How do I access Northwestern Medicine applications from home?
Overview Northwestern Medicine applications can be accessed from home and beyond using the NM Employee Remote Access system. An internet connection is required to access systems and performance is dependent on the current bandwidth of your network connection. Some applications require Citrix Workspace to be installed on your computer.
Where can I find the Northwestern Memorial Hospital employee remote access user guide?
logonlink at the bottom of the Northwestern Memorial Hospital commercial website: www.nm.org (below). Employee Remote Access User Guide Questions? Contact the CRU Service Desk at 312-926-4357 2 of 10
How do I login as a remote employee or physician?
1. Enter remote.nm.org into your browser, or visit the Employee and Physician Login page on nm.org and click “Employees and Physicians” under remote log-in links. 2. Enter your email address or your userid@nm.org in the log-in window and click Next.
What is remote clinical access?
Remote Clinical Access provides access to clinical applications as well as business-restricted applications. The login requires additional authentication with the PIN and 6-digit code from the RSA Secure ID (Key fob). 2. Using Employee Remote Access

What is remote basic access?
Remote Basic Accessprovides access to non-clinical and other business-restricted applications.
How to contact CRU service?
Questions? Contact the CRU Service Desk at 312-926-4357 3 of 10
Can you access NM Interactive?
You can access NM Interactive(NMI)from your home using NMHC Employee Remote Access. The
Does Citrix require a plug-in?
Some applications require a Citrix plug-in to run remotely. These applications will have an asterisk
Who offers NUworkspace?
NUworkspace is offered by Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences in partnership with Northwestern IT Research Computing Services, Northwestern University School of Communication, and Feinberg School of Medicine.
What is NUworkspace?
NUworkspace is generally intended for interactive workloads, rather than scheduled or batch jobs. It is suitable for work that does not require intense computation. Examples include prototyping, script testing, and running programs that offer quick results and feedback.
How to log into remote access NM?
Sign into remote access by visiting https://access.nmh.org or by clicking the “Employee Login” link from the bottom right of the NM website https://nm.org.
How to download citrix?
1. In a web browser, visit https://www.citrix.com/downloads. 2. Select “Citrix Workspace App” from the dropdown menu. 3. For your respective device type, select the latest version and download.
Does Citrix require workspace?
Some applications ( indicated with an *) require the installation of Citrix workspace on your personal device to open. This application is compatible with both mobile and computer devices.
Can you install Citrix on Android?
iOS and Android users– search your respective application store for “Citrix Workspace” and install the application. No additional configuration is required, only that the app is installed.
Can you access Northwestern Medicine from home?
Northwestern Medicine applications can be accessed from home and beyond using the NM Employee Remote Access system. An internet connection is required to access systems and performance is dependent on the current bandwidth of your network connection. Some applications require Citrix Workspace to be installed on your computer. A requirement for signing in is that you have an Authenticator application on a personal device and a token configured.