What can I do remotely at OHSU?
OHSU has numerous tools that can be accessed remotely. Some do not require purchase or installation but some do. Accessing some systems outside of OHSU's secure network will require registering your devices with Duo Mobile . Log telework days.
How do I connect to the CPS network with personal devices?
You must also have authorization from your school before connecting to the CPS network with personal devices. Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network. Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.
How do I use Remote Access Software?
With remote access software, you can easily access applications such as HR4U self service, Hyperion, SSM and Oracle when working outside of a CPS facility. You will only need to download and install the software one time. Once installed, you will access the CPS network by opening the software on your device and logging in to connect.

Welcome to our online remote support and collaboration portal. The following options allow you to connect to a session.
Join with a code
No sessions are currently publicly listed or have invitation codes. You may have an invitation in your email that you can use to join your session.
How to request remote access VA?
You may request remote access by visiting the Remote Access Self Service Portal ( only available while on VA's internal network).
What is a rescue GFE?
RESCUE GFE provides a security posture check and ensures VA data is encrypted from the end device into the VA trusted network. Prior to the device connecting and being allowed onto the VA trusted network the system is checked for multiple security baselines.
How to enable TLS 1.1?
To enable TLS within Internet Explorer: Select ‘Tools’, then ‘Internet Options’, then the ‘Advanced’ tab. Enable the checkbox for ‘Use TL S 1.1’ (found towards the end of the list).
Does RESCUE GFE support Windows 10?
This software is installed on all GFE laptops prior to being provided to the user. Currently RESCUE GFE supports Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and MAC OSX.
Select the instructions for your device to learn how to install the remote access software and connect to the CPS network.
CPS Windows Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a CPS-issued Windows computer.
Non-CPS Windows Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Windows computer.
Non-CPS Mac Computer
Select these instructions if you are using a non-CPS/personal Mac computer.
How to request remote access to VA?
Go to the VA home page (open Internet Explorer on a VA computer-this should be the home screen) Look at the links under the “Top Facility Resources” column on the webpage and click on “Remote Access Request” From there, click on “Self Service Portal” at the top of the page to “Request Access” for Remote Access.
What is the best URL for VHA21?
Requires one of two options: 1.Use of PIV card instead of your vha21vhasfcxxxxxxdomain name and password, or; 2.Use of a “One Time Password” (a six-digit number generated by the MobilePASSApp) in addition to your vha21vhasfcxxxxxx credentials 3.Best URL is citrixaccess.va.gov; other options are vacagwest.vpn.va.gov, vacageast.vpn.va.gov, vacagnorth.vpn.va.gov, vacagsouth.vpn.va.gov 4.Your Mac/PC/tablet must have Citrix Receiver installed (www.citrix.com) For Mac, Safari is the best browser
Does MobilePassapp generate activation codes?
The phone’s MobilePASSapp will now generate an Activation Code.