…
See also
• Operation Cyber Condition Zebra
External links
• Official USMC NMCI site
• NMCI Homeport (smart card required)
• Official Navy PEO Digital Web site
• Official Video: NMCI Success, an HP story