Why choose Oak Hill senior living?
At Oak Hill our residents are family, and it is our mission to seek their care beyond the basic needs required. It is not enough that our residents simply get by, we want them to thrive and flourish. In fact, this has been our mission for over 60 years.
Why choose HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital?
HCA Florida Oak Hill Hospital is making important data available to physicians so we can see ourselves as an individual or as a specialty group. You can review the individual cases that contribute to your mortality rate, readmissions, complications and your personal overall Quality and Utilization scores.
What's new at Oak Hill Montessori community school?
Effective fall of 2021, this new public Charter School, based in Shoreview, MN, will offer authentic Montessori education to children 16 months – 8th Grade. One of many aspirations for Oak Hill Montessori Community School is to make Montessori education more accessible to children.
When are the Oak Hill open houses?
Open Houses are scheduled for Thursday, August 18th, from 5:00-7:30pm for Oak Hill Elementary School and Oak Hill Middle/High School. Parents and students are encouraged to visit the schools to meet the staff and tour the buildings. Click here for the Middle/High School event flyer. Click here for the Elementary School event flyer.

Sweethearts Queen 2022
Congratulations to Brooke Howard who was crowned Sweethearts Queen for 2022.
OHES Souper Bowl Success
The 2022 OHES Souper Bowl collected 3,057 food items for the Oak Hill Food Pantry. Emily Woods’ 2nd grade had the biggest collection and earned a party. Students and staff were encouraged to wear shirts of their favorite team and those who participated were entered in a random prize drawing. Staff winners were Jackie Hildenbrand and Stacy Adkins.
Walking Oaks
Congratulations to fifth graders Braylee Remy (50 miles), Weston Foster (50 miles), Emma Walker (25 miles), Colt Hughes (25 miles), Cale Hutchins (125 miles), Quinton Chambers (75 miles), and Clark Bartels (75 miles) for their achievements in the Oak Hill Elementary Walking Oaks Club.
Solo and Ensemble 2022
Congratulations to the following Oak Hill Band members who attended OMEA District 17 Solo and Ensemble held at Gallia Academy High School.
Hat and Glove Drive
The Oak Hill Junior High Girls Basketball team held a drive for hats and gloves to be distributed to those in need within the community. Items collected were donated to TLC Ministries which feeds this and other Oak Hill athletic teams. Click photo for larger view. January 2022
BPA Awards Ceremony
BPA Ohio Region 2 awards ceremony was held on January 13, 2022 at Jackson Middle School. The Oak Hill students competed in a variety of contests including - Advanced Spreadsheet, Word Processing, Computer Programming Concepts, Podcast Production and Small Business Management.
Memory Project Portrait
Oak Hill High School 10th grade art student Bree Lodwick displays her portrait for the Memory Project. This project gives high school students the opportunity to connect and share their talents with children from different countries. This portrait will be delivered to the child that resides in Cameroon, Africa. Click photo for larger view.