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What is Paragon Remote Management?
Paragon Remote Management is a complex enterprise level remote disk management solution, designed to simplify and automate routine maintenance tasks for a single computer or groups of computers. The product structure is shown on the scheme below:
What is PRM console?
PRM Console offers a user-friendly interface that helps to effectively accomplish required operations while minimizing the possibility of making any mistake. Operations are performed through the system of dialogs. Buttons and menus are accompanied by easy understandable icons. Nevertheless, any problems that might occur while managing the program can be tackled by reading this very chapter.
What is PRM client?
PRM Client is responsible for data exchange between a remote computer and PRM Storage. Besides it initiates scheduled tasks by using an independent scheduling mechanism (no system scheduler is required). It works as a service in the system and is launched at the system startup. In general it is to retrieve a task(s) from the storage and calculate the execution time according to the schedule. When the time comes it downloads the task script and launches the script interpreter. After the script interpreter is accomplished it transmits to the storage the resulted report and the executor log (if any).
What is PRM storage?
PRM Storage is used as a repository for keeping statistics on registered clients, assigned tasks, created groups and task templates as well as reports sent by clients and logs sent by executors. Actually it is a shared directory of a strictly defined structure that contains certain files.
What files are in PRM shared directory?
The PRM shared directory may only contain some certain types of files (psd.ini, task.ini, executor logs, task scripts).
How to dispose of PRM storage?
To dispose PRM Storage it is needed to choose a shared network resource (shared directory) that can be accessed read/write by one or several network users, thus allowing the console and clients to access that shared resource on behalf of these users. To work properly the PRM shared directory name should be known both to the console and clients besides it requires initialization, which will automatically be accomplished with the console the moment a new database is created. After that a client(s) can register in the storage creating subdirectory with the name of its MAC address.
Can a special user access PRM?
Both options guarantee, that only a special user and administrators will have access to client tasks, backup images and other information. Moreover, dealing with the domain configuration, you can even restrict access only to Domain Computers. It’s up to administrators to set up the security policies. The principal here is that the user, on behalf of which PRM Client will operate on client computers, can have read/write access rights to PRM Storage.
A Note From Our Chief Medical Officer, Karin Shavelson, MD
At MarinHealth, we understand that the practice of medicine is a team sport, and we work diligently to be collaborative partners with our Physicians. We are proud of the high quality and dedication of our Medical Staff and community Physicians.
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