What is the role of remote area nurses in the NT?
Remote area nurses play a key role in delivering health care in the NT, as do nurse practitioners, who are trained to undertake diagnosis, prescribe medicine and provide emergency care. Careflight operates a 24-hour emergency flight service for the Top End.
How do I access my agency's network and necessary applications remotely?
To access your agency's network and necessary applications remotely you will need to request and activate an RSA SecurID token. An activated RSA SecurID authentication token will enable you to access programs such as the Outlook Web Application (OWA), Office 365 (O365) products including SharePoint, and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
What is the remote teachers guide?
The Remote Teachers guide contains practical information for people thinking about or preparing to live and teach in a remote NT community. The content is based on the advice, experiences and learnings of past and present remote NT educators.
Where can I find the technical aspects of working remotely?
This course covers the technical aspects of working remotely and can be found in the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS) using code ITS_Work_2019 or by clicking the link here. 2. Hardware Your Agency may or may not provide you with any additional hardware for the sole purpose of working remotely.

How do I access my NTG email?
If you're a Northern Territory Government (NTG) employee, you can access MyHR and the NTG phone directory via AccessNTG. If you need to access your email, you must have your multi-factor authentication set up. You can only set this up while connected to the NTG network.
How many remote communities are there in NT?
Familiarise yourself with remote communities in the NT BushTel profiles 76 remote communities in the Northern Territory.
How do you address the NT Administrator?
The Administrator is addressed as “Your Honour” when speaking to her for the first time and subsequently as 'Ma'am,' pronounced with a short 'a,' as in 'jam'. Mr O'Halloran is addressed as “Mr O'Halloran” when speaking to him.
What is the role of the NT Administrator?
It is the duty of the Administrator to sign all Bills that have been passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory in order to make them part of the law of the Northern Territory. The Administrator regularly presides over a meeting of the Executive Council (comprising the Chief Minister and Ministers).
What is the smallest Aboriginal tribe in Australia?
WiradjuriWiradjuri peopleHierarchyLanguage group:WiradhuricGroup dialects:WiradjuriArea (approx. 97,100 square kilometres (37,500 sq mi))8 more rows
Where is the biggest Aboriginal community in Australia?
Of any single region in Australia, western Sydney has the highest concentration of Aboriginal people. According to the census, around 2 million people were living in greater western Sydney in 2006. A little more than 25,000 of them identified as Aboriginal descent.
Who appoints the NT Administrator?
the Governor-General of AustraliaThe Administrator of the Northern Territory is an official appointed by the Governor-General of Australia to represent the government of the Commonwealth in the Northern Territory, Australia. They perform functions similar to those of a state governor.
Who lives in the Government House in Darwin?
the Administrator of the Northern TerritoryGovernment House is the office and official residence of the Administrator of the Northern Territory in Darwin, Australia.
Who represents the Queen in Northern Territory?
Her Honour the Honourable Vicki O'Halloran AO was sworn in as the 22nd Administrator of the Northern Territory on 31 October 2017. As Administrator, Her Honour represents the Crown in right of the Northern Territory.
How much does the NT Administrator get paid?
The average salary for a administrator is $79,568 per year in Northern Territory.
Who is the SCP Administrator?
The Administrator is a mysterious figure in the SCP Foundation, often believed to be the only person with authority above the O5 Council and having deep involvement with the formation of The Foundation in general.
Who is the NT Chief Minister?
Natasha FylesNorthern Territory / Chief ministerNatasha Kate Fyles is an Australian politician and the 12th Chief Minister of the Northern Territory. She lives in Darwin, Northern Territory. A member of the Territory Labor, she was elected to the seat of Nightcliff in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly at the 2012 Northern Territory election. Wikipedia
How many indigenous communities are there in the NT?
List of 72 Northern Territory remote Indigenous communities provided with services under the Indigenous Essential Services Agreement 2013-2016.
How many indigenous communities are there in the Northern Territory?
