How do I get remote access to Penn Medicine?
Remote Access from your own Personal Device – Remote Access Portal Over 70 applicationsare available on the Penn Medicine Remote Access Portal. Accessing applications from the portal is the most efficient method of remote access if you do not have access to a Penn Medicine managed laptop.
How do I Configure my mobile devices to access my Penn email?
Once your Penn email has been migrated to the PennO365 server, you can configure your mobile devices to access your Penn email and contacts. The steps below are for Outlook 2016 and may vary depending on your version of Outlook. It also assumes an existing installation of Outlook 2016. Launch Outlook . Choose the Tools menu and select Accounts .
Can I use outlook on the web for Penn documents?
Note: Microsoft renamed its web client from Outlook Web App (OWA) to Outlook on the web. Although many Microsoft web pages still use Outlook Web App or OWA, Penn-produced documents will use Outlook on the web. For additional information, contact the ITS Service Desk .
How do I configure outlook to manage my penno365 email?
Click the Add Account button. You should begin to see your email showing up in Outlook, and you can now use Outlook to manage your PennO365 email. Calendar Information: Outlook will automatically include your calendar information when you configure your mail. Note: Microsoft renamed its web client from Outlook Web App (OWA) to Outlook on the web.

How do I access PennChart?
Log on https://pennmedaccess.uphs.upenn.edu/ and select “PennChart & Citrix Apps.Select: PennChart.Click: The Citrix .exe file at the bottom of your Google Chrome Browser to launch PennChart.
How do I access my Penn email?
On the F5 Secure Logon for Penn Medicine Screen, enter your Username and Password. Most IDs and Passwords will be lastname first initial. Example – LASTNAMEF. Enter your password and click Logon.
How do I get my Penn email on my iPhone?
To configure your iPhone or iPad for PennO365 email and calendar in iOS apps:Launch the Settings app.Tap Passwords & Accounts and Add Account.Select Microsoft Exchange (may appear as Exchange or Office 365 on some devices)Enter your Email as: yourpennkey@upenn.edu (NOTE: no "sas" or other school/dept prefix)More items...
How do I connect to PennMedicine WiFi?
Connecting to Penn Medicine WiFi in Hospitals and ClinicsTo connect to the hospital's secure WiFi network, go to your phone's Settings page, then select the WiFi section.Make sure that your WiFi is turned on (the switch at the top of the screen should be green).Select to the "PennMedicine" WiFi network to connect.More items...
Does Upenn use Outlook?
You can access your PennO365 account via Outlook Web App (OWA). When signing into your PennO365 account on the web, remember that you are signing in using your Account Name (which is yourpennkey@upenn.edu) and your Pennkey/PennO365 password.
How do I reset my Penn Medicine Email password?
If you forgot your user ID, reach out to your Site Administrator who can provide it to you and also reset your password if need be. If you do not know your Site Administrator, please call the Help Desk at 215-662-7474 and select the option for all password issues.
How do I get PennKey?
If you are new at Penn and don't yet have a PennKey, you will be issued a PennKey Setup Code when you get your PennCard. You can obtain one from The PennCard Center located on the second floor of the Penn Bookstore at 3601 Walnut Street. Visit this page to use your Setup Code to register a new PennKey.
How do I set up myPennMedicine?
First, we need to collect some information about the patient. If you have any questions, please contact us at 866-614-7606. Now, we need to collect some information about you. After you submit the request, we will set up your appointment.
What is my PennKey?
A PennKey is an individual's username and an associated password within the PennKey authentication system. A PennKey is required to authenticate your identity for access to many of Penn's online resources.
How do you make a myPennMedicine account?
To sign up for myPennMedicine, you will first need an 'activation code. ' You may already have an activation code, which was printed on the After Visit Summary from your last appointment. If you do not have an activation code, there are two ways to request one: Request an activation code online.
Which browser is best for remote access?
A note about Internet Explorer (IE), Chrome, and other web browsers: While the Remote Access Portal will work with most browsers on most devices, the Chrome web browser is generally recommended for the best user experience remotely. One exception, however, is E-Star. Users attempting to access E- Star remotely should begin by starting a new IE or MS Edge browser session for best results.
Where is the VPN shortcut on my laptop?
If there is no shortcut type in “Big- IP Edge Client” into the search bar (located at the bottom, on the task bar).
Can Citrix be fulfilled by Service Desk?
Requests for Network Drive access in Citrix can be fulfilled by the Service Desk, assuming that the employee use case cannot be met with Remote Access Portal access alone.