What are the remote access sign on options?
The Remote Access Sign On options provide VPN access using the Pulse Secure Client with your PIV Smartcard or One Time Password (OTP). Important notice for users of home computers and other non-GFE devices: The Pulse Secure remote access system no longer provides remote access support for home computers and other non-GFE devices.
How do I get remote access to my pulse device?
Pulse Secure will continue to provide remote access for EPA managed (GFE) computers and iPhones. Pulse Client Login - PIV Smartcard Authentication: Use your PIV card to connect to EPA's network. First time PIV card users need to make sure they select the correct certificate - click the link for more information: Using PIV card authentication.
How do I set up the EPA remote access service?
Setup and Installation: The EPA Remote Access service provides secure access for EPA employees and contractors. To use, the appropriate registrations and login IDs must have already been created. Click the link for information about using and setting up the Pulse Secure VPN client:

Remote Access News
Pulse Client Login. The Remote Access Sign On options provide VPN access using the Pulse Secure Client with your PIV Smartcard or One Time Password (OTP).
Remote Access Sign On Information
Pulse Client Login - PIV Smartcard Authentication: Use your PIV card to connect to EPA's network. First time PIV card users need to make sure they select the correct certificate - click the link for more information: Using PIV card authentication.