What is Norton Rose Fulbright Canada revenue?
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada revenue is $680.4 M
How many employees does Norton Rose Fulbright Canada have?
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada has 4,000 employees
Where is Norton Rose Fulbright Canada headquarters located?
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada headquarters are located in 400 3rd Ave SW Ste 3700, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4H2, Canada
What are Norton Rose Fulbright Canada’s primary industries?
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada’s main industries are: Law Firms & Legal Services
What are some additional names or alternative spellings that users use while searching for Norton Ro...
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada appears in search results as Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP, Macleod Dixon LLP, MacLeod DixonNorton Rose Fulbright C...
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada Profile and History
Norton Rose Fulbright, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is a multinational law firm that focuses on six main practice areas, which include finance, energy, infrastructure, transportation, technology, and healthcare.
Top Norton Rose Fulbright Canada Integrations and Technologies
Here's a list of some of the top trending technologies and APIs used by Norton Rose Fulbright Canada.
What is Norton Rose Fullbright?
Norton Rose Fullbright Canada LLP is a law firm that practices in both common and civil law systems.
Did Norton Rose Fulbright match her fears?
For her part, Ng found that Norton Rose Fulbright did not match her majority-culture fears. “As a law student,” she says, “I thought Bay Street firms were a white, big boys’ club. But I don’t feel any of that here. Management includes accomplished women with families. With those role models I can see myself building a career here where I am included.”
Développeur généraliste (à distance)
Infrastructures Javascript (par exemple, Express, React, Angular, Ember).
Full Stack Developer (Remote)
The Full Stack Developer will be responsible for promoting and utilizing the firm's knowledge assets through building innovative solutions and delivery methods.
Digital Producer
The Digital Producer is a member of the Clients and Markets Operations team.
IT Service Support Technician
Under the general direction of the assigned IT Service Support Lead, the IT Service Support Technician role provides exceptional customer service to an assigned…
Adjointe en marques de commerce
Préparer des requêtes d'examen ou d'autre documentation afférente aux demandes.
IT Service Support Lead (12 month contract)
Reporting to the IT Service Support Manager, as a member of the IT Service Delivery team, the IT Service Support Lead manages operationally the assigned IT…
Legal Assistant - Employment & Labour
This full-time permanent legal assistant role will provide support to lawyers in our litigation practice.