Remote-access Guide

node.js remote access

by Novella Douglas Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

How do I connect to a remote Node JS interpreter?

The dialog opens when you click Add in the Node.js Interpreters dialog and choose Remote... from the drop-down menu. This menu item is available only when you open the Node.js Interpreters dialog from the Run/Debug Configuration: Node.js.

How do I connect to Node JS from a different machine?

To connect to Node.js from a different machine, you must open port 80, 443 for remote access. Refer to the FAQ for more information on this. IMPORTANT: Making this application’s network ports public is a significant security risk.

Can I run a nodeJS Web application on a local network?

Let’s assume you have a nodejs web application that runs in your personal laptop or in a server or in a Raspberry Pi in your office LAN network. Anyone outside of your office network cannot access the web application because the application runs in your local network.

What happens if no Node JS executable is found in WebStorm?

If no Node.js executable is found, WebStorm displays an error message asking you whether to continue searching or save the interpreter configuration anyway. If the Node.js executable is found, you return to the Node.js Interpreters dialog where the installation folder and the detected version of the Node.js interpreter are displayed.


What is express in Node?

express : makes it easy to build API’s and server-side applications with Node, providing useful features such as routing, middlewares, etc..

What is Role-Based Access Control?

Role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach used to restrict access to certain parts of the system to only authorized users. The permissions to perform certain operations are assigned to only specific roles. Users of the system are assigned those roles, and through those assignments, they acquire the permissions needed to perform particular system functions. Since users are not assigned permissions directly, but only acquire them through the roles that have been assigned to them, management of individual user rights becomes a matter of simply assigning appropriate roles to a particular user.

How many roles can Mongoose allow?

Each user will have a specific role and that’s very important. To keep the application fairly simple, we’ll allow just three roles as specified in the enum property, permissions for each role will be defined later on. Mongoose provides a handy default property that enables us specify what the default value for a field should be if one isn’t specified when a user is created.

What is dotenv in Node?

dotenv : This package loads environmental variables from a .env file into Node’s process.env object.

What is grant access middleware?

The grantAccess middleware, on the other hand, allows only users with certain roles access to the route. It takes two arguments action and resource, action will be a value such as readAny, deleteAny, etc.. this indicates what action the user can perform while resource represents what resource the defined action has permission to operate on e.g profile. The roles.can (userRole) [action] (resource) method determines if the user’s role has sufficient permission to perform the specified action of the provided resource. We’ll see exactly how this works next.

Where does authentication logic live?

All authentication and authorization logic will live inside the server/controllers/userController.js file. Go ahead and paste the code below into the file and we’ll go through it in detail right after :

How to avoid errors in MongoDB?

To avoid errors, make sure you have your MongoDB server running locally, if you aren’t too familiar with how to do this, there’s a detailed documentation showing relevant steps on how to get the MongoDB server running locally.

What happens if no Node.js is found?

If no Node.js executable is found, WebStorm displays an error message asking you whether to continue searching or save the interpreter configuration anyway.

What is the path field in Node.js?

The Node.js interpreter path field shows the location of the default Node.js interpreter from the specified image.

How to specify a different folder in Node.js?

To specify a different folder, click and choose the relevant folder in the dialog that opens. Note that the Node.js home directory must be open for editing.

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