There are about 500 homelands in the Northern Territory with a total of 2,400 homes. Around 10,000 people live on homelands, while others have a small family group.
Where is galiwinku?
Northern Territory, AustraliaElcho Island, also called Galiwinku or Galiwin'ku, island, Northern Territory, Australia, in the Arafura Sea. It is situated 2 miles (3 km) across Cadell Strait from the Napier Peninsula and is a part of Arnhem Land, a large region belonging to the Yolngu Aboriginal people.
What is the Territory Government considering for the Darwin region?
To increase water security for all Territorians and as part of the development of a strategic water plan, the Territory Government is considering infrastructure solutions for the Darwin region.
What is the Northern Territory Export and Industry Awards 2021?
2021 is the 28th year of the Chief Minister’s Northern Territory Export and Industry Awards, a program that is coordinated by the International Business Council of the Chamber of Commerce NT , and supported by the Northern Territory (NT) Government as a major partner. Find out more. News 1 Jul 2021.
Where are Expressions of Interest open?
Expressions of Interest are now open to join the Northern Territory (NT) Government’s Community Accountability Boards in Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs.
What is remote?
Remote communities have much of the essential infrastructure of a small town with most communities having a local store, health clinic, school, arts centre and workshop. The majority of residents will be local Aboriginal people with deep connections to the country on which the community is established. The number of non-Aboriginal people living and working there will depend on the size and service needs of the community.
What is remote teacher guide?
The Remote Teachers guide contains practical information for people thinking about or preparing to live and teach in a remote NT community. The content is based on the advice, experiences and learnings of past and present remote NT educators.
Is teaching in a remote school rewarding?
It is not for everyone and the conditions can be challenging. However, it is also a unique experience and can be immensely rewarding, offering you a lifestyle you may never get to experience working in a larger city. You will have the opportunity to learn more about who you are as a teacher ...
How many people live in the NT?
The population of the NT is almost 250,000. Outside Darwin and the satellite city of Palmerston, most of the NT is considered remote or very remote, with many people living on cattle stations, in mining towns or in Aboriginal communities. Small centres, such as Alice Springs, provide services to surrounding communities.
What is the number for mental health in the NT?
In addition to the NT Mental Health Line (1800 682 288) , other 24-hour mental health hotlines are available.
What is the Northern Territory?
Planning ahead. From the arid centre to the tropical north, the Northern Territory (NT) is a unique place in which to live, work or travel. Much of the state is very remote, so health services are not always readily available. By planning ahead, you can be prepared for when you need help.
Who provides emergency flights to Central Australia?
Emergency flights for Central Australia are provided by St John Ambulance and the Royal Flying Doctor Service. The Royal Flying Doctor Service also provides telehealth and medical chests and outreach services to Central Australia.
What are the pressures of living in rural Australia?
These pressures include loneliness and isolation. There are services available for Central Australia and the Top End to help you maintain good mental health.
What is ITS working remotely?
To work remotely is to access your agency's network while you are away from your primary workstation. This site contains resources and common troubleshooting tips to support individuals who may be working remotely.
What is ITSM self service portal?
The ITSM Self-Service Portal can be used to check the status of a ticket or request assistance. Please click the link above and sign into the self-service portal.
What is RSA SecurID?
RSA SecurID is a multi-factor authentication technology that is used to protect network services. The RSA SecurID authentication mechanism consists of an assigned hardware or software "token" that generates a dynamic authentication number code at fixed intervals. Users provide the unique number code when logging into a protected service from any network outside the State network.
What to do if you enter too many passcodes?
After entering too many incorrect passcodes, you may be required to enter a next Token code. If using a Soft Token, wait and then enter the next available passcode shown. If using a Hard Token, wait and then enter the next available Token code shown (random 6 digits). Do NOT enter PIN + Token code.
Can you work remotely with an agency?
Your Agency may or may not provide you with any additional hardware for the sole purpose of working remotely. Subject to your agency's discretion, employees who have been approved to work remotely may be permitted to use their personal devices, such as a personal desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and/or smartphone.