An authoriz ed car e provider can gain read/write access to OB TraceVue from any PC on the hospital LAN (OB department or physician’s office) or remotely via secure connection from home. Runs alongside other applications OB TraceVue runs alongside third-party applications and can be minimiz ed to an icon while users wor k with other applications.
Full Answer
How to login to OB tracevue Remote app?
Click the Link to New RemoteApp server : New Web Portal/OBTV link to open the Login page. You will be taken to the new Remote App Login page. Log in using your username and password. To log into OB TraceVue, just double click the the OB TraceVue icon.
How does OB tracevue protect patient data?
OB TraceVue The OB TraceVue configuration and the patient data stored by OB TraceVue are protected Security by assigning the required user rights such as System Manager and Super User permission and access rights such as Read or Write permissions. For details refer to the Instructions for Use.
What is OBOB tracevue's architecture?
OB TraceVue is based on a PC client/server architecture. Client PCs are run on Microsoft Windows XP professional; the servers use Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. The internal server is responsible for surveillance, alerting, charting and archiving. In order to guarantee reliable operation, the internal server cannot be accessed by customers.
Does OB tracevue Web Start Windows Internet Explorer?
Start Windows Internet Explorer, connect to the WEB/Terminal Server. Does the OB TraceVue WEB page open? Does OB TraceVue WEB client start? 1. IP address of WEB/Terminal server external NIC 2. WEB/Terminal server must be registered in the hostname locating service (e.g. DNS) of hospital network Expected answer is “yes”.

What is Avalon cableless?
When Avalon Cableless (CL) maternal and fetal heart monitoring solution is used with IntelliSpace Perinatal, clinicians are able to capture a comprehensive clinical record while providing a more flexible birth experience. View the video to see how The Burnside Hospital in Australia offers expectant mothers the freedom to move about during labor.
What are the additional costs that an eligible hospital would pay to implement this Health IT Module’s capabilities?
The additional types of costs that an eligible hospital would pay to implement this Health IT Module’s capabilities whether to meet meaningful use objectives and measures or to achieve any other use within the scope of the health IT's certification includes: Provisioning of Microsoft Licenses – Philips Professional Services for Installation and Consulting Services and Software Support contract.