How do I connect to NYU Law via a VPN?
To open the Remote Desktop Connection client, click the Start Menu and type remote desktop. Confirm that your office computer's IP address is listed. Click Connect. Conn ect to the NYU VPN. Double-click the connection named NYU Law. Click Connect. Conn ect to the NYU VPN.
How do I access law school e-mail?
This is the preferred method of access to Law School e-mail. The NYU VPN (virtual private network) client is needed in order to access Remote Desktop, Network Shares (F and H Drives), and many other NYU services. For mobile devices and other instructions, visit the NYU VPN page. VPN requires NYU Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) .
How can I work remotely as a law school employee?
This page serves as a general teleworking guide to Law School employees. Working remotely presents unique challenges, notably being able to communicate directly with your team members/colleagues. There are a number of tools available today which can help, including teleconference, video chat, and group chat.
Can I take my exam remotely or take it at home?
Computer-Proctored Remote exams can be taken almost anywhere, as long as you have Wi-Fi and a working laptop camera. You will access your test from within Exam4. Exam questions cannot be printed, and this mode does not permit cutting and pasting text into Exam4. Take-Home exams can be taken almost anywhere, as long as you have Wi-Fi.

What is NYU School of Law ITS?
NYU School of Law ITS makes it easy for you to stay connected while you are away from your desk. Whether you are traveling for a conference or on vacation, all you need is an Internet connection to access your emails, documents, and any other NYU resources.
What is a VPN client for NYU?
Some programs require a direct connection to NYU-NET. A VPN client is used to establish that connection from off-campus. Installing and configuring the Cisco VPN Client provides a secure connection to the NYU network.
Connecting to the F and H Network Share Drives from Off-campus
Connecting to network drives (i.e. F and H drives) is now supported while off-campus. Users wishing to connect to these drives may follow the instructions below.
You will need to establish a VPN connection each time you wish to connect to your network drives. Once you have established the VPN connection, you will need to run the network shares script to complete the connection to your network drives.
To install the VPN client on a Microsoft Windows based PC, follow these steps
Click here to navigate to NYU’s Windows VPN installation page. The link to download the client is in the first step on that page.
You will only need to enter in the server information (vpn.nyu.edu) once.
Known Issues
Some Windows 8.1 users may receive an error message when trying to connect to NYU VPN, similar to "Failed to initialize connection subsystem." NYU ITS ServiceLink knowledgebase article KB0013024 provides a work-around.
What is VPN in NYU?
NYU Virtual Private Network (VPN) NYU Virtual Private Network (VPN) uses the Cisco AnyConnect software client to provide secure, password-protected access to NYU's campus network (NYU-NET) from an off-campus location. Most remote work can be done without using the NYU VPN service. However, VPN must be used when connecting to a few NYU services ...
Does NYU require multifactor authentication?
Note that Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) is required when connecting to VPN and the process is a little different than it is for other NYU services.